lucille c. on Fri, 3 Nov 2006 20:42:36 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Tr: sonicas

De: Objet: info 03 :::  Sonicas ::nov 2006 Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 11:04:56 +0100 À: undisclosed-recipients:;


Espero que tu i la teva xarxa  gaudiu d'aquesta informació,
Espero que tu y tu red disfruteis de esta información,
Hope you & your network enjoy the information,




festivals :: Spain


espacios en / venues in : Barcelona
Deposito Legal
Teatre Llantiol
Centre Cívic Boca Nord



* Non-FM Webradio since Year2K *
Radio WNE bases its program of
broadcasting on emergent musics devoted
to original contents, retransmission of
events and of acoustical phenomena on a
collaborative online platform
| To JOIN and CONTRIBUTE to the Radio WNE |
| Community via LIVE / REDIFF / RELAY or |
| PLAYLIST audio contents, please submit |
| this form : |


  free local radio net station's : Barcelona


FO A RM magazine
no. 5 (autonomy)
Coming in October!: FO A RM 5 (Autonomy), special sound-art issue  
with full-length CD.
Featuring: Jose Maceda, Achim Wollschied, John Duncan, Lionel  
Marchetti, Francisco Lopez, Barbara Held, Giancarlo Toniutti,
Pauliina Haasjoki, Arsenije Jovanovic and much more!
B.Wright, S. Nehil, M. Marble, editors
thanks! Barbara H.



  music net.distribution

  music distribution


Seville, 12 ~ 16 December 2006
Ayuntamiento de Sevilla · Icas · Biacs
Universidad de Sevilla · Fundación Autor / SGAE
Se ruega difundir ampliamente · Please make a wide diffusion

CALL ::   SonicAs
nov. 2006

Signal and Noise
is the biggest festival of its kind
in Vancouver, featuring a broad array of sound, video,
and live performance and installation from all over
the world. The theme for the 2007 Festival is: lost
and found

To submit, go to:

deadlineâ??3 November 2006

Signal and Noise
A Celebration of Sonic and Media Inspirations
April 19â??21, 2007
Vancouver, BC, Canada


Call for Works:
San Francisco Tape Music Festival

The "new" San Francisco Tape Music Center is seeking fixed
electroacoustic works (aka tape pieces) for possible performance.
Our next fesitval will take place January 26-28, 2007 at ODC Theater  
in San Francisco.

All pieces are projected over a 16+ speaker system capable of
BEAST-style diffusion of stereo works, multi-channel works, and works  
in B-format ambisonics.

Please email
+ Program notes.
+ Composer bio (for the printed program).
+ URL to composer's web site.
+ Any performance instructions.
+ Link to an mp3 of the submitted works online.
(this is optional but may help expidite our review)

And please mail the following:
+ Printed copy of emailed material. (optional)
+ Audio CD of the work(s) to be considered.

If the CD contains more than one track, please specify the number and  
order of tracks we should consider. A Data CDR or DVD may be  
submitted for multichannel or higher bit/samplerate files. (please  
also include a stereo mix on an Audio CD for the review panel!)  
Materials will not
be returned unless a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage  
is included.

Send materials to:
New San Francisco Tape Music Center
2550 9th Street, Suite 207B
Berkeley, CA 94710

We accept submissions throughout the year, however only submissions  
received before Nov 15, 2006 will be considered for the January 2007  

Questions or comments can be sent to:

Thank you for your interest.


Convocatoria - CCEBA

Net Art / Medios Digitales.
Convocatoria para la realizacion de proyectos

El Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires abre esta convocatoria  
permanente a artistas residentes en Buenos Aires interesados en  
desarrollar proyectos que utilicen en forma significativa Internet o  
los medios digitales para la creación artística.
Con esta iniciativa, el CCEBA pretende fomentar el trabajo de  
investigación y experimentación en arte y nuevos medios dentro del  
marco de las prácticas creativas contemporáneas.
La Convocatoria está abierta a artistas provenientes de diferentes  
disciplinas: artes visuales, sonoras, escénicas, narrativas  
experimentales, etc. Los proyectos deberán ser para obras de net art,  
CD ROM, DVD, y todo soporte o sistema puramente digital.
Bases y más información en:



El plazo de recepción de documentación finalizará el viernes 17 de  
noviembre de 2006.

