Marius Tana on Wed, 8 May 2013 17:15:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] MNAC 9 mai 2013 - The Shadows of the future, 7 Video Artists from Korea

The Shadows of the future, 7 Video Artists from Korea

Vernisaj / Opening: 9.05.2013, 19.00

Artist Talk : 9.05.2013, 18.00

9.05.2013 - 9.06.2013

Artisti/Artists: Jungju An, Onejoon Che, Sojung Jun, Yeondoo Jung, Minouk Lim, Chan-Kyong Park, Dongwook Suh 

Curatori/Curators: Heiner Holtappels, Ji Yoon Yang

Coordonatori/Coordinators: Hyerim Lee, Marius Tanasescu

Organizat de/Organized by MNAC si/and TIME_FRAME FOUNDATION

Sponsor: Korea Foundation 

Abia incepand cu anii 1970 Seul a devenit orasul modern, urbanizat, dens populat si masiv industrializat de astazi. Cum Coreea a trecut in ultimii 50 de ani prin reforme economice substantiale si o dezvoltare rapida, imensul influx de populatie inspre capitala si urbanizarea grabita a creat varii probleme sociale. Din cauza suprapopularii, Seul se confrunta regulat cu pericolul accidentelor cauzate de starea critica a infrastructurilor si cu probleme politice si de mediu. Pentru a reusi sa modereze problemele sociale artistii din Seul vor trebui in mod necesar sa reviziteze istoria acestei dezvoltari si sa impartaseasca cu publicul viziunea lor alternativa.

The Shadows of the future: 7 Video Artists from Korea genereaza un spatiu ce propune o perspectiva asumat diferita fata de povestea tipica a Coreei vazuta ca un succes economic, ca tara ce a reusit sa se ridice din saracia rezervata tarilor din lumea a treia. Fiecare proiect artistic din aceasta expozitie face referire la contexte culturale si sociale specifice. Astfel, expozitia raspunde complexelor aspecte legate de identificarea a ceea ce inseamna Coreea de astazi si de ceea ce a fost uitat in acest proces al dezvoltarii recente. Artistii participanti in aceasta expozitie reinterpreteaza trecutul propunand viziuni care constrasteaza evident cu mistificarile constante ale realitatii promovate de mass media coreeana. Demersul lor construieste naratiuni atipice care infatiseaza povesti personale si interpretari subiective si care transgreseaza limitele presupuse de experienta vizuala a imaginii in miscare. 


It was not until the 1970s that Seoul had transformed itself into the modern, urbanized, densely populated and massively industrialized city that it is today. In the last 50 years, as Korea has gone through dynamic economic reforms and rapid developments, the huge influx of people in Seoul creates a variety of social problems that accompany rushed urbanization. Having exceeded its maximum capacity, Seoul currently confronts the threat of cascading breakdowns of critical infrastructures, as well as environmental and political problems. In order to mitigate these social issues, it is crucial for the artists from Seoul to revisit the history of this development and share their alternative voices with the audiences.

The Shadows of the future: 7 Video Artists from Korea engenders a space of different perspectives, which purposefully diverge from the typical Korean epic that depicts it as a country, which succeeded economically by raising from the third-world poverty. Each artistic statement relate to a specific cultural or social context. Thus, the exhibition responds to the complexities of identifying the contemporary Korea and reveals what has been forgotten from this development. The participating artists reinterpret the past and provide visions that contrast with the constant mystification of reality on Korean mass media. Their approaches construct atypical narratives in order to convey personal and subjective stories and transgress the conventional boundaries of the viewing experience provided by moving images.

Parteneri media/Media partners: Igloo, Zeppelin, Şapte
Seri,, Radio France Internationale

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