Keith Sanborn via nettime-l on Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:36:09 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> ai generated texts

I checked this text by “Rahul”.

According to Scribbr, it’s 86% AI generated.

Reliable sources are to be found in the legal texts on International Humanitarian Law. Hamas, even if taken to be a non-state entity or part of a non-state entity, is considered by all accepted criteria to be fully accountable under International Humanitarian Law for its actions in terror attacks (it is a listed terror organisation by the European Union and by the USA) against Israeli civilians and using its own civilians (Arab Palestinians) as human shields. Its leadership, commanders, and fighters are therefore punishable for crimes against humanity and war crimes. The indiscriminate firing of more than 3,300 rockets into Israel’s towns and villages violates the rule of distinction in international humanitarian law, which requires combatants to limit attacks to legitimate military targets, and there is the difference about which you ask.

Other texts by “Rahul” containing varying degrees of AI generated text.

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