Para obtener las bases completas con el boletín de inscripción:

Fundación Casa Pintada

C/ San Francisco, 14

30170 Mula (Murcia)

Tfno: 968.66.27.62

Fax: 968.66.27.63


Desde el inicio de su actividad, la Fundación Casa Pintada ha  
contado, entre sus fines prioritarios, con el del apoyo a la creación  
emergente. La apertura de la antigua bodega que alberga su sede como  
espacio expositivo dedicado a proyectos emergentes ha supuesto la  
revitalización de un singular espacio histórico y su conversión en  
una plataforma para la producción y exhibición única.

El objetivo de estas becas es la realización de proyectos artísticos  
no convencionales realizados por creadores emergentes que profundicen  
en la experimentación y el diálogo con un espacio específico  
mediante el apoyo económico y su difusión. Sin menoscabo de la  
futura incorporación de nuevas fuentes y recursos para la mejora y el  
desarrollo de esta iniciativa, las bases pretenden contar de partida  
con un principio de flexibilidad que permita acoger la potencial  
variedad de propuestas a presentar.






Convocatòria internacional de projectes, oberta fins el 15 de  
novembre de 2006

Convocatória internacional de proyectos, abierta hasta el 15 de  
noviembre de 2006

International call for projects, open until November the 15th, 2006

IDENSITAT07 inicia la quarta edició amb la convocatòria de projectes  
dirigida a creadors que aportin propostes en lâ??Ã mbit de lâ??espai  
públic, des dâ??una perspectiva multidisciplinar i amb la voluntat  
dâ??interactuar en lâ??espai social del territori on es promou.

IDENSITAT07 inicia su cuarta edición con la convocatoria de proyectos  
dirigida a creadores que aporten propuestas en el ámbito del espacio  
público, desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar y con una voluntad de  
interactuar en el espacio social del territorio en el que se promueve.

IDENSITY07 starts its fourth edition calling for projects. It is  
addressed to artists who offer proposals in the field of public  
space, from a multidisciplinary perspective and having the will of  
interacting in the social space of the territory where the project is  

Bases en el document adjunt. Per més informació,  
Per contactar amb la organització:

Bases en el documento adjunto. Para más información, Para contactar con la organización:

Rules added. For further information, www, To contact  
the organisation:


Festival:Open Fader

Call for works: the Sonorities Festival in Belfast invites composers  
and artists working with sound to submit works to be presented during  
2007. We are especially interested in works that challenge or expand  
the current vocabulary and practice of digital audio performance and  

Important Dates
Deadline for Submissions: 17th December 2006
Festival Dates: 21 April - 25 April 2007

We encourage two types of submission (maximum of 1 work per category):

1. Live Performances

This includes laptop improv, VJ, audio-visual, live-electronics,
sound poetry, circuit-bending, hacktivism. Please submit the work in  
a documentary format that reflects the nature of the performance  
(e.g. video on DVD, audio on CD, software for Mac/PC, photographs).

2. Fixed Media Works (from mono to a maximum of 24 channels)

This includes works for live diffusion, multi-channel works with
predetermined spatial placement, and works with video. All  
submissions must be on DAT, audio CD, data CD-R or DA88. Submissions  
of multi-channel works on data CD-R must be accompanied by an audio  
CD containing a stereo reduction, along with diagrammatic instructions
for mapping of mono audio sources to destination speakers, along with  
a ProTools session, MaxMSP or Pd patch to accomplish the mapping.  
Works with video must be on DVD.

Selected works will be featured in four special concerts during the  
festival. These events will take place in the Sonic Arts Research  
Centre Sonic Lab performance space. This unique environment for the  
performance of electroacoustic music includes facilities for sound  
projection in a full 3D environment through loudspeakers located above
and below the audience area. The special nature of the space makes it  
essential that selected artists attend the Festival to perform their  
pieces. The Sonic Lab allows diffusion to a maximum of 48 speakers.  
(Please see for more

Please include a title and program notes as well as a short biography  
with the submission. Contact information should include a phone  
number, address, and an email address. A stamped, self-addressed  
envelope is required for the return of your materials. Materials that  
are not required to be returned will become part of SARCâ??s media  
library and may be considered for future events.

Artists are expected to finance their participation. Sonorities will
be able to provide letters of support, which can aid in seeking
funding. Please include a title, program notes as well as a short
biography with the submission. Contact information should include a
phone number, address, and an email address.

