integer on Fri, 17 Aug 2001 14:16:48 +0200 (CEST)

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smart +?

>From: Andreas Broeckmann <>

>>don't be paranoid. _no _one wishes to control your forum.
>it is your forum. you know this. you are simply superior.

why having a forum and being simply.superior are simply.inkompatible dear.

would you like to invite yourself on our forum and play in our projekt +?

>>please relax. no wishes to destroy you.
>you were more insulting and more aggressive than i have ever experienced. 

now that you know how insulting and aggressive i can be
[one only speaks of that with which one can disagree of course]

would you like to invite yourself on our forum and play in our projekt +?

>i do not understand. 

i will help you.

>i resent your politics.
>what do you stand for? (spare me the rhetorics)

my address is your brain. 
i like it here. which angle are you viewing me from +?

will you help me +?
that might be the most difficult ztage.

>how deep is your love?

mag ik +?

coming +? plz bring inke. he wouldn't without you.
