John Hopkins on Sun, 14 May 2023 19:52:24 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> New proposal

While the silence on the list has mirrored my own stepping away from remotely mediated conversations more broadly in the stead of paying more attention to rewilding a property in western Colorado, I would to make one suggestion. That is, while it is uncomplicated to set up a MailMan list instance, it is not easy to manage any form of moderation. Given some of the hiccups and disagreements that have occurred in the past, I believe that any discussion between and among folks who are implementing the rollover and the old guard should be conducted on the list. And that all folks involved in the ensuing 'management' of the list not only be identified but I would also like to hear them express their goals for, opinions on, and understanding of nettime, and how they might 'manage' the list. This moment may signify a 'turning-point' for the list, and open documentation/discussion would be helpful in determining the future trajectory.

Again, the tech infrastructure implementation is relatively simple in this case, but a combination of the replication and renewal of the moderation and 'management' process should not occur in the dark. Prior instances of secrecy and/or undue aggressive bloviating, intended or not, incurred harm to the list on occasion. Fortunately it hasn't killed the list yet, but it did drive people away.

Thanks, looking forward to the discussion.


On 5/14/23 7:05 AM, Geoffrey Goodell wrote:
Hello Menno and all,

Agree with Menno's proposal -- we should support it.  INC sounds like a
fantastic host.  It is wonderful to see so much enthusiasm and capacity to keep
this project going.  I also offer my support as well and am happy to help
Menno, Geert, and Florian however possible.

To be clear, continuing nettime is important not only because of the value of
continuing this community.  It is important for building resilience: a bulwark
against a world of platform services run by powerful data brokers, the world of
proprietary apps that supplant freedom in favour of control, the world of feeds
that aim to curate our world, the world of mobile devices that buttress an
expectation that we must always be online and interruptible.  The earlier
proposals geared toward transforming nettime into something like that are truly

Thankfully we have decisively stepped away from that precipice.  But what we
must do now is follow through.  Will Felix and Ted work with us to hand over
the keys (list membership, archives, configuration settings, DNS records, and
so on) to some responsible successors.

Menno, please let us know if this new team has any difficulty engaging with
Felix and Ted to make this happen, please keep us posted, and please let us
know if we can help.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
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