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[Nettime-ro] Fwd: SPACES: DEMOLAREA / DEMOLITION, program internaÈional de proiecÈii / international screening program, 30 august 2012, ora 21:00

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SPACES: DEMOLAREA / DEMOLITION, program internaÈional de
proiecÈii / international screening program, 30 august 2012, ora 21:00
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 17:36:33 +0300
From: Vladimir US <vladimir@oberliht.org.md>
To: Vladimir US <vladimir@oberliht.org.md>


- â â scroll down for English version â â -

CINEMA ÃN AER LIBER â DEMOLAREA, program internaÈional de proiecÈii

30 august 2012, ora 21:00
Havuzul abandonat dÃn faÈa Teatrului Dramatic Rus de Stat A. P. Cehov
str. Vlaicu PÃrcÄlab 75, ChiÈinÄu

Programul internaÈional de proiecÈii cu titul DEMOLAREA s-a format  
Ãn urma apelului de participare prin care am invitat toÈi cei  
interesaÈi sÄ timitÄ filme ce documenteazÄ acte ale demolÄrii  
ÃnfÄptuite Ãn diverse contexte, regimuri politice sau ideologice,  
condiÈii economice sau sociale, care au dominat Ãn trecut sau dominÄ  
Ãn prezent Èi astfel contribuie la formarea noilor identitÄÈi  

Se cunoaÈte Èi este documentat faptul cÄ de la independenÈÄ  
Ãncoace Ãn ChiÈinÄu au fost demolate multe edificii cu o valoare  
istoricÄ Èi arhitecturalÄ semnificativÄ. AstÄzi multe clÄdiri fac  
parte din diferite registre ale monumentelor, se aflÄ sub protecÈia  
statului, ÃnsÄ acest lucru nu le salveazÄ de la distrugeri Èi  
abandon. Ãn continuare, lÄsate Ãn mÃna unor investitori privaÈi  
sau posesori de capital, aceste monumente degradezÄ, iar unele din ele  
riscÄ sÄ disparÄ pentru totdeauna.

Demolarea Ãn 2011 a vechei PoÈte din ChiÈinÄu a constituit punctul  
culminant, care a mobilizat reprezentanÈii societÄÈii civile (chiar  
Èi Primarul ChiÈinÄului a fost prezent) Ãn vederea protecÈiei  
patrimoniului arhitectural din ChiÈinÄu, ÃnsÄ odatÄ cu acel  
protest public iniÈiativÄ âPoÈtaÈilorâ a pierdut din  
intensitate sau poate din viziune?

Acest program vine sÄ reactualizeze Ãn memoria colectivÄ, prin film  
documentar, actele demolÄrii care au avut loc Ãn diverse oraÈe  
europene Èi sÄ prezinte reflecÈia artiÈtilor, mai mult sau mai  
puÈin poeticÄ, asupra acestui fenomen.

Evenimentul va avea loc Ãn spaÈiul havuzului abandonat din faÈa  
Teatrul Rus de Stat A. P. Cehov din ChiÈinÄu pe care l-am amenajat cu  
acest scop:


VÄ ÃnvitÄm sa-l vizitaÈi Èi sÄ-l re-includeÈi Ãn circuitul  
vostru de locuri publice din ChiÈinÄu.


de Peter ZIKMUND [CZ]
6â / 2003

OraÅul Most a fost distrus pentru cÄrbune. O repunere poeticÄ Ãn  
scenÄ a propagandei socialiste din trecut. O viaÅÄ nouÄ mai bunÄ  
â clÄdiri noi Åi moderne. Ãntre 30 septembrie Åi 27 octombrie  
1975, biserica a fost mutatÄ la o distanÅÄ de 841,1 metri, cu o  
vitezÄ de 1-3 centimetri pe minut, Ãn vecinÄtatea spitalului vechi  
unde se mai afla o bisericÄ micÄ a SfÃntului Duh, Åi a fost  
instalatÄ pe o fundaÅie din beton armat de douÄ nivele. Dupa ce  
biserica a fost mutatÄ, ea a trecut prin lucrÄri de restaurare care  
au durat pÃnÄ Ãn 1988, dupÄ care a fost sfinÅitÄ din nou Ãn 1993.

