David Garcia via Nettime-tmp on Tue, 30 May 2023 11:24:43 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Corporate AI

In August this year political historian David Runciman will publish ‘Handover’ where he argues that a few hundred years ago, humans started building the robots that now rule our world.

They are called states and corporations: immensely powerful artificial entities, with capacities that go far beyond what any individual can do, and which, unlike us, need never die. The book attempts to distil over three hundred years of thinking about how to live with artificial agency.

But in some ways the book is late to the table. To take just one example in 2003 Mark Achbar’s documentary The Corporation could also be seen as reminder that corporations have as Runciman argues "a lot in common with what we call AI. They are artificial decision-making machines, they are inhuman, they don’t have a conscience, they don’t have a soul. They have a memory, but it is not a human memory. corporations are smart but its not human intelligence..” in that their overriding objectives transcend human flourishing. Moreover at the moment it’s the most inhuman of the corporate agents that we have that are in charge of machine learning technologies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU5-hbxwUX

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