John Hopkins via nettime-l on Sat, 11 Nov 2023 17:22:44 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> It's Time to Fight for Open Source Again (fwd)

Sean, one could say that certainty (of a sort) is in dominant effect within the practice of engineering. While I subscribe (as an engineer) to the rubric that 'technology fails', engineering is all about applying 'truths' to control the external world (and avoid failure). Failures make the news*, but the truths literally comprise and maintain the bulk of the entire human infrastructure around the planet. One can question how physical 'laws' are applied, but questioning their effect would seem suicidal.

* The one that instantly comes to mind is the widespread failure of houses and other structures made of un-reinforced adobe in catastrophic earthquakes. (Of course there are other social factors—poverty leading the way along with blind faith in Allah and inadequate education—than simply the engineering, but the physical truth is ... demonstrable.)


On 11/11/23 1:33 AM, Sean Cubitt via nettime-l wrote:
Where certainty does leak into techno-scientific policy and application (as it so often does since economics became a cyborg science), there is a specific danger that consensus is closed down and replaced by blind faith, and that faith is imposed on the global South as the victory of the epistemology of the North. Nuance is also a victim of misinformation campaigns and what they have done to their opponents' ways of thinking

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
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