John Hopkins via nettime-l on Wed, 4 Oct 2023 04:55:35 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> FWD: The Copy Far "AI" license (fwd)

Of course, Christian, you can consider reality as whatever you want, although those considerations could send you in wildly problematic directions in terms of survival, it makes little difference to me and my framing of the reality that I observe, experience, and assume I am a part of. It's about surviving and thriving, at least to some degree. Taking the decision to interpret the world however you like might seem like autonomy until you realize that doing so radically shortens your existence because your 'choice' of worldview did not actually sync with the actual reality. So far the human species overall has many models, and no real conclusive evidences of ... anything.

You seem to be suggesting that you can do whatever you want despite the nature (of reality suggested by my model) of a connected and continuous field of flows. What you want, and how you act to fulfill those wants, would seem to have very connected ramifications to the proximal and distal world.

If you can frame a functional and holistic worldview that posits you as autonomous, free, and having no onerous connections to a wider reality that may impinge on that autonomy, a reality as a continuous field (that is, one that works to enhance at least a minimal level of survival and is comprehensible), I'm very interested to hear it. Perhaps you are thinking of Buddhism packaged in a closed box?

One only needs to articulate a worldview in order to compare/contrast with others in a social setting. Otherwise, no need to articulate, rather it is enough to simply 'be' (no matter how you imagine your autonomy from or your embeddedness in the operational reality).


On 10/3/23 1:46 AM, Christian Swertz wrote:
And if I do not consider the nature of reality as a completely connected and continuous field of flows? Admittedly an autonomous decision - but nothing can keep me from thinking (and in most cases: acting) this way. I can't force anybody to do the same - but all people can take this decision, if they like, since all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (at least in my perspective).

As far as I see, this freedom is incompatible with the concept of a connected and continuos field of flows. Don't you think so?

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
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