| f | | | | 3 on Thu, 5 Feb 2009 09:41:09 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] reklamele si 'artistii' servesc arta sau prostitutia ... punKt

"Maria-Valentina Iancu" <valentina.iancu@art.museum.ro> - demonstrind  
prostitutia de gradul 3

 > cretinule.
 > ai mentalitate si atitudine de provincial roman. prost, evident.
 > p.s. cand o sa realizezi macar pe sfert din ce a reusit perjovschi  
 > sa
 > deschizi gura sa-l comentezi!

Diferenta dintre o doamna si o prostituata este ca ca o doamna nu se  
if she is called a prostitute.

Pe cind toti neo-comunisti si 'artistii' use their superior etichete  
to sanction their 'art'.

You may care to drop the neo-communist URBAN SUPERIORITY complex ...

After all -- once upon a time the very idea of you was sculpted in  
the 'provincie'
and it is the 'provincie' and pigs that feed your 'art'. That doesn't  
make you less nor more than the pig you consumed.

In event you haven't noticed, unconscious 'artists'/'perjovschi's'  
use their 'art' to justify their importance.
Not unlike Communism,  Capitalism and the State  that leverage  
Credit, the Party and the Law to rise above LIFE.

By all means, learn something from the recession -- The cost of  
Prostitutes fluctuates and is finite.
Much as the scope of a prostitute is ephemeral and finite.

Art is priceless and infinite.

It belongs to the poor. to the rich. and to the pigs.

Art doesn't need your etichete.

Art suffices unto Art.

Vremeto nikogas ne si umira a i krugot ne e trkalezen

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