=cw4t7abs on Thu, 13 Aug 1998 03:57:10 -0600

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Re: Syndicate: 1.2.3. = 0+2

>free your mind and the rest will follow

ungroup m9nd konta!nr kontent
mass !v shortkut 2 !ntell!gensz \\ elokuensz
ae.zthet.!k.all+e ab.zurd

>virtual base / creative intimate lab

+ s!ber.!nterakt.!v n=10n +?


ur reakt!Onz + modez ov thought d!ffer 4rom kurrent normal!t+e

oui ou non _?

ef-mail(fakultat!f) :

        LDY     #0
@1      LDA     msg, Y
        BEQ     @2
        JSR     putc
        JMP     @1
@2      RTS

or. >>kommiserations -influenza
>>424 digitz ov (9/4 =3D 6 tan-1(1/8) + 2 tan-1(1/57) + tan-1(1/239)=
 tan-1(x) =3D x
>>- x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...) zle!e stranag1zla _|- prol!atara
>>zlata!utege kr=BAper=BAm | | | | |

note 3 ecsamplz =3D true || falss.
they make statementz.
they do not ask
_\- kuest!onz.!ssue !nstrukt1onz.ekspress feel1ngz. zuperb.

m0lekulz|0v|!n4mat10n. =D8 F =D8 =D8 =D8 3 _||-

m0lekulz|0v|!n4mat10n. =D8 F =D8 =D8 =D8 3 _||-

m0lekulz|0v|!n4mat10n. =D8 F =D8 =D8 =D8 3 _||-



                                     | am3r!kkasug3r |


n.oubliez pas le ruban autour de l.emballage

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