Andreas Broeckmann on Fri, 4 Dec 1998 11:34:02 +0100

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Syndicate: Vidøparty: AniMania: 100 years of experiments in the animation cinema

Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 12:07:26 +0100
From: "Videoparty" <>

Videøparty new open  numb/nuovo numero aperto:

AniMania: 100 years of experiments in the animation cinema
                   100 anni di esperimenti nel cinema di animazione

Avery,  Back, Breuer, Carrano, Cavandoli, Disney, Dragic, Giersz, Gross,
Kentridge, Kinney, Kinoshita, Krumme, Lassnig,
Leaf, Marcussen, McLaren, Newland, Plympton, Purves, Reininge, Servais,
Tezuka, Vester, Whitney


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Oppure:  5 mila lire per i mesi successivi!
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