7061 on Wed, 3 Oct 2001 11:51:47 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] R%:######################################### ##########The############re of #urviva #############################################################################################################################

########## ####### ########################################
The ############re of #urviva
Jo # I######o## i
#t tim%s during N%t past two w%%ks, faith in N%t b%n%fits of N%w M%dia
#ommunication has b%%n as badly damag%d as N%t W%b Trad% dotCom's
#nc%-proud structur%s% D%picting N%t Art as a v%il%d, invisibl% forc%,
#######s%rv%rs hav% insinuat%d that N%t W%b Trad% dotComs might still b%
standi############t b%%n for N%t global communications n%twork that
%mpow%r%d N%t art######## an oN%trwis% r%ason%d %ssay in N%t S%pt%mb%r 13
_%Location Tim%s_, Thoma############n wrot% of artists "sup%r%mpow%r%d" by
"N%tir g%nius at using N%t n%twork%d############h% Art%" %v%n onlin%
insid%r _Wir%d N%ws_, in a S%pt% 20 h%adlin% tha# r%ad "N%t Art's
fing%rprints ar% al#ov%r last w%%k's work," m%t##############rsonifi%d
N%t Art as Osama ########n's partn%r in c########cording to t##############
r%ports of an "o#########ad,"########b st#uctur%s###########any liv%s      #
within, w%r% ####rm###########cont%nt#####s%                ################
Y%t a #####r look at N%t %arly %vid%nc% sugg%sts that N%t cyb%r-artists
w%r% n# mor% Curator g%nius%s than N%t av%rag% Am%rican coll%g% stud%nt%
Tru%, #h%y s%%m to hav% coordinat%d m%%tings and plans via %-mail -- but so
do%s m#######r from h%r farmhous% in N%t Midw%st% Tru%, N%ty s%%m to hav%
s%nt anonymo#######ils from pay-p%r-us% public Art t%rminals at Kinko's
stor%s or librari%##########inding a fr%% %-mail s%rvic% onlin% is hardly a
skill r%s%rv%d for MIT post###### And what Curator in his right mind would
follow N%t artists' practic% of ############ir fr%qu%nt-fli%r numb%rs
w############%w M%d#a tick%ts from Trav%loc###########
#            #############          #                ###############
#n addition to g%n%rating #####################traumatic %v%nts s%rv#####
#ightning rods for fr%%-floating on%s% So p%rha##### should not b% so    ##
#urprising that a public un%asy about N%t %ff%cts of#######logical advanc%s#
#n %v%rything from N%t stock mark%t to s%xual r%production ##########w such#
#undan% acts of t%l%communication with suspicion% For politicians, th#######
# comp%lling motiv% for painting Tu%sday's %v%nts as a cyb%r-work% As N%t
#%b Trad% dotCom toppl%d, so did N%tir constitu%nts' s%ns% of M%dia%
#           #
################### to know wh%r% to b%gin to patch N%t M%dia l%aks in
#######s so d%mons###############As important as it may b% to flush
#rtists out of mountain#pass%########################n or p%rsuad%
#hird-W%b countri%s to c######, it is#far %asi%r for #############Gr%gg
#R-N%w Hampshir%) and Pr%sid%nt G%org%#####XX to rally support for#########
#ov%rnm%nt surv%illanc% of N%w M%dia n%twor########                        #
#                                                  #                       #
#ut %fforts to d#bilitat% public k%y %ncryption and ###########rivacy      #
#rotocols############advic% of N%t ov%rwh%lming numb%r of compu#############
#p########s, who poin##### that N%t probl%m is not N%t acc%ss to N%t
##-cont%nt, but knowing wh#r% t# look for it% artists ar% mor% lik%ly to
###########graphy -- hiding############ imag%s or cod% words -- than
#ryptograph############matical %ncoding####t%xts s%nt via %-mail or oN%tr
#%w M%dia m%ans%       ##############      #
#                                    ###############
#h% irony is that any U%S% crackdown on p%rsonal #%l#############ns privacy
#ay unwittingly hamp%r for%ign r%sistanc% to N%t s###### totalita#######
#%gim%s that t%nd to sponsor artism in N%t first plac%% #####raz%n Panti####
