Ágnes Evelin Kispál on Sat, 2 Jun 2018 08:42:07 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] MAGMA // WORKING TITLE 2 // CALL FOR ARTISTS / Deadline 15 June, 2018

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Asociaţia Medium Contemporan MAGMA anunţă apel de participare la expoziţia
de grup intitulată WORKING TITLE 2 la Spaţiul Expoziţional de Artă
Contemporană MAGMA din Sfântu Gheorghe în perioada 06 iulie – 19 august,
MAGMA aşteaptă aplicaţiile artiştilor vizuali contemporani de sub 35 ani,
genul lucrărilor fiind la liberă alegere. Tematica şi volumul lucrărilor
este la liberă alegere.
Termenul limită: vineri, 15 iunie 2018, miezul nopţii
Mai multe detalii: https://goo.gl/PqJVgH


The MAGMA Contemporary Medium Association announces a call for proposals
for participation in a group exhibition entitled WORKING TITLE 2 in the
MAGMA Contemporary Art Space from Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania in the period
between 06 iulie – 19 august 2018.
The MAGMA addresses emerging contemporary visual artists under 35 to submit
their proposals, artworks created in genres of their choice. The
application welcomes artworks in any theme or size, without restriction.
Submission deadline: 15 June 2018. (Friday), midnight
More info, application form and therms: https://goo.gl/xMqW6r

Kispál Ágnes-Evelin
+40 721 649 156

MAGMA Contemporary Art Space

OPEN 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. all day
except Mondays and holidays

NYITVA hétfő és ünnepnapok kivételével
naponta 11:00 - 19:00 óráig

*DESCHIS in fiecare zi cu exceptia *
*zilei de luni si in zilele de sarbatoare*
*intre orele **11:00 - 19:00*
520003 - Sepsiszentgyörgy / Sf. Gheorghe,
Szabadság tér / Piata Libertatii nr. 2. sz.
Kovászna megye / jud. Covasna - RO
Tel: +40 729 007 424 <magma@maybe.ro>
www.magmacm.ro <http://www.magma.maybe.ro/>
Skype ID: magmacm <magma@maybe.ro>
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