Edi on Tue, 7 Dec 1999 19:26:58 +0100

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Syndicate: message from the pyramid

hello everybody,
first i beg your pardon for this late posting, but times have 
been really hectic and relatively full of events in the pyramid. so let me start 
with them
from novmber 1st - 15th the pyramid was involved in the 
project "Tirana Autumn". this program started some years ago only as "The days 
of new music" from a cultural ngo directed from mr. Sokol Shupo. this year the 
event was much larger and besides the music events, which are the main body of 
it, there were also the days of experimental film and two visual art exhibitions 
from Tomy Schneider, austrian artist and two albanian artists.
the event program is as follows:
03.11.99, day of albanian music (pyramid hall, 
04.11.99, day of italian music, Laura Giordano pianist 
(pyramid hall, 18.00)
05.11.99, promotion of Jacques Chailley book (academy of fine 
arts, 10.00)
of french music, Gerard Fremy, pianist (pyramid hall, 18.00)
06.11.99 classical resonance, Laura Giordano, pianist (pyramid 
hall, 18.00)
07.11.99 classical resonace, orchestra of afa (pyramid hall, 
08.11.99 day of british music, (national museum of history, 
09.11.99 day of swiss music (hotel europapark, 
10.11.99 day of swedish music (pyramid hall, 
11.11.99 day of german music (german embassy, 
12.11.99 day of greek music (hotel europapark, 
14.11.99 day of french music (pyramid hall, 
days of experimental film (inside and outside 
03.11.99 german director, Kirsten Winter, (afa and pyramid 
04.11.99 swiss film: Jan Jedlicka & Mo Diner (afa and 
pyramid square)
05.11.99 austrian directors, Peter Tcherkassy (afa and pyramid 
08.11.99 austrian directors, Kurt Kren (afa and pyramid 
09.11.99 austrian directors, Valie Export (afa and pyramid 
10.11.99 albanian director, Fatmir Koçi (afa and pyramid 
visual arts program:
01-14.11.99 Tomy Schneider, Wien, Austria (national 
related to all the events, there were a series of workshops 
from the artists. the pyramid organized the german director of experimental 
film, Kirsten Winter workshop.
other events:
17.11.99 symphonic concert with the "united orchestra" 
organized in collaboration with the ministry of culture.
25.11.99 british-german contemporary photography exhibition in 
collaboration with british council, german embassy, ministry of culture, 
klikekspoklik and artgraph.
this exhibition was focused on the general theme "body and 
urbanism". the german selection was curated by Matthias Harder, while the 
british one from Ian Jeffrey. the show featured 11 photographers from berlin: 
Jens Liebchen, Ernst Altmann, Joachim Schmid, Christian Rothmann, Jurgen 
Baumann, Thomas Florshuetz, Besnik&Flutura Haxhillari, Reinhard KuhlAndreas 
Schmid, Ulrich Wust. there were 6 london photographers: Alison Paye, James 
Gourney, Lala Meredith-Vula, Penelope Petsini, Eleni Mouzakiti, Sophie 

intro from edi muka from the catalogue "body and 
"The group exhibition of contemporary German-British 
photography, with the overall theme "Body and Urbanism", is an attempt to 
establish a permanent socio-cultural relationship with two of the outstanding 
centers for Contemporary Art and Culture in Europe and wider, as Berlin and 
London. By choosing such a medium as photography, that marked the beginning of 
modern era and the change in Art, this exhibition brings bits of a multicultural 
reality, that in some way is affected by the social and political changes of 
Europe after 1990.
While with the German artists such phenomena as the physical 
change of urban landscape are evident and almost touchable and with an even 
slight similarity with Albania, with the British artists one can notice their 
mixed background, which is part of important identity layers of London 
I think that it is of interest to follow the interaction between 
man and city, the changes they submit due to this interaction, and all the 
process of the representation of this phenomena in Art.
Since both areas represented come from a very rich tradition on 
photography, I think that this meeting point and the establishing of 
communication through a visual medium such as photography, is of important 
relevance for the Albanian public."
this show is going to stay open until december 20th. 
currently the pyramid is involved in the second edition of the 
international show "Onufri 99". the pyramid has provided all coordiantion of the 
international participant artists and is going to provide its spaces and an 
important part of the infrastructure. also the "Onufri" forum shall be organized 
from the pyramid as well as the reception party with the performance of the 
german dj-s Highfish and Diringer on the 17th of december. "Onufri 99" venue is 
december 18th.
detailed program of "Onufri" show to come soon,
best to everybody,
edi muka