Post works to
Sonorities 2007
Sonic Arts Research Centre
Queenâ??s University Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
Northern Ireland

Eric Lyon (Artistic Director)
e.lyon at


MusicBYTES Electroacoustic mini-concert
Call for Scores

Deadline: December 15, 2006 (postmark)
Entry Fee: none

All composers are invited to submit 5.1 (5.0 without LFE also
acceptable) video or electroacoustic fixed media compositions for
performance consideration on Lewis Universitys bi-annual MusicBYTES
electroacoustic mini-concert to be held in April 2007. Works should be
no longer than 10 minutes.

Send DTS-CD, DVD, or simply an audio CD stereo mix of the work for
review. Submissions must include program notes and brief composer

Send submissions to:
Mike McFerron
Lewis University
Department of Music
One University Parkway
Romeoville, IL 60446

Only submissions accompanied by an SASE will be returned. Selected
composers will notified by February 1, 2007.

A Catholic University sponsored by the De La Salle Christian Brothers,
Lewis University is located in the Chicago area and provides more than
70 undergraduate majors and programs of study including music
technology, accelerated degree completion options for working adults,
various aviation programs, and 20 graduate programs in nine fields.

Mike McFerron


Belluard Bollwerk International

Belluard Bollwerk International
PO Box 214 - Switzerland - 1701 Fribourg
Tel +41 26 321 24 20
Fax +41 26 321 24 21

Belluard Bollwerk International is an event that produces and presents
artistic projects in Fribourg (Switzerland) since 1983. The next edition
of the festival will be held from June 28th through July 7th, 2007.

Belluard is looking for innovative and amazing projects

Each winning project shall be financed up to CHF 10'000.- (6'000.-
Euros). The projects will be evaluated by an international jury. The
winning projects will be presented in the festival programme, time

Rules :

1. The contest is open to all.
2. Any form is admitted : performance, theater, dance, music, visual
arts, cinema, etc.
3. The contest concerns creations or works in progress only. Completed
projects won't be taken into consideration.
4. Participants are free to take any steps they deem necessary to
acquire additional funding so as to complete their budget.
5. Each project is to be presented on 2 A4-format pages, at most. A
detailed production budget is to be attached on a separate sheet, along
with personal details (name, postal and email address).
6. Plans, drawings, photos, videos, etc. are highly recommended.
7. Applications can be written in english, german or french only.
8. Projects must be sent by January 8th, 2007, at the latest (postal
stamp is proof) at Belluard Bollwerk International, Contest 2007, PO Box
214, 1701 Fribourg, Switzerland. Or by email at :
9. All participants shall be made aware of the results by February 23rd,
2007. The jury reserves the right not to comment on its decision.
10. The material sent will not be returned.

Additional informations are available on

For more information go to:



The exhibition EAR APPEAL at Kunsthalle Exnergasse hosts:

Protest Academy / Station Vienna

Call for Tactical Audio Submissions
Deadline: 01. November 2006

11. November 2006, 2 pm
Protest Academy Workshop
Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna

Until November 1, 2006, Protest Academy by London-based artist Paula
Roush/msdm, is looking for sound works made out of field recordings,
found sounds, auditory interventions, activated soundscapes,
performed sound walks, pirate broadcasts, sonic tools and other
experimental formats on the theme of Tactical Audio. Contributions
will be collected for an online archive on http://protest-

msdm's Protest Academy, hosted by the exhibition EAR APPEAL in the
Kunsthalle Exnergasse in Vienna, extends the Academy in Austria for
the first time. The
collaborative Academy was launched in London in February-March 2005
as a performative archive, which is structured into a four part
collective score of the academy's inaugural lecture titled: 'What are
we doing? What's happening to us? What needs to be done? I prefer not

On November 11, 2006, 2pm the contributors to Tactical Audio are
cordially invited to present and discuss their submissions during the
Protest Academy Workshop, facilitated by Paula Roush/msdm, at
Kunsthalle Exnergasse. The idea is to generate a further station of
the performative archive in situ, investigating the sound of protest
from the perspective and situation in Vienna. Interested visitors/
listeners are welcomed!

