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[Nettime-ro] [Romania-News] Ultimul concert din SOUNDCZECH

English version below.


Jazz naiv si seara racoroasa de toamna este combinatia pe care v-o   
propunem pentru vineri seara, la concertul Fanfan Tulipan. Cu sanse de  
 precipitatii zero si fara nici o adiere de vand, va invitam sa umplem  
 terasa de la Green Hours.

11.10 / Fanfan Tulipan / 20:00 / Green Hours / eveniment fb 
12.10 / Fanfan Tulipan / 21:00 / La Scriitori, Targoviste / eveniment fb

Fanfan Tulipan canta un jazz naiv,  dinamic si jucaus, in aparenta   
foarte usor, dar serios in momentele potrivite, in care poti regasi   
uneori uneori elemente ale traditiei slave. In 2012 au castigat premiul 
  Young Tune Jazz, dovada ca sunt o descoperire promitatoare pe scena   
muzicii cehe de jazz.

Sambata seara trupa va canta in Targoviste, la ultimul concert al celei 
  de-a doua editii de muzica ceha contemporana SOUNDCZECH. 

Intrarea la ambele evenimente este libera.
Documentarul de lunea viitoare este adus la noi de catre Institutul Balassi - Institutul Maghiar din Bucuresti.

14.10 | 20:00 | Documentary Mondays
Daka Bala, Marossy Geza | Ungaria 2009 | 42â

In fiecare an mii de tineri incearca sa scape din Cuba pe plute, cu vize
   ilegale, prin casatorii de interes, cu contracte legale sau ilegale 
de   muncÄ. De ce? In âtara utopiilorâ Yoani Sanchez si-a pornit blogul 
  intitulat Generatia Y, care de atunci apare tradus in peste 20 de 
limbi.   Pentru cubanezi forma aceasta de exprimare este interzisa de   
autoritati. In anul 2008 Time Magazine a inclus-o pe Yoani pe lista   
celor mai influenti 100 de oameni din lume. In decorul romului, a   
trabucurilor si a salsei legea supravietuirii dicteaza pe ruinele   
viselor. Unde Yoani Sanchez a devenit bloggerul cel mai citit pe net   
neavand conexiune de internet acasa.
Subtitrare in limba engleza. Intrare libera. Eveniment facebook aici. 
Ne pregatim pentru cel mai mare eveniment al nostru din aceasta  
toamna - expozitia cunoscutului fotograf ceh Josef Koudelka - care va  
avea vernisajul joia viitoare.
INVAZIE 68 PRAGA. Josef Koudelka
17.10 / 19:00 / MNAC Anexa
Eveniment facebook aici.
Sa aveti un sfarsit frumos de saptamana!

Ne simtit ca acasa pe blog, dar ne gasiti si pe Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud si Youtube.
English version:


Naive jazz and a warm autumn evening is the combination we propose for  
 the Fanfan Tulipan concert, tomorrow at the Green Hours garden. 

11.10 / Fanfan Tulipan / 20:00 / Green Hours / fb event
12.10 / Fanfan Tulipan / 21:00 / La Scriitori, Targoviste /fb event.

FanfÃn TulipÃn plays a music that maintains the appearance of a certain 
  lightness, since they play a dynamic and innovative jazz. 
Nevertheless,   they successfully integrate every here and there serious
 elements that   recover motifs belonging to the Slavic heritage. 
Together they have  won  the Young Tune Jazz Award and this accounts for
 the widespread  opinion  according to which they are a highly 
promissing presence on the  Czech  jazz scene. 

Saturday night the band will perform in Targoviste - the last concert of the second edition of SOUNDCZECH.

The admission to both events is free.

The next Monday documentary is brought to us by the Balassi Institute - Hungarian Institute in Bucharest.

14.10 | 8:00 p.m. | Documentary Mondays
Daka Bala, Marossy Geza | Hungary 2009 | 42 '

Every year thousands of young people are trying to escape from Cuba on  
 rafts with illegal visas through marriages of interest, legal or 
illegal   contracts of employment. Why? In " utopias land" Yoani Sanchez
 started   his blog called Generation Y, which then appeared translated 
into more   than 20 languages. For Cubans this form of expression is 
banned by   authorities. In 2008, Time Magazine included Yoani on the 
list of 100   most influential people in the world. In the decor of rum,
 cigars and   salsa, survival laws dictate on the ruins of dreams. Where
 blogger Yoani   Sanchez has become the most read online blogger without
 having  internet  access at home.

Subtitled in English. Free admission. Facebook event here.
We are preparing for our biggest event of this autumn - the exhibition of the famous Czech photographer Josef Koudelka - which will be opening next Thursday.
INVAZIE 68 PRAGA. Josef Koudelka
17.10 / 19:00 / MNAC Anexa
Facebook event here. 

Have a nice end of the week!

We feel like home on the blog, but you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud andÂYoutube.

Iulia Turcanu
PR & Graphic Designer
Centrul Ceh Bucuresti
Ion Ghica 11, Sector 3, 030045 Bucharest
T: +40 21 303 92 84
M: +40 724 352 927
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