Centrul Ceh on Fri, 16 Nov 2012 16:55:12 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] [Romania-News] Czechoslovak Film Poster

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Centrul ceh prezinta pentru prima oara an Romania colectia unica de  
afise de film realizate de artisti cehoslovaci intre anii 1961 â 1987  
pentru Centrul de inchirieri din Praga.

JO 15.11 â MA 15.01.2013 / @ MNAC 
Vernisaj JO 15.11 / 19:00

Inca de la inceputul anilor â60, din cauza inexistentei comertului cu  
arta si a imposibilitatii de a avea expozitii, importanti artisti  
cehoslovaci s-au dedicat realizarii afiselor de film. Atmosfera  
specifica din Cehoslovacia acelor vremuri a favorizat crearea unor afise
  complet diferite de afisele de film realizate in aceeasi perioada in  
celelalte tari din Europa inspirate de noile directii artistice  
contemporane: pop-art, op art, lettrism s.a.m.d.

Afisele expuse fac parte din colectia de afise de film a filmotecii  
Terry Posters din Praga, si ilustreaza 20 de filme romanesti, 20 de  
filme cehe si 60 de filme universale. 

Eveniment facebook aici.

Expozitia are cateva evenimente colaterale â un curs de istoria afisului
  de film si proiectii regulate de filme ale noului val ceh, in fiecare 
 joi, de la 17:00, la MNAC. 

VI 16.11 / 20H00 / @ Centrul Ceh / Istoria Afisului de Film / curs de Pavel Rajcan

Pavel Rajcan, curatorul expozitiei âCzechoslovak Film Posterâ si  
detinatorul impresionantei colectii de afise de film Terry Posters  
(http://www.terry-posters.com/) ne va plimba prin trecutul si prezentul 
 productiei de afis de film din intreaga lume. Prezentarea este extrem 
de  vizuala si include sute de afise unice, prin care Rajcan isi va 
ilustra  cursul.

Eveniment facebook aici.

Luni avem o proiectie speciala, cu ocazia implinirii a 23 de ani de la  
Revolutia de Catifea. Pe 17 noiembrie 1989, la Praga, politia a atacat  
mii de studenti care protestau impotriva regimului comunist. Acest  
eveniment a provocat inceperea demonstratiilor Èi a dus la inceputul  

LU 19.11 / 20:00 / Documentary Mondays / @ Czech Centre
The Greatest Wish / Olga Spatova / CZ / 2012 / 80 min / VO ceha, subtitrare in limba engleza

Intrebarea aparent simpla, âCare este cea mai mare dorinta a ta?â  
provoaca respondentii, tineri nascuti spre sfarsitul regimului comunist 
 sau la scurt timp dupa Revolutia de Catifea, sa-si formuleze sistemul 
de  valori. 

Eveniment facebook aici. 

Sa aveti un sfarsit de saptamana minunat. Ne vedem la joi laexpozitie sau la oricare din evenimentele noastre de pana la sfÃrÈitul anului. 

Ne simtit ca acasa pe blog, dar ne gasiti si pe Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud si Youtube.

The exhibition of Czechoslovak Film Posters from the 1960s until 1980s  
bearing witness to a unique era of non-commercial film advertising is  
presented for the first time in Bucharest, by the Czech Centre.

TH 15.11 - TU 15.01.2013 / @ MNAC
Opening / TH 15.11 / 7 p.m.

Czechoslovak film poster design tells a very colourful and layered  
story. No single style dominated; while some designers adopted a  
powerful style of minimalism others freely borrowed art historical  
styles and typography from classical painting to surrealism and pop-art.

The exhibition is part of the more than 60.000 Terry Posters collection 
 from Prague (www.terry-posters.com) and presents 20 posters made for  
Romanian films, 20 Czech movies and 61 world classics.

Facebook event here.

The exhibition has several accompanying events â lecture on the history 
 of film poster and regular screenings of the Czech New Wave Films on  
Thursdays from 5 p.m. at MNAC. 

FR 16.11 / 8:00 p.m. / @ Czech Center / History of Film Poster by Pavel Rajcan

Pavel Rajcan, the curator of the collection of film posters Terry  
Posters will take us through the past and the present of Czechoslovak  
poster production within the world. His lecture will include  
presentation of hundreds of unique and original pieces. The exhibition 
will be inÂCzech and Romanian. 

Facebook event here.

Next monday we have a special screening celebrating 23 years from the  
Velvet Revolution. On November 17, 1989, in Prague, the police attacked 
 thousands of students protesting against the communist regime. This  
event caused the start of demonstrations and led to the beginning of the

MO 19.11 / 8 p.m. / Documentary Mondays / @ Czech Center
The Greatest Wish / Olga ÅpÃtovà / CZ / 2012/80 min / VO Czech, English subtitles

The seemingly simple question, âWhat is your greatest wish?â provokes  
the respondents to formulate their value system. The heroes of this film
  are young people born towards the end of the communist regime or  
shortly after the Velvet Revolution.

Facebook event here. 

Have a great end of the week. See you at the exhibition, or at any of our events happening this fall. 

We feel like home on theblog, but you can also find us onFacebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and Youtube.

Iulia Turcanu
PR & Graphic Designer
Centrul Ceh Bucuresti
Ion Ghica 11, Sector 3, 030045 Bucharest
T: +40 21 303 92 84
M: +40 724 352 927
STAROPRAMEN is the general partner of the Czech Centres.
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