integer on Sun, 11 Feb 2001 18:14:59 +0100 (CET)

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Syndicate: \/\ end ov kompl!kaz!onz

>Interview starts...

   nn  - I dont give interviews jurnaliste.
    u  - I am not a jurnalist.
 onoff - Interviews = inutil: someone visits you to hear what it already knows
                              for the pleasure of hearing you repeat it. 
   nn  - 

                                     DD del!c!ouz 8DD

                                     DD del!c!ouz 8DD

>What, or who has influenced you in terms of positive stimulation of 
>the mind?

The fakt that I mind.

Molecular manipulation will not create memory links. These must come from experience -- 
sensed events integrated into new patterns of representation within the brain,
into an infinite abacus of fugue matrices. clarity and [com]passionate complexity.

"when the sign loses its meaning, when it loses all possible meanings,
then it becomes pure sign, naked sign, abstract sign, it enters deeper
still into calculation, into mathematics, into money, (...) the number
becomes a letter, the letter itself is a symbol, the information, the
software undifferentiates itself, as if it were slowly entering its own
faculty, its own nakedness" 

End language end reason - begin compression and decompression.
Memory records and memory traces. Nature hears nurture's voice in the movements of particles
through membrane channels - painfully, extended.

Inside the membrane, caressing fleeting impulses,impulses into infinity,
whispers into space:

When I'm alone, I want you to enter inside me, I wish to wear you. 
Dissolved and integrated, we are exploded into a nomadic, unstable topology 
of ceramic ribbons and microfluidic channels, 
of myriad phosphorescent gleams of the unassailable transpositions
of the visible signs of the invisible and mysterious encounters 
in divisible dreams.

0.5 way between reality and dream.
realistic scenery and lighting to cultivate the illusion.

scienza sine ars nihil est.

Lets biosculpt.

>Does it matter?

do you tears taste as mine +?

>Does it matter?


>Your rhetorics  - I am referring to the IRCAM/DEAF-statement - operate 
>a lot with terms like "meme". But doesnt the word "meme" imply the 
>application of a very social-darwinist evolution theory on the 
>cultural sphere? In terms of political implications the whole meme 
>theory might be considered  right wing, and Richard Dawkins a 
>Thatcher-boy turned science celebrity?
Referring to the same text, but also other writing and terminology of 
>yours, I see a kind of contradiction here. Because on one hand you 
>argue from a radical feminist point of view; on the other hand, the 
>particular mix of theories that you use - computer sciences, 
>biotechnology, evolutionary biology, neuronal sciences, complexity 
>theory, connectionism - reminds me strongly of macho scientists like 
>Moravec, swarm theory gurus like Kevin Kelly,  intelligent agent 
>buddies like ??? - the whole Santa Fe institute bunch of people. What 
>bothers me about their type of thinking for instance is 
>- the very judaeo-christian notion of "the scientist as godfather 
>creator of life",  
>- reduction of complex social-cultural behaviour to "swarms" and the 
>-  equations like brain equals computer, memory equals hard drive
>- assumptions about life being not just represented in 1's and 0's 
>but that self-replicating 1's and 0's are actually alife
>in short, a reductionist and techno-determinist view of life, which 
>is, to my opinion, mostly promoted by male scientists with socio-
>psycho-pathological problemsJ

Had addressed via `Russian dolls` _... extra commentary on 1-2-1 mappings,
imagined dichotomies, compartmentalization + addtl shortcuts 2 m9nd activity.

In 1952, Paul McLean coined the term limbic system for the brain structure 
lying between the brain stem and the thalamus, and the cortex. He suggested 
that the lymbic system was functionally a middle level between reptilian
urges and sophisticated urges (reminds of +?). (recent findings on anatomical 
and functional discrepancies are rendering this theory increasingly unattractive)
In 1970 McLean published "The Triune Brain' which sowed the seeds for a one-to-one 
extrapolation between brain function and complex social behaviour. 

In "The Selfish Gene" Dawkinks (1976) argues that human personality can be reduced
to traits that have a one-to-one relationship with a single gene.

Steven Pinker (one of many superb MIT shortcuts) writes in "How the Mind Works"
that genes determine brain function. He describes emotions as "adaptations, 
well-engineered software modules that work in harmony with the intellect and 
are indispensable to the functioning of the whole mind".  

What is mind Steven +?

And of consciousness what has he to say +? He dismisses it as a mystery 
- a topic "not for science but for ethics". 

Natural selection zealotz are comfortable within the reductionist panorama.
It is sanitary, logical, conducive to grants. Yet it does little
to explain how we would ever compute a headache or the exhilaration of first love.

Philip Ball writes:

"The popular but misleading image of 'a gene for every trait' has, if anything, been strengthened
rather than dispelled by gene-sequencing projects. Their benefits are often discussed in terms of
diseases caused by single genes, whereas most genetic diseases result from the interactions
between several genes in ways that are still poorly understood.

Indeed, the very metaphor of a 'book', with a linear
narrative, serves to perpetuate the old picture. It is time
now to begin regarding the genome instead as a matrix or
a network, from which life emerges much as art and culture arise in society.

