ALERT studio on Sun, 18 Dec 2011 19:37:30 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] "RAMASITELE ZILEI" | Gabi Stamate @ ALERT studio.

(english version bellow)

ALERT studio (WHITE CODE). Gabi Stamate. Vernisaj: Miercuri 21 Decembrie,
ora 19.00.


In decembrie 1989, pe cand aveam cea mai frumoasa dintre varste, am
avut sansa extraordinara de a ma afla in mijlocul evenimentelor. Pe 21,
ziua revolutiei bucurestene, m-am alaturat primelor grupuri de protest si,
cu ajutorul unui aparat Zenith, am realizat o suita de fotografii pe
Bulevardul Magheru, intre blocul Scala si Piata Romana.

Azi, dupa 21 de ani, sentimentul acela incredibil de teama si euforie a
ramas intact in memoria mea si nu a fost egalat de nimic. Expozitia de azi
este amintirea acelei zile formidabile.

Dedic acest eveniment memoriei mamei mele.

Gabi Stamate

2011, Bucuresti, RO.


“ - Teama leneveste spiritul, loveste la temelia fiintei. Marile figuri ale
umanitatii au trait riscant, au sfidat pericolul, au clocotit. Sa mergi sa
mai cumperi un vin, te rog. Au ars ca niste torte, tipii aia.

Inclina ostentativ paharul cu o ramasita de vin.”


ALERT studio functioneaza ca pop-up gallery.
Vizitarea expozitiei se va face in perioada 21 Decembrie - 27 Ianuarie prin
programare e-mail.

ALERT studio este un proiect independent initiat de Raluca Ilaria
Demetrescu, Alina Buga si Catalin Burcea cu scopul de a crea o platforma de
cercetare  si promovare a productiei artistice contemporane. Asumandu-si
functia de spatiu laborator, Alert Studio propune o intalnire intre
artisti, idei, directii si discursuri din zone conceptuale si spatii
culturale diferite. Sunt importante si apreciate gandirea critica si
interogatia ca metode de cercetare a contextului cultural-artistic
ALERT studio functioneaza ca o galerie de proiect, conectand trei directii
de explorare artistica - PINK | RED | WHITE - intr-un singur spatiu. Insa
aceste coordonate nu inseamna indexare, restrictie si etichetare. Ele se
pot intersecta si nuanta, pot oricand dialoga si declansa dezbateri.

*ALERT studio*
2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street
code 010281 | **Bucharest, Romania


ALERT studio (WHITE CODE). Gabi Stamate. Opening: Wednesday 21 December,
7.00 PM.


In December 1989, in the pride of my youth, I had the extraordinary chance
to be in the middle of the events. On the 21, Bucharest revolution day, I
joined the first protest groups and, with the help of a Zenith camera, I've
made a suit of photos on Magheru Boulevard, between the Scala building and
Piata Romana.

Today, after 21 years, that incredible feeling of fear and euphoria remains
intact in my memory and still unequaled by anything. Today's exhibit is the
memory of that astonishing day.

I dedicate this event to my late mother.

Gabi Stamate

2011, Bucharest, RO.


“ - The fear lazes the spirit, it hits on the foundation of being. The
great figures of humanity lived on the edge, they defied danger, they
boiled. Go by some more wine please. They burned like torches, those guys.

He purposely tilts the glass with some leftover wine.”


ALERT studio functions as a pop-up-gallery.

The exhibition is on view between December 21 and January 27.

Visits will be programmed by e-mail.

ALERT studio is an independent project initiated by Raluca Demetrescu Alina
Buga and Catalin Burcea in order to create a platform of research and
promotion of contemporary artistic production. Taking on the function of
alaboratory space, Studio Alert proposes a meeting between artists, ideas,
directions and speeches from different areas of conceptual and cultural
spaces. Critical thinking and interrogation are important and valued as
research methods in the contemporary cultural and artistic field.
ALERT studio stands as a gallery project, connecting three areas of
artistic exploration - PINK | RED | WHITE - into one space. But these
coordinates do not mean indexing, labeling and restriction. They may
intersect, combine in new shades, and may always communicate and trigger

*ALERT studio*
2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street
code 010281 | **Bucharest, Romania
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