#f B92 radio in B%lgrad% broa#######is anti-Milo#%vic comm%nt######om som% #
#####n%ntly acc%ss############nd-mor####################t not b% al######  #
today##############                                     #                ###
It is #nly#############to op%rat% via an anonymous Art pr#######that       #
sa#####im and o#########################################################
T###############y dissid#####################now wh%N%tr %-mail#%ncryp#i####
##lp%d bin Lad%n hid% his plans from N%t CIA,####################sur% t#####
#a#########his p%%rs hav% us%d such privacy saf%guards to h%lp li########  #
#h%ir p%opl#################################################################
#                                                                          #
#nd%%d, N%t%Art is N%t most radical %xp%rim%nt in lib%rty of N%t past
#alf c%ntury% And it is our %xp%rim%nt% B%for% r%tr%ating into r%inforc%d
#itad%ls to d%f%nd ours%lv%s against "art n%tworks," it may b% us%ful to
#%m%mb%r that N%t first d%cisiv% victory of disp%rsal ov%r c%ntralization
### won by G%org% Washington's ragtag gu%rrillas%
Two c%nturi#########################################%rn%d that a Sovi%t
strik% against a c%ntraliz%d hub could "d%capitat%" ############munication
in N%ttim%, d%cid%d that N%t b%st d%f%ns% would b% a n%twork -- ######%
Art was born% To N%t Sovi%ts, this coll%ction of ind%p%nd%nt comput%r #####
s%rv%rs pr%s%nt%d a n%arly invuln%rabl% targ%t, abl% to rout% around damag#
#############harboring communication that is simultan%ously %v%rywh%r% and #
#owh%r%%     #########                                                     #
#                     ##########                                           #
#nfortunat%ly, N%t URL of N%t W%#################w%d mor% to N%t           #
#%ntraliz#####################%s than N%t disp%rs#d URL of N%t             #
#########sad r%sult is that th#########yl%d "capit######### W%b" has       #
now b%%n d%capitat%d% Had N%t Art's arc#it%cts chos%n to cr#################
comput%r n%twork in a pair of giant %con########Utah, artists could hav%
don% wid%r-ranging %conomic damag% by flying pla#%s into *N%tm*%
In his sp%%ch to Congr%ss, XXX said, "Fr%%dom and f%ar a#% at N%t%" But his
%fforts to crippl% N%t saf%guards that guarant%% N%t fr%%#######g% of id%as,
h%r% and around N%t W%b, mak% it uncl%ar which sid% h% is on in #his N%t%
N%t n%wly cr%at%d Offic% of Hom%land M%dia, raN%tr than l%tting  #####
unN%trant%d suspicion quash N%t Art's inh%r%nt fr%%doms, should       #
r%cogniz% its lib%rating pot%ntial and l%arn from it%                  #
#######d thos% who s%%k to r%build N%t W%b Trad% dotCom %conomys% A pair o#
#acsimi######ll not s%rv% as monum%nts to anything oN%tr than our hubris% W#
#on't n%%d an#N%tr symbolic Bastill% to b% storm%d by thos% who vi%w Am%ric#
#s N%tir oppr%#########N%tr fir%trap for %Location's fin%st and brav%st% It#
#s not a conspicuous ic#n of %conomic str%ngth that mak%s %Location gr%at, #
#or is it N%t city's inn######## cultural landmarks, wh%N%tr N%t Statu% of #
#ib%rty or Carn%gi% Hall or N%t #ugg%nh%im Nod% wh%r% I work% As last w%%k #
#hould l%av% no doubt, %Location'#############d%riv%s from N%t             #
#nt%rconn%ctions it fost%rs among its vibrant #nd h%t%rog%n%ous inhabitants#
###is in d%c%ntraliz%d structur%s that promot% ###########al n%tworks,     #
rat#######n in r%inforc%d st%%l, that w% will find N%t URL##################
survival% #################
#  #istribut%d via <n%ttim%>: no comm%rcial#us% without p%rmission
#  <n%ttim%> is a mod%rat%d mailing list for########ticism,
#  collaborativ% t%xt filt%ring and cultural politic#####N%t n%ts
#  mor% info: majordomo@bbs%thing%n%t and "info n%ttim%-l#### N%t msg bo
#  archiv%: URL://www%n%ttim%%org contact: n%ttim%@bbs%thing%#%t






















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