KEIN Florian Schneider via Nettime-tmp on Sat, 27 May 2023 12:46:34 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> process reporting?

> On 27 May 2023, at 11:50, Felix Stalder via Nettime-tmp <> wrote:
> * We had to move nettime away from, after being generously supported by and Florian Schneider in particular for an extremely long time, because Google blocked kein in nasty ways and we couldn't fix it easily.

dear felix, 
dear all,

please allow me to clarify, since it might help whoever continues this project, to understand the actual challenge. 

1. google is *not* blocking <> as i tried to explain several times to ted and felix. 

the mailman list management software for nettime-l has disabled a large number of gmail and other addresses since the number of bounces from nettime-l has exceeded the defined number for the nettime-l list.

this may have several, often even legitimate reasons, but in this case mail from large email providers bounced back as soon as there is a large amount of emails per hour (according to what the receiving mailserver sets as a limit). a mailinglist with 3000+ subscribers running in an unmoderated mode can easily generate 5 mails replying to someone elses email per hour (and in fact it has after the restart). potentially, this results in ten thousands of emails which at a certain point may be considered by any recveiving mailserver as a spam attack. however, many nettime-l users have chosen *themselves* to switch to no-mail mode.

2. this is a conceptual, rather than a technical problem. for sure it is not a problem that is related exclusively to <> and could be solved by switching to another server. our KEIN mailservers have spf records, as google demands since november 2022.

however, google has begun rejecting email messages that contain multiple headers on April 24.

multiple headers is exactly the concept of an unmoderated mailinglist in non-digest mode (as we know it from the 1990s): my email will appear in your (non-google) mailbox with my header information, although it was actually delivered by the mailserver that runs the mailinglist. i suspect that google may pursue a strategy to force you into google groups if you want to deliver a large amount of emails to gmail addresses. 

3. this means to me [please correct me if i am wrong] that it has become and will become increasingly unsustainable to run a mailinglist with several thousand subscribers in a *unmoderated* and *non-digest* mode like nettime-l.

the only solution i can imagine at the moment would be to run nettime-l in a moderated, digest mode, since then the messages would be delivered by the mailinglist address, like a daily newsletter.

this makes a lot of sense to me but requires a lot of work in terms of content management and list moderation. certainly, it would increase the value of the list.



Florian Schneider

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