PAVILION [contemporary art & culture magazine] on Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:10:03 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] FREE ACADEMY Adrian Majuru la Pavilion


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FREE ACADEMY (introducere)

orele 19.00

Adrian Majuru

La scara istorica, formarea gusturilor si apoi manipularea lor s-a putut infaptui prin manevrarea abila a unor succesiuni de imagini la care, dincolo de imaginaie, trebuie pusa in valoare deplina investitia. Numele firmei devine renume prin armonizarea fatadei cu un slogan comercial care trebuie sa capteze, sa convinga si sa fidelizeze cumparatorul. Numele firmei este adesea retinut dupa ineditul fatadei, datorita ingeniozitatii formelor, detaliilor, stucaturilor, feroneriilor, culorilor. Apoi vin numele, sloganul, reclama. Se stie cum trebuie sa arate o cafenea sau o pasmanterie; o barbierie sau o ceaprazarie; fatada unei banci sau intrarea intr-un hotel. Astfel s-a nascut ideea de design, si prin acesta s-a dezvoltat o continua competitie catre variatie, pentru a deosebi un tip de inevestitie de alta.

Investitia in istorie a fost intotdeauna o chestiune de atitudine iar aceasta suma de comportamente a fost sustinuta printr-o imagine eficient construita:reclama

Reclama nu are doar scopul de invitare, de captare a bunavointei, un ante factum convingator sau atragator. Ci mai are si rolul de a educa prin informare cat mai completa si pertinenta asupra tipului de magazin si varietatii produselor sale atat de folositoare in toate zilele. Adesea, in trecut, multe dintre reclame descriau gama produselor comercializate sau fabricate dar si importanta lor in viata cumparatorului. Era dialogul aniticipat care se consuma aproape intotdeauna intre cumparator si vanzator sau negustor, in interiorul magazinului. Astazi reclama doar invita, adesea agresiv, cu o informare laconica, folosind mai mult manevrarea unor simboluri stilizate decat cuvantul scris, chiar redus la un slogan, cel putin atractiv prin originalitate.

Adrian Majuru este scriitor, istoric, doctor in geografia umana.
A scris noua carti despre Bucuresti.

FREE ACADEMY isi doreste sa fie o platforma informationala, o alternativa informala la sistemul educational romanesc (neperformant) fara pretentia de a fi pus intr-un context oficial. Plusand pe o maniera neoliberala de predare ne dorim prin acest proiect sa urmarim beneficiile individuale si mai putin cele de grup. Fiecare individ are sansa la cultura/culturalizare si, in extenso, sansa la o alternativa. Nu credem ca o diploma poate oferi un exemplu de competenta si, mai ales, de calitate a individului care o poseda si de aceea cursurile structurate in Free Academy nu ofera diplome si alte tipuri de hartii. Fiind adversarii "societatii acreditarilor" credem ca nu exista tangente remarcabile intre o diploma si competenta profesionala a unui individ. Ceea ce face diferenta intre sistemul formal propus de parghiile oficiale ale statului si educatia informala, propusa de proiectul Free Academy, este faurirea a ceea ce apare in discursul despre educatie ca fiind "cetateanul activ" - acel tip de cetatean care participa la discursul social, care este agent al schimbarii, care propune termenii dezvoltarii, care are resursele atitudinale si competentele de a se implica.

FREE ACADEMY este un program finantat de Administratia Fondului Cultural National.


FREE ACADEMY (introduction)

19.00 hours

Adrian Majuru

On a historical scale, the formation of tastes and their manipulation was made possible through the nimble handling of image successions in which, beyond creativity, one should recognize the full worth of the investment. The name of the company becomes renowned through the harmonization of the facade with a commercial slogan that should draw attention, convince and encourage the loyalty of the buyer. The name of the company is usually remembered by the originality of the facade, through the ingeniousness of the shapes, details, the stucco and iron decorations and the colors. Then come the name, the slogan, the commercial. One knows how a coffee or trimmings shop looks like; a barber shop or one that sells ornaments; the facade of a bank or the entry to a hotel. Thus, the concept of design was born and through this a new competition towards variation developed, to differentiate between types of investment.

An investment in history has always been a matter of attitude, and this sum of behaviors was supported by an efficiently constructed image: the ad.

The ad has not only the purpose to invite, to captivate goodwill, a convincing or atractive ante factum. But it also plays a part in educating through complete and pertinent information about the type of store or of the variety of products useful on a daily basis. Usually, in the past, a lot of the ads described the range of products that were sold or made, but also the importance it had in the life of the buyer. It was the anticipated dialogue that took place almost always between the buyer and the seller or the tradesman, inside the shop. Today, advertising only invites, most of the time aggressively, with laconic information, using the manipulation of certain stylized symbols, rather than the written word, reduced to a slogan, at least attractive through its originality.

Adrian Majuru is a writer, historian and doctor in human geography.
He wrote nine books about the city of Bucharest.

FREE ACADEMY wishes to be an informational platform, an informal alternative to the Romanian educational system (unsatisfying) without wanting to be part of an official context. Emphasizing on neoliberal teaching manner we want to pursue the individual benefits, rather than the group's benefits. Each person has the chance for culture/ dissemination of culture, and thus the chance for an alternative. We don't believe a diploma can offer a proficiency example, and, most of all, the quality of the person that posses it, and that is why the Free Academy courses don't offer diplomas or any other certificates. Being adversaries of ''the creditors society'' we think that there aren't any remarkable tangents between a diploma and one's professional ability. What makes the difference between the formal system suggested by the Officials and the informal education, put froward by the Free Academy, it's the making of what the speech on educations calls an active citizen- the type of citizen that participates in social discourse, the agent of change, who recommends the terms for development, who has the attitude resources and the ability to get involved.

FREE ACADEMY is supported by Romanian National Cultural Fund.

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131

PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o Ãntelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILIONâUNICREDITâis a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Pilsner Urquell

Media partners: Radio Romania Cultural, 22,,, 24Fun,
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
Audio-visual partner: Sony

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