integer on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 23:27:33 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [Nettime-ro] O lume second-hand

>Ar avea, precum vedem, in planul Bunului Dumnezeu un rol superior, unic,
>avand un <84>destin<93> supranatural. 

Pfa. Ginduri eroice. droguri.

>El a fost creat de Dumnezeu, intru Dumnezeu, pentru Dumnezeu. Apoi
>Creatorul a facut lumea, pamantul cu toate ale sale pentru om. Pentru ca
>omul sa traiasca <84>first hand<93>. 

Nu dumnezeu l-a creat pe om. Oamenii l-au creat pe dumnezeu.

A urmat un dialog - nu un monolog.
This is what reassures us. That impostors use a false idea of god 
to enslave people is unfortunate, yet inconclusive

>Am mai spus candva, dar nu voi osteni sa reamintesc, ori de cate ori voi
>avea prilejul, ca derapajul acesta dramatic s-a produs atunci cand
>comunitatile si-au extins in mod nemasurat limitele, vertical si orizontal,
>atunci cand au aparut marile citadele inaxiale. 


>Axa societatii ar fi trebuit sa fie biserica. 

Nu biserica l-a creat pe om. Oamenii au creat biserica.
Inainte de realitate a existat in imaginatie si suflet.

Nu poti sa ingenunchezi veritabil in fata unei `icoane`
daca nu esti in stare sa ingenunchezi in fata unei persoane reale.

Te uiti dupa o idee eroica dupa ceva maret - dar acesta este un fals first hand.
Nu se poate ajunge la first hand fara sa ingenunchezi la `second hand`

pt. ca viata este mentinuta in viata de second hand.
si first hand se ridica din viata cu radacini din second hand

Foarte facil si comfortabil sa iti declari dragostea pt. omenire si biserica [first hand].
Mult mai dificil sa iubesti persoane reale [second hand] care sint imperfecte.

Second hand has created first hand.
Second hand is the path to first hand.
Second hand is the real first hand.
Heaven is on earth.

That many impostors [organized religion. state. technology etc] use an illusory first hand to 
enslave the second and real first hand is unfortunate
yet it does not prove the inferiority of the real 
second/first hand. The illusory first hand's survival
is contingent on the second/first hand. The former's
existence demonstrates the survival of the latter.

>Tu ai poruncit ca poruncile Tale sa le pazesca foarte. O, de s-ar indrepta
>caile mele, sa pazesca indreptarile Tale. Atunci nu ma voi rusina cand voi
>cauta spre toate poruncile Tale. Marturisi-ma-voi Tie intru indreptarea
>inimii, ca sa ma invat judecatile dreptatii Tale. Indreptarile tale voi
>cauta, nu ma parasi pana in sfarsit. (...)<93>. Amin.

there are two worlds.
the world of self and the world of the other.
tn between there is a passage:
where i flow into you and you pour yourself in me.

mystic dialogue.

we are opening the borders of our superstition,
accepting the differences.
thousands of possible worlds arising.

words aren't wished;
only the signs of a mystic language,
painted as an impossibility of existence
in a world of dead communication.

a simple movement of an invisible life energy.

the movement frees me to pour myself out,
to become the stream of my own energy
free from the outside world which breaks
locks in the cadre of the known.

i am now the circulation of meaning, of the eternal possibility,
communication as a being.

don't give me a name, i'll disappear,
a child, an idiot, a madman,
a name without a name closed in my world.
i want to be free to wish, to wish to disappear,
in a pulsation, blended with you,
my heavenly lover.
you change my self into
pure energy, into a fluid, a rush, a pulsation of love.
without fences, without name, without meaning.
only the lively movement of a double being.

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