Morlock Elloi on Fri, 9 Nov 2018 04:59:23 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> The Church of Internet Salvation

There was an event at the Internet Archive earlier this year: "John Perry Barlow Symposium". The stage was streamed, the whole thing is available at .

TL;DR: Barlow enabled Snowden; the Internet is as revolutionary as LSD (a lot); it's not about information but about experience.


The event was held at the Internet Archive auditorium, which looks a lot like a church ... the building used to be the Christian Science church;

The side benches are occupied by about hundred half-life-size statues. The small people enhance the creepy scenery ( , ) and evoke so many associations that I'll abstain from any. Maybe that's the intent, the association overload.

The rest of the benches were full or real people, which did a lot of hugging among themselves;

Cory Doctorow was a perfect MC with a 3.5-hour uninterrupted smile.

E. Snowden gave the usual talk, with a twist around redefining meaning of "national security" meme.

During E. Snowden talk women cried (at least the three observed.) His sermon style of talking was a perfect match for the venue and the audience.

The talking head from the Freedom of the Press Foundation [which was founded by J Assange and JP Barlow for the principal purpose of funding Wikileaks, and which cut off funding channel to Wikileaks few months earlier, the same Wikileaks that saved E. Snowden's ass and ushered him to Moscow] brazenly lied about 2013 E. Snowden events, implying that FPF was somehow involved in E. Snowden's escape, and declared that P. Barlow enabled E. Snowden.


The fascinating part was the transformation of technological deployment into consistent mythology. Everything is perfectly explained: how Internet came to be (because of freedom and such), with heroes, villains, officials, priests, unmentionables and saints.

Can't wait for the Islam-like version.


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