Demolarea primei PoÈte Centrale din ChiÈinÄu
de Gheorghe VASLUIAN pentru Curaj TV [MD]
3â / 2011

Pe 22 iunie 2011 prima PoÈtÄ CentralÄ din ChiÈinÄu, situatÄ pe  
str. Vl. PÃrcÄlab 71, a fost demolatÄ de SRL âLeopressâ. Agentul  
economic a primit autorizaÅie de a construi Ãn locul monumentului  
demolat un business-centru cu 7 etaje Åi parcare subteranÄ pe terenul  
din str. Varlaam 77.

Gefummel 260
de Thomas JANITZKY
3â / 2012

Acest video prezintÄ demolarea unei clÄdiri din oraÈul Leipzig,  
Germania, Ãntr-o varÄ. El a fost realizat doar cu ajutorul unei  
singure camere video, fÄrÄ redactare Èi post-producere. Demolarea  
clÄdirilor probabil nu este o caz comun nici aici, totuÈi Ãn cursul  
reunificÄrii Germaniei Leipzig-ul a pierdut in jur de 20% din  
populatia sa.

Inclusiv totul
de Beate HECHER Èi Markus KEIM [DE]
8â / 2012

O vedere panoramicÄ a ruinelor unui hotel din deÅertul Egiptianâ  
trecutul care nu va mai vedea viitorulâ un despot depravat Ãn  
peisajâ protesteâ Åipeteâ raportul unui manager de hotel despre  
situaÅia resurselor tÄrilor dezvoltate direcÅionate Egiptuluiâ  
ÃmpuÅcÄturiâ o legÄturÄ telefonicÄ ÃntreruptÄâ o  
compoziÅie colonialÄ apocalipticÄ, care are o perspectivÄ nulÄ.

de Flavio RODRIGUES [PT]
9â / 2011

âInvernoâ ca atentat la regulile tendinÈelor anterioare de a trece  
dansul Ãn planul doi, Ãn spatele cortinei. Eram interesat in idea  
realizÄrii unui âobiect performativâ, Ãn care corpul meu (dansul)  
sÄ fie principalul rezultat. Prima sesiune de lucru a fost motivatÄ  
de cuvintele dansatoarei Èi coreografului Martha Graham: âcorpul  
spune ce cuvintele nu potâ. IntenÈia mea a fost sÄ testez aceastÄ  
declaraÈie pentru a gÄsi repere Èi indicii Ãn continuarea  
dezvoltÄrii proiectului meu. Ãn timpul improvizaÈiilor am ajuns la  
ideea cÄ eu Ãncercam constant sÄ controlez ceva ce pÄrea  
necontrolabil pentru mine, Èi mai mult a generat multe lacune Èi  
bariere. DupÄ o pauzÄ am decis sÄ mÄ confrunt cu afirmaÈia Marthei  
Graham ÃncÄ o datÄ, eventual plasÃnd-o ca moment central al piesei:  
aÈ fi lucrat Ãntr-o zonÄ unde poetica dansului ar fi unica soluÈie,  
Èi corpul ar fi cÄpÄtat Èansa de a spune ce nu pot cuvintele. Piesa  
a Ãnceput sÄ prindÄ contururi. Prin experimentarea Èi explorarea  
miÈcÄrii, ÃnregistrÄri, repetiÈii Èi prin ÃntÃmplare  
naraÈiunea a Ãnceput sÄ aparÄ. A devenit clar pentru mine cÄ  
memoria primei mele experienÈe a dansului trebuie sa fie cu precizie  
reflectatÄ. Ãn acest spectacol, la fel cum Èi autor, eu sunt Èi  
povestitorul Èi subiectul.

