David Garcia via nettime-l on Tue, 21 Nov 2023 19:44:19 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> how the term 'Contemporary Art' is used

I had a recent on-line discussion with writer and artist Matthew Collings recently offered a critique of the term 'contemporary art' the gist of which was that it was too loosely applied to actually mean anything significant.

I took issue with Matthew arguing in effect was that it was more interesting to look at how the term was actually used.

The term 'contemporary art' (e.g.Turner Prize) functions a bit like the term 'literary fiction' (e.g. Booker Prize) Both terms signify, *as an ideal* an author/artist is willing to raise difficult and complex questions, live with doubt and ambiguity even opacity. Refuse to give up all its secrets immediately, refuse to be likeable, And above all retain a degree of ungraspability. This makes relatively high demands on the audience, as well as on themselves. To get the benefits audience and artist have to put in the work. As the cliche goes.. its for anyone but not for everyone.

David Garcia
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