Menno Grootveld via Nettime-tmp on Thu, 22 Jun 2023 16:35:56 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> French crackdown on Les Soulévements de la Terre

Dear all,

Today the sad news arrived that the French state decided upon a total crackdown on the ecological movement Les Soulèvements de la Terre (which translates as something like 'the uprisings of the earth'). Les Soulèvements de la Terre has been responsible for some of the most spectacular actions to protect the environment that we have seen lately. In one instance they dismantled half a factory last year, and only a week ago they clashed with heavily-armed French police forces in a mountain valley that is under threat of a high speed trainline between Lyon and Turin in Italy.

Now the French minister of the Interior has ordered the movement to dissolve. In the relevant decree there is a direct referral to Andreas Malm's How To Blow Up a Pipeline, of which I have been the Dutch publisher.

In my eyes this is a crucial moment in the struggle for everything that we hold dear. Dissident voices are suppressed everywhere, while the drumbeats of the war-mongers are stronger than ever and the burning of the earth relentlessly proceeds. This is the time that we have to stand up and say 'no, we won't accept this any longer.'

Please support the Soulèvements de la Terre in every way you can, sign the petition, organize rally's and take to the streets. Spread the word in your networks! We will never surrender! No pasaran!

For the latest news: (also in English)

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