DupÄ Caspar David Friederich
de Konstantinos GOUTOS [DE]
8â / 2011

Oamenii, la fel ca Èi Ãn lucrarea pictorului romantic David Friedrich  
(1774-1840), privesc Ãn tÄcere demolarea unei clÄdiri Ãn centrul  
oraÈului Leipzig.

de Stephen GUNNING [IR]
5â / 2002

Un film care contrapune mecanica abstractÄ a unei licitaÅii de artÄ  
procesului foarte factual al demolÄrii clÄdirii unei bÄnci.

de Monotremu [RO]
2â / 2012

Lucrarea prezintÄ o serie de detonÄri/explozii controlate, realizate  
Ãn mai multe exploatÄri miniere de suprafaÈÄ, sincronizate pe fond  
sonor de focuri de artificii.
Se inspirÄ, Ãntr-o oarecare mÄsurÄ, din realitatea politico-  
economicÄ a RomÃniei a ultimilor douÄzeci de ani, timp Ãn  
care,independent de eticheta ideologicÄ a partidelor ce s-au alternat  
la guvernare, am asistat doar la un continuu triumf al  

Estadio Insular
de Paul WEIHS Èi Brigitte MOLLIK [DE]
24â / 2011

Ãn timpul unei vizite de douÄ luni Ãn Las Palmas, Ãn primÄvara  
anului 2011, noi am creat o carte cu fotografii, schiÅe Åi gÃnduri,  
Ãn ansamblu cu un film, ca o poveste personalÄ care se petrece undeva  
Ãntre spaÅiul architectural Åi cel social. Estadio Insular â un  
stadion de fotbal lÄsat sÄ degradeze Ãn mijlocul oraÅului Las  
Palmas de Gran Canaria, a fÄcut obiectul cercetÄrii noastre.  
FascinaÅia rezidÄ Ãn felul abordÄrii; Ãn capturarea unei structuri  
expirate, lipsite de funcÅii, ÃmpreunÄ cu amintirile sale despre  
spaÅiile sociale. Procesul a asociat o scrutare a imaginarului Åi  
realului, rezultÃnd Ãn niÅte lucrÄri fotografice Åi  

Caina 832
de Alexis Leandro ESTRELL [IT]
1â35â / 2012

Repunerea Ãn scenÄ a procesului de demolare a unui cartier cu blocuri  
care a avut loc Ãn Carrara (Italia), regiunea Caina, pe 14 mai 2011  
la  orele 15:05. ClÄdirile au fost construite dupÄ cel de-al doilea  
RÄzboi Mondial Èi au fost demolate cu ajutorul la 832 ÃncÄrcÄturi   
de dinamitÄ.

Favorite night LP
de Milos TOMIC [RS]
5â / 2009

Ãn duÅ, ÃmbrÄcat cÄlduros, un tÃnÄr extrem de ÃncÃntat  
danseazÄ Åi distruge camera sa de baie din copilÄrie.

2Â Ensayo EscultÃrico
de Aggtelek [IT]
8â21â / 2008

Pornind de la estetica acumulÄrii combinatÄ cu procesul de  
purificare, acest proiect are la baza derulÄrii sale ciclul vieÈii  
Èi morÈii, al edificÄrii Èi demolÄrii, crearea de obiecte  
multidisciplinare Ãn proiecte extinse de mecanisme contaminate.  
Mecanisme de acest fel, aÈa cum acest proces nu face diferenÈÄ  
Ãntre producere Èi produs, dar mai curÃnd se prezintÄ pe sine  
ÃnsÄÈi ca continuitate. TotuÈi, concentrate pe producerea  
articolelor pentru anumite utilaje, acest proiect nu este ÃmparÈit pe  
anumite discipline, dar mai curÃnd creazÄ un spaÈiu comun de  
dezvÄluire pentru a realiza unirea, fuzionarea, interacÈiunea Èi  
super-solicitarea sau cum a spus cineva: explozia particolelor.

