Jean-Noël Montagné via Nettime-tmp on Wed, 14 Jun 2023 13:04:26 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Direction of Travel

I disagree with Vesna's "inclusive" approach

moderation requires Netiquette know-how
moderation requires good manners and politeness
moderation requires a talent for analyzing content
moderation requires diplomacy to manage conflicts
moderation requires a personal culture capable of understanding the intellectual concepts used in Nettime content moderation requires intellectual acuity to detect unhealthy or discriminating content but none of these skills are linked to skin color, age, gender or sexual preference.


There is a paradox here about power and inclusion:

- on one hand (one end of spectrum) there is (emotional) labor that moderation is

and i am glad that this is done, for a change, by male-white-old-cis people

- on the other hand, this is a position of power: to decide the tone, content, who-gets-to-speak, and culture

... and therefore, it would be aligned with (presumed) values of nettime to have more diversity in the mod-team.

This is one of the reasons why I am not volunteering up to join (right now), because I am part of the majority here (white-old-cis), and I am happy to make space for those who are able to contribute to newer nettime: please consider joining in any capacity, make your voice heard, or help us by inviting those who are even less represented.


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