According to the submissions until November 1 and the workshop on
November 11, the radio contribution I LOST MY VOICE TODAY on November
12, 2006 on Ã?1 Kunstradio will consist of submissions of the Call for
Tactical Audio for the Protest Academy / Station Vienna and a
selection of the already archived Tactical Audio of the Protest

Submission format:
A) sound files need to be on .mp3 format B) available on a webpage
for download C) distributed under a cc license * or accompanied by
an authorisation confirming that the artist holds authorâ??s rights and
give spermission to include the work in the Tactical Audio online
*if you are unfamilar with cc visit and
choose the format that best suits your work

Additional information:
A) name of artist B) URL and contact email C) short biography/CV (300
words max) D) title of the work, year of production, running time E)
URL for download F) Short description of the work (300 words max)

Please send the complete submission to
subject: protest academy at ear appeal

More information on Protest Academy:

Exhibition EAR APPEAL at Kunsthalle Exnergasse, October 19 â??  
November 18, 2006 /// Our sonic environment has a far more direct  
impact on daily actions than just suggestive image production.  
Soundscapes define economic, social, and cultural territories. In  
response to the question â??How does sound influence our society?â??,  
eleven artists deal in site-specific works with two issues: control  
and the production of space. EAR APPEAL is not a sound-art  
exhibition: instead, it approaches sound as conceptual and analytic  
material, examining the
ways sound defines space and exerts control.

Artists: Rashad Becker (DE), Justin Bennett (GB/NL), Benjamin
Bergmann (DE), Elisabeth Grübl (A), Arthur Köpcke (DE/DK), Genesis P-
Orridge (USA), Ultra-red (USA), Ruszka Roskalnikowa (PL), Paula  
Roush/ msdm (PT/GB), Mika Taanila (FIN), Annette Weisser (D) Curator:  
Doreen Mende

In Cooperation with Ã?1 Kunstradio

ORF Kunstradio
Argentinierstrasse 30a
A-1040 Wien


MusicBYTES Electroacoustic mini-concert
Call for Scores

Deadline: December 15, 2006 (postmark)
Entry Fee: none

All composers are invited to submit 5.1 (5.0 without LFE also
acceptable) video or electroacoustic fixed media compositions for  
performance consideration on Lewis Universityâ??s bi-annual MusicBYTES  
electroacoustic mini-concert to be held in April 2007. Works should  
be no longer than 10 minutes.

Send DTS-CD, DVD, or simply an audio CD stereo mix of the work for  
review. Submissions must include program notes and brief composer  

Send submissions to:
Mike McFerron
Lewis University
Department of Music
One University Parkway
Romeoville, IL 60446

Only submissions accompanied by an SASE will be returned. Selected  
composers will notified by February 1, 2007.

A Catholic University sponsored by the De La Salle Christian
Brothers, Lewis University is located in the Chicago area and
provides more than 70 undergraduate majors and programs of study  
including music technology, accelerated degree completion options for  
working adults, various aviation programs, and 20 graduate programs  
in nine fields.

Mike McFerron


Two Thousand + SEVEN
<<< 2nd international symposium focusing on networked performance
environments >>>

The upcoming edition of Two Thousand + SEVEN will once again run in  
parallel to the Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music
(, hosted by the Sonic Arts Research Center,  
Queen's University Belfast ( The festival is the  
longest-running new music festival in Ireland that presents cutting-  
edge new music and features some of the most thought-provoking and  
controversial musicians.

Call for papers/presentations:
The call for papers is now open.
Please go to: for details.
The focus will be on cultural and practical issues that arise in
virtual performance environments.

Keynote Speakers:
George Lewis (Columbia University) and Steven Connor (Birkbeck  
College, London)

George Lewis previously taught at UC San Diego,Mills College, the  
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Simon Fraser University's  
Contemporary Arts Summer Institute. He has served as music curator  
for the Kitchen in New York, and has collaborated in the "Interarts
Inquiry" and "Integrative Studies Roundtable" at the Center for Black
Music Research (Chicago). A member of the Association for the
Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) since 1971, Lewis studied
composition with Muhal Richard Abrams at the AACM School of Music,
and trombone with Dean Hey. An active composer, improvisor, performer
and computer/installation artist, Lewis has explored electronic and
computer music, computer-based multimedia installations, text-sound
works, and notated forms. His artistic work is documented in over 120
recordings and has been awarded by a 2002 MacArthur Fellowship, 1999
Cal Arts/Alpert Award in the Arts, and numerous fellowships from the
National Endowment for the Arts. His oral history is archived in Yale
University's collection of "Major Figures in American Music," and his
published articles on music, experimental video, visual art, and
cultural studies have appeared in numerous scholarly journals and
edited volumes.