ÈesÄtura IaÈi
1â / 2012

Filmul este o succesiune de cadre ce surprind demolarea fabricii  
ââÈESÄTURAââ din laÈi Ãntre anii 2010 Èi 2012.

The doorkeeper
de Sharon PAZ [UK]
3â / 2006

Personajul central din film este un bÄrbat care merge prin oraÅ cu o  
usÄ dupÄ el. El traverseazÄ Åantiere Ãn construcÅie, locuri  
abandonate Åi case deteriorate. UÈierul pÄzeÅte o uÅÄ care nu  
duce nicÄieri, o uÅÄ care este o rÄmÄÅiÅÄ a casei sale.

de Mykola RIDNYI [UA]
2â30â / 2012

Lucrarea lui Mykola Ridnyi consistÄ din cÃteva elemente: obiecte  
sculpturale cu titlul âPlatformeâ Èi un video Ãntitulat  
âMonumentulâ. PlÄcile goale deprivate de figuri ÃnÄlÈate spun  
cÄ timpurile s-au schimbat: nu mai existÄ oameni cui sÄ-i fie  
ridicate monumente, nu mai existÄ eroi. Lucrarea video documenteazÄ  
procesul de demontare a unui monument Ãn Harkov, Ucraina, care  
rÄsunÄ cu conceptul obiectelor: âMuncitorii salariaÈi de astÄzi  
lucreazÄ la demontarea eroilor muncitori (de ieri). Munca a Ãncetat  
sÄ mai fie privitÄ ca ceva eroicâ, explicÄ autorul.

de Michal SZLAGA [PL]

Filmul este alcÄtuit din materiale acumulate de artist pe Èantierul  
naval din Gdansk Ãn ultimii cÃÈiva ani. LocaÈie Ãn care se va  
investi sau se vor fonda noi forme de producere trece printr-un proces  
de demolare fÄrÄ sfÃrÈit, pe alocuri ia si foc.

Macararelele vechi, unele dintre care dateazÄ incÄ din perioada  
interbelicÄ, au dispÄrut. Pentru aproape un secol aceste macarale au  
format imaginea unicÄ a peisajului industrial din Gdansk. Èesutul  
construit al Èantierului naval este distrus, buldozerele au ras la  
pÄmÃnt hale moderniste, Ãn timp ce colectoarele de deÈeuri au  
ÃnghiÈit vechile maÈini istorice. Szlaga a Ãncercat sÄ  
Ãnregistreze tot procesul de demolare. AducÃnd a imagini de  
supraveghere, materialul video dezvÄluie schimbÄrile ireversibile Ãn  
structura uzinei puternice Ãn trecut, dar Èi simbol al caderii  
regimului comunist in Polonia.

âintrareâ liberÄ

Acast eveniment este parte a proiectului SPACES: CENTRUL CIVIC al  
CHIÈINÄULUI â cinema Ãn aer liber

OPEN AIR CINEMA â DEMOLITION, international screening program

August 30, 2012, 21:00
Abandoned pool in front of Chekhov Theatre
Vlaciu Pircalab str. 75, Chisinau

The DEMOLITION screening program is formed from contributions received  
through an open call in which everybody was invited to submit a film  
documenting acts of demolition in various contexts, as a result of  
dominant past and new politic or ideological regimes, economic or  
social conditions that led to the act of demolition and thus produced  
new urban identities.

It is well known and documented that since independence of Republic of  
Moldova many buildings with historical and architectural value in  
Chisinau were demolished. Today, many other buildings are included in  
the registry of the monuments and are protected by the state, but this  
fact doesnât save them from demolition and abandon. Handled into  
private ownersâ hands these buildings risk to disappear forever.

