Christian Swertz via Nettime-tmp on Sun, 4 Jun 2023 13:33:24 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Travels

Dear Patrice,

Am 02.06.23 um 11:20 schrieb Patrice Riemens via Nettime-tmp:

This said, is it me, or do I have the feeling Christian is a bit 'fast'?

You are right - I certainly have a tendency for quick solutions, considerably if it comes to technology that disrupts activities I like (like reading mails on nettime). Thus I simply thought a technical solution to restore the technical channel is a precondition for debating the future of nettime with all people on the list.

BTW: I don't really want to be the moderator of the list unless that's really necessary. But obviously, technology and power are connected. Thus this:

Would a cynic (like me ;-) think in terms of 'hijack' (either of the agenda, or of the whole bakery ;-) Ahwell, must be me ...

reminds me that I forgot to properly introduce myself. Since my name is easy to find on the net, I would like to add only two little remarks you won't find online (yet): (1) My first computer was a C64, and I learned programming on an Apple II at school. After school, I studied education, information science and psychology. In that time, when digital communication for political purposes means using BBS systems like the FIDO Network, I became member of the executive board of the not longer existing IKÖ (society for information ecology), a society, that cooperated with the still existing FIFF ( In other terms: A politically motivated creative use of technology based on critical thinking has been important for me for quite a while. (2) Today, I feel some tendency to pick up Noam Chomskys political opinions about media. In other terms: If there 's something really I would like to hijack, it's the OECD. But that's another issue...

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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