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<nettime> A letter from Brian Holmes

A letter from Brian Holmes

Dear friends  -

Greetings and sorry to be off-list for all these crucial discussions. Somehow I was deleted when the mail server broke. Couldn't reinscribe myself and didn't want to trouble the mods who are understandably tired of it all.

Now I have been looking in the archives and quite glad to see that many people are stating the obvious: nettime remains an incredibly valuable resource. It has long been said that we are all too old which is just ridiculous. Ideas circulate between the generations. People reinvent themselves as times change.  Experience is valuable if you accept mortality and care to pass life's stories along. I am glad to see many proposals for rebooting the list, particularly Menno's. Let's just do it.

Obviously I have loved this group of people for their many qualities, first of all the willingness to debate, but not only. My greetings to countless friends, many of whom I am only in touch with through the list, after moving back to the US a decade ago.

I have placed my life's work on nettime, for good reason because the discussions gave meaning to the ideas. For many years I predicted in some detail that neoliberalism would end in social discord and a geopolitical clash, and now exactly that is happening. New technologies will arise along with new social forms, in a harrowing context marked by hegemonic transition and climate change. Not many people are prepared to face this situation, to analyze it and to offer proposals. Yet the dignity of intellectual life, and indeed of the heart, demands exactly that.

Be well everyone, and feel free to add me to the rebooted server. Given the number and quality of the proposals for taking over the list, I think it should happen now. Those who are relinquishing control should just do so, with many thanks and enduring kudos. I look forward to continuing the conversation.

warmly, Brian
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