Centrul Ceh on Sat, 16 Feb 2013 16:51:42 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] [Romania-News] Warming-up

English version below.
Pentru acest week-end va recomandam sa nu ratati concertul cehilor 
Mario Bihari & Bachtale Apsa â muzica tiganeasca in cea mai buna 
forma, cea in care sunt adunate libere influente balcanice, maghiare, 
spaniole, rusesti, slovace si chiar si elemente de synth-jazz sau 
csardas - la Bucuresti sau Sighisoara, parte din turneul lor in Romania.
VI 15.02 / Concert Mario Bihari & Bachtale Apsa / 21:00 / Clubul Taranului, Bucuresti / fb event aici
SA 16.02 / Concert Mario Bihai & Bachtale Apsa / 21:00 / Jo Pub, Sighisoara / fb event aici

Mario Bihari si Bachtale Apsa ("Lacrimi fericite" in traducere din 
limba romani, exprimand varietatea starilor si emotilor pe care muzica 
roma a reusit sa le trezeasca intotdeauna publicului) este in prezent 
una dintre cele mai bune grupuri rome din Republica Ceha. Fondatorul si 
frontman-ul proiectului, exceptionalul acordeonist, pianist si solist 
Mario Bihari, in ciuda faptul ca este orb, este o personalitate muzicala individuala in special in peisajul artistic roma. O performanta vocala 
deosebita si un spectacol de marca, sustinut in ritmuri captivante sunt 
atributele care fac ca Mario Bihari si Bachtale Apsa sa fie, in cel mai 
bun sens, un adevarat punct de referinta in muzica roma.
Intrare libera
Lunea viitoare ne facem incalzirea pentru One World Romania - 
festival de film documentar dedicat drepturilor omului, care va avea loc intre 11 si 17 martie - proiectand doua filme, unul din editia de anul 
trecut si unul din editia de anul acesta a festivalului.
LU 18.02 / 20:00 / Documentary Mondays / Warm-up One World Romania 2013 / @ Centrul Ceh
I WAS WORTH 50 SHEEP / Nima Sarvestani / Suedia, 2010 / 72â
La varsta de zece ani, Sabere a fost vanduta de tatal ei unui barbat de 
cincizeci de ani â o veche practica tribala in Afganistan. Acum, tatal 
care a vandut-o incearca sa o ajute sa se salveze, straduindu-se in 
acelasi timp sa amane momentul in care va trebui sa o predea pe cealalta
 fiica a sa sotului caruia i-a fost promisa.
THE TURNER FILM DIARIES / James T. Hong, Taiwan / Olanda, 2012 / 26â
Ceea ce initial parte a fi un act de acuzare legitim a decadentei 
culturale americane se dovedeste a fi filmarea unui manifest ultra de 
dreapta. In 1978 William Pierce a scris The Turner Diaries sub 
pseudonimul Andrew MacDonald, un roman care i-a inspirat mai tarziu pe 
altii sa comita acte violente.
Intrare libera / Un eveniment sustinut de Staropramen / Eveniment fb aici
Va reamintim ca continua inscrierile pentru cursurile de limba ceha, 
pentru incepatori si putin avansati. Daca limba ceha va aminteste de 
filmele lui Jiri Menzel, daca vrei sa-l cititi pe Hrabal in original, 
daca vreti sa nu va rataciti in Praga, trimiteti un email de inscriere 
la vyoralkova@czech.cz pana pe 23 februarie.
Cursurile incep pe 25 februarie pentru incepatori si pe 27 februarie 
pentru cei putin avansati si sunt tinute de Hana Herrmannova. Un 
semestru dureaza 12 saptamani, iar un curs are 2 ore.
Taxa pe un semestru este de 300 RON. Dupa absolvire toti cursantii vor primi diplome.
Sa aveti un sfarsit de saptamana frumos, ne vedem la oricare din evenimentele noastre din acest weekend sau din urmatoarele saptamani. 
Ne simtit ca acasa peblog, dar ne gasiti si pe Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud si Youtube.
In this week-end you shouldnât miss the concert of Mario Bihari & Bachtale Apsa â gypsy music in its best form, the one that gathers 
freely influences of Balkan, Hungarian, Spanish, Russian, Slovak music 
and even elements of synth-jazz and Csardas â in Sighisoara or 
Bucharest, as part of their Romania tour.
FR 15.02 / Mario Bihari & Bachtale Apsa Concert / 21:00 / Clubul Taranului, Bucharest / fb event here
SA 16.02 / Mario Bihai & Bachtale Apsa Concert / 21:00 / Jo Pub, Sighisoara / fb event here
Mario Bihari is the singer and founder of the gypsy music band 
Bachtale Apsa, the name meaning Happy Tears, which suggests the great 
variety of feelings that this type of music can represent. The band is 
not only noteworthy because of Mario Bihari, a blind singer and 
exceptional accordion player, but also through the vocal qualities of 
the other members and through the outstanding rhythms that they combine.
Free entrance.
Next Mondays we warm-up for One World Romania- documentary film 
festival dedicated to human rights, which will take place between 11 and 17 March â screening two films, one of last year's edition and one of 
this year's edition of the festival.
MO 18.02 / 20:00 / Documentary Mondays / Warm-up One World Romania 2013 / @ Czech Centre

WAS WORTH 50 SHEEP / Nima Sarvestani / Sweden, 2010 / 72â
I Was worth 50 Sheep is the story of a brave girl, Sabere, and her 
struggle for life. When she was just ten years old she was sold to a man
 forty years her senior. After seven years of confinement and abuse she 
escaped to find temporary refuge in a women's sanctuary. Now she again 
has a price on her head as her husband will kill her on sight.
THE TURNER FILM DIARIESÂ / James T. Hong, Taiwan / Netherlands, 2012, 26â
What initially appears to be a legitimate indictment of American 
cultural decadence turns out to be the filming of an ultra-rightwing 
manifesto. In 1978, William Pierce wrote The Turner Diaries under the 
pseudonym Andrew MacDonald, a was a novel that would later inspire 
others to commit violent acts.
Free entrance / An event supported by Staropramen /fb event here 
We would like to remind you that the registration to our Czech 
language courses continues, for beginners and little advanced. If Czech 
reminds you of Jiri Menzelâs films, if you want to read Hrabal in 
original, it you donât want to get lost in Prague, send a registration 
email to vyoralkova@czech.cz until February 23.
Courses for beginners start on February 25, the ones for little 
advanced on February 27 and are held by Hana Herrmannova. A semester 
lasts 12 weeks and each course takes 2 hours. 
A semester fee is 300 RON. After graduation, all students will receive diplomas.
Have a great weekend! See you at the concerts or at any of our events happening in the next weeks.
We feel at home on theblog, but you can also find us onFacebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and Youtube.
Iulia Turcanu
PR & Graphic Designer
Centrul Ceh Bucures
Ion Ghica 11, Sector 3, 030045 Bucharest
T: +40 21 303 92 84
M: +40 724 352 927
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