The demolition of the old Postoffice building in Chisinau in 2011  
represented the culminant point that mobilized civil society to state  
the need for protecting the architectural heritage in Chisinau (even  
the Mayor made its presence), targeted by the investors and capital  
owners. Unfortunately after that protest the initiative of the  
âPostmenâ lost its intensity or may be its vision?

This screening program comes to actualize in the collective memory,  
through documentary film, the acts of demolition that took place in  
different European cities and also to present the artistsâ reflection  
about this phenomenon.

The event will take place in the abandoned pool in front of Russian  
State Theatre A. P. Chekhov from Chisinau that we have cleaned and  
arranged for this purpose:

We invite you to visit this place and to re-include it into your mind  
map of Chisinau public spaces.


by Peter ZIKMUND [CZ]
6â / 2003

The city Most was destroyed for coal. Poetic movie remake of the old  
socialistic propaganda. Better new life â new modern houses. Between  
September 30 and October 27, 1975, the church was moved a distance of  
841.1 meters at a velocity of 1â3 centimeters per minute to the  
vicinity of the old hospital with a small church of the Holy Spirit,  
and it was set on an iron-concrete two-storied foundation. After the  
move was completed, restoration work went on until 1988, and the  
church was solemnly consecrated again in 1993.

Demolition of the first Post office in Chisinau
by Gheorghe VASLUIAN for Curaj TV [MD]
3â / 2011

On June 22, 2011 the first Post office in Chisinau situated on Vl.  
Pircalab str. 71 was demolished by SRL âLeopressâ. The company got  
authorization to build a 7 floor high buisness center with a  
subterrain parking on the place where the monument was standing.

Gefummel 260
by Thomas JANITZKY [DE]
3â / 2012

The video shows the demolition of a city house during summer in  
Leipzig, Germany. It was produced with just a video camera. No  
editing, no post-production. The demolition of houses may not be too  
much of a common sight even there, however, over the course of the  
German reunification Leipzig lost around 20% of its population.

All Inclisive
by Beate HECHER & Markus KEIM [DE]
8â / 2012

The panoramic view of a hotel ruin in the Egyptian desertâ the  
yesterday, that will no longer see the tomorrowâ a  depraved despot  
in the landscape in snorkeling gearâ protestsâ  screamsâ the  
report of a hotel manager about the supply situation of the First  
World in Egyptâ shotsâ a interrupted telephone  connectionâ an  
apocalyptic colonial composition, whose perspective is the zero.

by Flavio RODRIGUES [PT]
9â / 2011

âInvernoâ, appears as an attempt to break the previous trend of  
putting dance in the background. I was interested in the idea of  
developing a âperformative objectâ, where my body (dance) would be  
the main issue. In the first working sessions, I was motivated by a  
quote of the dancer and choreographer Martha Graham: âThe body says  
what words can notâ. My intention was to test this statement in order  
to find clues for further development of my work. During  
improvisations I realized that I was constantly trying to control  
something that seemed uncontrollable to me, and therefore raised many  
issues and barriers. After a pause, I decided to confront the  
affirmation of Martha Graham again, eventually making it the central  
part of the piece: I would work on a territory where the poetics of  
dance would become the only solution, and the body would get the  
chance to say what words could not. The piece began to take shape.  
 From the experimentation and exploration of movement, record,  
repetition and random, a narrative begins to emerge. It became clear  
to me that it would have to reflect precisely the memories I keep of  
my first experiences with dance! In this performance, as well as the  
author, I am the narrator and the subject.

After Caspar David Friederich
by Konstantinos GOUTOS [DE]
8â / 2011

People, like in the works of romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich  
(1774-1840), observe in silence the demolition of a building in the  
city centre of Leipzig.

The Void
by Stephen GUNNING [IR]
5â / 2002

Single channel video, which counterpoised the abstract mechanics of an  
art auction with the very factual process of demolishing a bank  

by Monotremu [RO]
2â / 2012

This work illustrates a series of controlled explosions carried out in  
several surface mines, synchronized with a fireworks sound in the  
In a certain way, it is inspired from Romaniaâs political and  
economic reality of the past twenty years, during which, regardless  
the ideological label of parties that have alternated in government,  
we witnessed a continuous triumph of neoliberalism.

