integer on Thu, 2 Aug 2001 15:16:41 +0200 (CEST)

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>Included in the show are a number of recognized pioneers in the area of new
>media art, such as Mark Amerika, Giselle Beiguelman, David Crawford, GH
>Hovagimyan, Fee Plumley, Art Ensemble, Institute for
>Applied Autonomy, Matt Locke, Simon Penny,, John Simon, and Joel
>Slayton.  In addition, exciting new works from Elise Co, Gregory Little, Tom
>Kemp, Angie Waller, Gregory Chiapuisat, Chiaki Darcy, and Max Kauffmann
>(RTMark) stretch the boundaries of expression in the handheld realm.

oke. d.akord. tres bien. tres tres bien. 

       + how much were these pioneers compensated for their pioneering work +?

[nn suspektz (in fakt i know) pioneers in the modern obfuskated fascist epok indikates 
 those embracing open slavery]

>Patrick Lichty
>Curator, (re)distributions

cure me then 

well just answer my question - for you know you that you are + they know that they are
+ i know you mais others may wish to as well.

speak. please.


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