paul van der walt via Nettime-tmp on Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:14:47 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Direction of Travel - technical

Hey Jaime, Christian,

On 2023-06-14 at 11:39 -04, quoth Jaime Magiera via Nettime-tmp <>:
I’ve been quietly following this discussion, but will pipe in on this aspect: Running from a container would be a wise solution. The archives can be stored on a mount and backed up elsewhere. I’m happy to provide my expertise in the area of containerization (and Kubernetes if so
desired) to help if this is the way folks decide to go.

I appreciate folks are just brainstorming, but i feel i should add my 2c too. It is my literal day job to support a fairly sizeable e-commerce website (millions to billions of SKUs, millions of requests per minute) with AWS infrastructure, and we use a lot of Kubernetes and Docker. In that context, the trade-offs make sense. But i guess my only plea would be, let's please not overcook and overcomplicate things from the get-go. Bringing Kubernetes into the discussion is almost the canonical example of over-complication for hosting a mailing list.

I think it's noble and understandable to want to do work up-front to make things infinitely lift-and-shiftable, but personally my philosophy is what is sometimes jokingly called "KISS - keep it simple, stupid". Concretely, that would mean i'd favour using (e.g.) plain-old Mailman from a package repository of Linux or indeed (Rich's suggestion) OpenBSD for stability and security.

If i'm to be involved in the technical side of things (and that's the main reason i volunteered for janitorial duties) i'd want to hold off on committing to any one particular hosting company / technological choice / etc. because, as others have pointed out, our main difficulties are social.

I hope my response is sufficiently measured, but the mention of Kubernetes hit a bit of a nerve for me :).

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