Estadio Insular
by Paul WEIHS & Brigitte MOLLIK [DE]
24â / 2011

During a two-month-visit in Las Palmas in spring 2011 we produced a  
book with photographies, sketches and thoughts combined with a film as  
a personal story taking place in the field between architectural and  
social space. Estadio Insular an abandoned football stadium left to  
decay in the middle of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria was the object of  
our research. The fascination lies in the approach; in capturing an  
expired structure devoid of function along with theâ âstoredâ  
memories of its social spaces. The process-related examination between  
imagination and reality results   in photographic, cinematic and  
compositional works.

Caina 832
by Alexis Leandro ESTRELL [IT]
1â35â / 2012

Re proposition of the social housing demolition that took place in  
Carrara (Italy), Caina district, on the 14 of May 2011 at 15.05. The  
buildings were erected after WWII and pulled down using 832 dynamite  

Favorite night LP
by Milos TOMIC [RS]
5â / 2009

In the shower, dressed warm, overjoyed young man dances and destroys  
his childhood bathroom.

2Â Ensayo EscultÃrico
by Aggtelek [IT]
8â21â / 2008

Starting off with an aesthetics of accumulation combined with cleaning  
processes, this project is developed structuring cycles of life and  
death, construction and demolition, making of a multidisciplinary  
corpus an expanded projection of contaminated mechanisms. Mechanisms  
insofar as this work does not distinguish between processes and  
products, but rather presents itself as a continuum. Thus,  
contaminated beyond the development of pieces in certain hardwares,  
this project has not parcels to differentiate disciplines, but rather  
a space that unfolds so that they all adjoin, fuse, interact and  
superimpose or, as someone said before, explode.

ÈesÄtura IaÈi
1â / 2012

The film is a continuity of images that show demolition of  
ââTESATURAââ (texture) factory in Iasi between 2010 and 2012.

The doorkeeper
by Sharon PAZ [UK]
3â / 2006

In the center of the video is a man walking with a door through the  
city. He is passing in construction sites, abandoned places and  
destroyed houses. The doorkeeper guards a door that does not lead  
anywhere, a door that is a left over from his home.

The Monument
by Mykola RIDNYI [UA]
2â30â / 2012

Mykola Ridnyiâs work consists of two accordant elements: sculpture  
objects titled âPlatformsâ and a video called âThe Monumentâ.  
Empty plinths deprived of pinnacled figures state that today, times  
have changed: there is no one to raise monuments to, there are no more  
heroes. The video documenting the dismantling of a monument in Kharkiv  
(UA), echoes the objectsâ concept: âTodayâs wage workers perform  
the labor of removing the worker heroes. Labor has long stopped being  
heroismâ the author explains.

by Michal SZLAGA [PL]

This film is based on materials recorded by the artist within the  
GdaÅsk Shipyard in the last few years. The locations which are to  
house new investments or new forms of production, witness endless  
demolition â occasionally fires break out. Historic cranes, some of  
which date as far back as the Interbellum period, have disappeared.  
For almost a century, the cranes have determined the unique nature of  
GdaÅskâs industrial landscape. The material tissue of the shipyard  
is worn out; bulldozers raze modernist halls to the ground, while  
scrap collectors purloin historical machines. Szlaga managed to  
capture an entire set of demolitions. Reminiscent of surveillance  
footage, the images reveal irreversible changes to the material  
structure of a formerly powerful plant as well as an important symbol  
of the fall of the communist regime in Poland.

free âentryâ

This screening is organized as part of SPACES: CHISINAU CIVIC Center  
â open air cinema project

Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   curator


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei  
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"

tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
email: 	vladimir@oberliht.org.md
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
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information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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