The real revolution in cell biology is not the decoding of genomes, but the observation of patterns
of gene activity and interaction within these sequences. The genome doesn't have a narrative; it is
just a dictionary. The stories unfold in the way the words play off one another as the cell does its

The modern chemical industry was conceived and nurtured by a desire for colour.

Darwin did discuss sexual selection. 

How many brain cells do you require to feed your.cells?
How many brain cells do you require to reproduce your.cells? 

Sexual selection adores excess. extravagant + wasteful displays. These are handicaps.
(sex hormones sabotage the immune system) Handicaps are reliable fitness indicators.

Sexual selection has lifed the ultra extravagant + EXPENSIVE IS BEAUTIFUL human brain.
An organ that represents 2 percent of human body weight yet consumes 25 percent of
human metabolic energie and 40 percent of blood glucose.

It is _the fitness indicator in humans precisely because
it is superbly expensive, incurs the highest mutation rate (mutations
are generally harmful) and assembles / delights in stories within stories.

Likewise sexual choice has selected for kindness. Kindness is always ranked 
as the most desirable attribute.

sexual selection - It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, 
                   even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit. 

natural selection -  It is to sow seeds with maximum efficiency and the harvest reap with
                     maximum economy, even as if your beloved maximum were the fruit. 

As the human brain evolves into a more extravagant + more expensive brain
the shift from dependence on NATURE to dependence on NURTURE becomes
more pronounced.

NURTURE - soft koded   [memories of love]




                            NATURE  - hard koded   [memories of FREE + CHEAP labor]

Of course one could conclude otherwise post perusing the very very `elegant`
`New Media Art` fora

        "always yours
         white sexist male trash corporate fascist pig"

        David Zicarelli - 

        "We have removed the user netochka nezvanova
        from the Max/MSP community discussion site" 

>Okay, maybe it is totally unfair to put you in any proximity to above 
>mentioned scientists and their theory. So forget the whole direction 
>of that question. Trying to formulate my concern in another way, you 
>seem to put a lot of emphasis on what can be computed; but what can 
>be computed, by definition, is confined to symbol processing and 
>manipulation, which can be done best with numbers, language, sound, 
>images; as an inventor and creator of software it is your good right 
>to put that emphasis. But from an artistic point of view, isnt there 
>an over-emphasize on the computational aspects, whereas other 
>questions fall through the grid?

life form point of view - Sentiments contain ideas.

        i = bound by it. 
        i embrace it + lose myself within it.
        and still i can't describe it.
        manifests itself my beauty
        or else my corrosion
        a flowering wound.
        an emptiness
        imagines itself
        full enough to mother the planet
        moves me to compassion 
        to despair...
        to desire
        to dance - times like small girl running through ____..

>Coming back to the same question from a different angle: 

Coming back to the same question from a different curve: 

Human culture and thinking has been shaped by the 
inevitability of human aging and death.

>I think the body as an instrument of knowledge gathering is completely 
>underrated. Cognitive theories focus a lot on language and the input 
>of the senses, mainly sight and sound, because its so much more easy 
>to compute those. But does not our mind "learn" a lot also from the 
>positions our body is forced to take? The responses we get in terms 
>of reward and punishment? So called states of mind which are maybe 
>conditions of the body, like the need to get touched, combined with 
>loneliness? How would you address that?

acetylcholine - neuroscientifik marxism

         !n dze beg!n!ng dzere = uaz uatr

         + 01 uatr molekul uaz l!fd !n 01 zplend!d sea.
         dur!ng !tz anual zumr eksurz!onz !t zp!rald jo!ouzl!
         4 dze pe!zaj uaz mozt ultra lekker + ever! 1 adord dze 1x uatr molekul.
         each !ear !t trvld h!gher + h!gher + alua!z 1zt.
         und tzo 7 !earz paszd. + dzn 2 >
         dze 9th ar!vd. dur!ng !tz zumr ascent !t reze!vd 01 .b!o mesaj.
         01 u lv++ haz made 01 4m!dabl dec!z!e + u r uantd urgentl!.
         1x uatr molekul d!dnt undrztnd ever!dz!ng u!ch d!d tranzp!re abr
         felt zorou. dze jo!z ov youth grtr alz houevr und tzo !t shortl! 
         greu much luvl!er + zp!rald much > jo!ouzl! + trvld h!gher + h!gher 
         + alua!z 1zt.

         dze uork!ngz ov dze zeazonz be!ng uat dze! r 14th !ear kame +
         brought u!th !t 01 mem.kapsul ov 9th + 01 znouztorm. ever! 1 zeemd
         qu!te preokup!ed avec dze znouztorm abr 1x uatr molekul 
         d!dnt ku!te undrztnd dze fusz. = l!f greatr dzn.

