Curt Cloninger on Mon, 19 Nov 2001 06:56:01 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] FLTR 4.0 <punk version>

FLTR 4.0 <punk version>


1. dr. coFFice: photo.album

2. arc

3. david carson: temporary portfolio

4. shepard fairey: the design is kinky interview


dr. coFFice: photo.album

dr. coFFice is a spectre from the days of  He might 
fairly be called the NN of web ds9r circles, except he's less 
post-human Marlene Dietrich and more post-smack William Burroughs. 
dr. coFFice has developed a linguistic vocabulary that centers 
largely around cheese.  crust, hump, moldy, his mother-in-law, and 
several other interesting expletives also figure heavily into the 
rhetoric that is coFFice.  He has spoken at the New Media Underground 
Festival (missed that one), maintains two web sites, and posts 
sporadically to various bulletin boards.

However the good doctor's best output is a public online photo album 
that he maintains at  Most photo albums at altsense 
contain lomography and personal shots from various members of the 
altsense community, numbering 50 or 60 images per album at most. 
Whereas, dr. coFFice's images total 820.  (There will be more there 
tomorrow.)  He has a wrist cam, so the images start off pretty lo-res 
(and borderline voyeuristic) to begin with.  Then he tweaks them 
somehow, inserting visual noise, animations, abstract colors, etc. 
Many of these image sets are actually quite gorgeous in their own 
distorted way.

But the most bizarre thing about this collection is not the abstract 
images.  It's not even the dada-esque titles which accompany the 
images -- usually focusing on cheese, crust, humping, and New York 
(aka "F U City").  It's the sheer volume of this collection that 
boggles the mind.  Such titanic devotion to something that for all 
intents and purposes means nothing whatsoever registers way high on 
my punk-o-meter.

give me the lemoned water: oh hell0 himpy: a.m. coffeetime in effect. 
coFFee time is fun. coffetime is humpy. coffeetime in cool weather. 
coffetime with poached eggies. coffeetime in terra cotta mug. 
coffeetime forever:...


My 5 favorite punk things, in 3 easy installments:

2. arc

This is free downloadable/standalone software form the mac (so sorry) 
that tweaks .mov files.  You start with a source quicktime file, open 
it in the arc software, and then begin clicking around on the movie. 
The software feeds back whatever color you clicked on, distorting the 
entire quicktime loop.  Click on the newly distorted loop again, and 
it feeds back yet more.  The idea, I assume, is to perpetrate 
increasing iterations of kludginess, all in that neo-mod 
freestyle we've come to know and [g]love.

It's not Max software, but then it's not $500 either.  Burroughs and 
Gysin hypothesized that if you cut into the present, the future might 
somehow leak out.  Maybe so; probably not.  At least here, we can cut 
into the digital and watch the analog leak out.


Somewhere between Ornette Coleman and an industrial strength dryer:


david carson: temporary portfolio

Ha Ha Ha.  David Carson, famous grunge/surf graphic designer, is 
punk.  Yep.  Sorry.  Punk knows no bounds, and being capitalistic is 
often one of the most punk things one can do (especially when it's 
politically incorrect).  This is just a ton of samples of Carson's 
work over the years.  No single piece says punk, but the fact that 
one person came up with all this different stuff, singlehandedly 
changing the face of late 20th century print design is punk.

You'll reconginze Microsoft ad campaigns, Nine Inch Nails CD covers, 
Bush CD covers, and even newly re-designed McLuhan editions.  Most of 
this work looks offhand and easily accomplished.  Until you find 
yourself staring at a blank screen trying to come up with yet another 
original design solution.  Trendy? Pop? Commercial?  Yeah, yeah. 
Whatever, Ingmar.


One thing I know for sure: you're heroes always die:


shepard fairey: the design is kinky interview

"I'm about the fear. The heartbeat increase. The arm hairs standing 
up. The encounter with things on the street whether it's people or 
the idea of some residue from a person that actually has a tactile 

"I judge my worth by output. Tangible output. I'm always measuring 
the success of what I'm doing by output."

Shepard Fairey has a posse.

FLTR is filtered by Curt Cloninger <>.

To keep things from getting all spammy-like, I'll only ever mention 
my personal work in the {advert} sections.  That way you will be 
forewarned of the evils of self-pimping and possible "commerce."

FLTR is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, 
organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any 
controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.  Our primary 
purpose is to stay creatively sober and help others to achieve 
creative sobriety.

Back issues of FLTR are archived at <>.

FLTR -- less sporadic; more emphatic.  shaking the tree since two 
thousand aught one.

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