Andreas Broeckmann on Fri, 12 May 2023 07:25:28 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> closing nettime-l, uh?

Folks, I'll quickly respond and make some suggestions:

- I'd hate to see the list go, but like others here, I myself cannot take the responsibility for running it;

- being a list moderator is a lonely business, I know this from my own experience; it can be a burden, and very frustrating; and it can be disheartening to have people show up once a year or so making grandiose proposals about how things should be changed and the community activated, when most of the time a third of that "community" does not exist (filter to trash), one third is asleep (read:never), and the main part of the last third is lurking; (and I have myself experienced a "take-over" of a list [hostile, in that case] - of the Syndicate list in 2001 - which was a painful experience and left the list in tatters - it was a huge waste at the time...)

- somewhere here, there is also the important question of ownership; the social psychologists among you will be better at explaining the problematic difference between the ownership of this list felt by lurkers (even longtime sympathetic ones like myself) for whom the list is part of their lives, and the sense of ownership that grows out of year in, year out, day to day, responsibility for keeping something going; (maybe you can compare it with the love for a child of a distant uncle/aunt who shows up once a year and gets only the Insta snapshots, and the care of a parent who is there every day, off-camera...)

- in all of this sudden lurker-support, please, don't forget the recurring discussions about how Nettime is also dramatically non-diverse, and in many ways dysfunctional; an honest, open question: how much of this new outcry is pure nostalgia in the face of something that should be allowed to ago? (Marie Kondo says: say thank you to that old t-shirt, fold it, and then gently put it away...)

Some suggestions:

- I suggest to try and arrange a friendly transition of the list maintenance, away from Felix and Ted; I assume that they would be ready to help in all of its steps, and that they would also still be there afterwards, in case there are issues that need that kind of "grandparent" help;

- importantly, I suggest to try and find a transition moderator who can steer this process in the coming months, without becoming part of the new team her/himself; (I'm thinking of people like Adam Hyde, or Mitch Flor, but I'm sure there are also others);

- I suggest to set up the process in a way so that this transition mostly runs off-list, with regular reporting on the list; you need to do this in a small committee with committed people;

- ideally, part of this process would be done in a real-life meeting, or at least in hybrid form; maybe somebody here has resources to invite a handfull of people for a few days, for the Nettime Transition Sprint?

Best regards,

Am 11.05.23 um 21:10 schrieb Geoffrey Goodell:
Hi Felix and all,

No.  Let's not close the list.

I believe that Jan's offer of help is valuable.

Why is it not sufficient?  Is it because it does not come with a server?

Well, I have a server that can be put to good use here.  I'll be able to sort
out the details by tomorrow at the latest, but there is no reason why we cannot
install Mailman and some MX records.  Really, this is not a big deal.

Are there other kinds of volunteers needed?  Really, let's be explicit.  We
have the capacity.

I look forward to coordinating with Jan, and perhaps others, to make this
transition a success.  I do not seek to usurp anyone's authority here: I am
happy to do this to be helpful but will gladly support others to make this
happen instead, if others are more appropriate for the job.

But what I can say is that nettime-l will continue, barring some explicit
attempt to block it.

Please let me know:

(a) If you want to help me, or

(b) If you think you can lead/run/support this better than I can (I won't argue
with you if so.  My goal is for nettime to continue.)

Best wishes and thanks again --

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