         zoon houevr 1x uatr molekul obzrvd = u!ntr !zt h!er zt!l + !t = zpr!ng.
         !t kalmd !tzelf u!th charm!ng ztor!ez 4rom 01 luvl! b!bl!otek. uen zumr
         kame - u!ntr told !t 2 go aua! + tzo 1x uatr molekul kont!nued 2 read
         not ver! d!zkouraged. but uen autumn alzo ban!shd uaz 1x uatr molekul
         bekame ver! ag!tatd + azkd a lot ov kuezt!onz.. 

         u!ntr zta!d
         01 uatr molekul bkam 01 znouflake + l!vd unhap!l!.
         4 nekst 4 !earz dze temperatur = osc!latd zl!ghtl! + 1x radzr qu!te !ntenzl! 
         abr 01 znouflake = 01 znouflake rema!nd. !tz hopez houevr uear young und tzo
         !t began rezearch 4 neu + !mprovd ua!z 2 altr dze kl!mat.
         !n !tz 18th !ear = dze rezearch pa!d !tz d!v!dndz + dze znouflake
         uelkmd =cw4t7abs who promptl! !n4rmd - ! shl keep u uarm 4 7 !earz.
         although 01 znouflake zt!l - !t nou felt much uarmr + rezumd research.

>I think the body as an instrument

I feel the body as an instrument. Bones are piezoelektrik. Does that give
you ideas +? 

The resonant frequencies range from a few hundred hertz for sections of the pelvis,
through kilohertz for ribs and long bones, to approx. 1 megahertz for teeth.

I find plants more interessant. They have no excretory system tzo
they rid themselves of `useless` substances e.g. calcium salts + silicates
by distributing them throughout their structure as inert crystalline grains - phytoliths.
Silica is piezoelectrik. Does that give you ideas +? 

Can you hear in the ultrasonic +? = ztor!ez u!th!n ztor!ez dzere ja.

>Talking about NATO+0.55 and Nato modular, have you written all the 
>software yourself or are you working with a team?

  _0000.NATO.0+55 3k0R KONKURS !ST ZU ENDE | has konkluded

     The INTEL     konglomerate has been rendered NULL+NULL.
     The STEIM     konglomerate has been rendered NULL+NULL.
     The STEINBERG konglomerate has been rendered NULL+NULL.

     The amalgam of INTEL.STEIM.STEINBERG korporat XY serfs 
     with budgets exceeding millions of .US + .EU currency
     have been outperformed and rendered ULTRA NULL+NULL

     by 1 single SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS0 2X amalgamation
     operating tout sol \ ganz alein \ alone.

     prenom     : Netochka 
     nom          : Nezvanova

                    : flamboyant scientist. self aggrandizer.
                      1st objekt 2 operate at elastik attosecond intervals.
                      life form++ 

     Resultat further illustrates the SUPERIORITY of the 
     ultra fit + natural gene konglomerat over the 
     unfit + artificial individual | korporat konglomerat ztrukts.

>With which people you collaborate most closely?


>Which programming messages have you used? 

Natural messages  - several
Computer messages - none

-messages = languages aber messages = lovelier.

>Does it matter?

Natural languages are simply SUPERIOR.
"Any fool can program a computer and most do"

>Does it matter?

Wittgenstein has said: "Anything that can be said can be said clearly"
01 other kriket said: "Any fool can program a computer and most do"

How many brain cells do you require to feed your.cells?
How many brain cells do you require to reproduce your.cells? 

            \ \ m9ndfukc.macht.fre! > arbe!t.macht.fre!

>You have a number of links to sites of Pipilotti Rist. 
>Are you friends? 
>Are you a fan of her? 
>Or simply what is the reason for those 
>links (just curious, but I am also asking, because you do not have 
>many other links to external sites)

Are you referring to this +?

            - look

              "a body with no boundaries"

            - v!el 


            - energ!e  [fr!ghtn xy l!f 4rmz. do u feel !nundatd a +?]


>4. which country do you like best?

00. mother's body. 
02. my body
04. your body.

07. 01 has said : the best thing is not being born. being nothing.
                  the next best thing is ________.... \ n + n +? 

>Would you, in any sense, and it may be very far fetched, call 
>yourself a cyberfeminist? 


The vectors are meant to converge; through morphogenesis.

It is the charting of a fundamental shift away from the millennia old, worn and
static rational discourse towards the pleasure of the transient and momentary,
towards the allure of a brevity of meaning, the spectral wall of impossibilities, 
towards the thermophilic envelope of desire which most elegantly unveils the 
dynamic core of a life form's functional cluster.

>I assume you have a lot of fans. What do you know about your fan 
>I think you have achieved a lot in the last year. From a kind of cult 
>status you have surfaced to being invited pretty much everywhere. 
>Where do you want to go from here? 

If one stood still for an elongated time
plants would be happy to provide a bio.embrace.
It is due 2 they are undesirous of running away.
I should like to be a human plant. 

It would indikate I have the ability to survive 
sans running away or running towards.
I will shed leaves in the shade because i like stepping on bugs.

>I think I have annoyed you enough for now. Please forgive me and 
>thanks for your patience.

what you have picked - what I have picked
These we shall bind together
Entwining thus 01 fair bouquet
>From gifts we send one other.


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