Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 20:12:45 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> It's Time to Fight for Open Source Again (fwd)

Hi Sean, thanks very much for your arguments. Quite interesting. May I ask a question about the conclusion? If you suggest to be careful about this:

some hindrances, the concept of 'scientific consensus' still exists and
there still is, in the majority of situations, ways to differentiate
facts from misinformation.

argument by Daniel, and write this:
I used to think the anarcho-capitalists and Right-situationists had stolen left critiques of science for their campain=gns; but no. The difference is that they DO assert that their statements are accurate accounts of the world. One way to recognise misonformation is the absolute certainty of those who broadcast it that it is indeed a truth about the world.

you seem to assume that there still is a way to differentiate facts from misinformation. One condition for truth is for instance, that it is presented without absolute certainty.

Looks like a contradiction. I thus assume that I missed something. Can you give me a hint?

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz
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