Steven Connor has taught since 1979 at Birkbeck College, where he is
now Professor of Modern Literature and Theory. He is currently
Academic Director of the London Consortium Masters and Doctoral
Programme in Humanities and Cultural Studies. He is also the College
Orator. For publications see:

Further Details:
Paper sessions will take place in the morning and the afternoon
bridged by a lunchtime performance and finished off with two evening
Date: Saturday, 21st of April 2007
Location: Sonic Arts Research Center/Belfast,

A maximum of 8 papers of 20 minutes duration (plus question time)
will be accepted.
Abstracts (max. 350 words) are due in electronic format by the 15th
of December 2006.
Presenters of accepted papers/presentations will be informed by the
15th of January 2007.
All accepted papers will be published on the SARC site.

Registration: £30 (£15 unwaged).
This includes free access to all Sonorities Festival events on the
day of the symposium.

Submissions and all queries should be directed to:
f r a n z i s k a s c h r o e d e r

f r a n z i s k a s c h r o e d e r
Initiatrice of "Two Thousand + SEVEN"

Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music


  emcLab call
EUROPE in your eyes

Official Announcement for e=mc25

This is the first Official Announcement aimed at all European artists  
or residents of any European country which are developing artistic  
and/or experimental on new technology.

Those works produced by teams composed of artists from different  
countries will be favourably considered.

The slogan for this official announcement is: EUROPE in your eyes  
emclab is a european digital plataform to the experimentation and the  
development of art projects on new technologies.

- This plataform has as an fundamental objective the connection, in  
simultaneous and real time, among the 25 Capitals of the EU ,Santa  
Cruz of Tenerife, Bilbao and other cities for the presentation of the  
projects selected, through satellites of communication, teams of  
television and internet and screens of gigantic projection installed  
in the streets of the participating cities.

- Will Be available a DATES-ART with information of artists,
institutions, Centers of Art and of European production for the
establishment of collaborative bonds.


- Works/projects must have been produced after January 1st, 2005.

- The number of works/projects is not limited.

- Projects may be presented in any language. The translate must be  
included in Spanish or English, in case of being selected.

- The organization may use parts of the works for media broadcasting,  
within the promotional framework of e=mc25

- Following the process of selection, all participants will be
notified in writing of the result, and the required presentation
formats of their work.

- Authors will be responsible for copyright of their works.

- Works/projects selected will be exhibited in e=mc25

- A catalogue will be produced in Spanish and English, including all  
the works /projects.

- Artists with works selected shall agree to assign a copy to e=mc25,  
which may be used in the subsequent exhibitions.

- The organization is not responsible for the content of works in
order to preserve freedom.

- Submission of a works/projects implies the acceptance of these  

-The cities conecction to be at spring 2008


All submissions must be received by June 30th, 2007.

-The works should be sent by registered on line. [form on line]

-Post adress :

EUROPE in your eyes
c/Méndez Nuñez 102,6D
38001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

- Works presented will be selected by a committee of international
expert/ace in art and new technologies.

- Jury's decision is final, and is not open to appeal.

SELECTED WORKS must include:

- Project description

- Technical credits.

- Technical requirements for its showing.

- Two colour photographs of every work/project sent.

- A short biography of author/ team, medialab or representative

- A transcript of work/project in Spanish or English.

- All works must include in their front page: the work's title, the
delivery address, and the data of author or representative organization.

- In case of not providing a correct delivery address, the
organization will not be responsible for the works.

- Subsequently to the execution of the journey through the 25  
Capitals of the EU and other European cities, will be announced the  
European Congress of artists and experts for the debate and the  
reflection on technological and digital art al object to devise  
proposals that contribute to invigorate the sector.

- In parallel, will be proposed to the European institutions the
assignment of budgets for the development of artistic projects that  
link to the five continents.

We thank to all the participants the confidence in this platform.

More info about


On this millennaristic threshold old paradigms, which hold our  
reality built in the course of millenniums, have been overcome and in  
their place we witness great social, cultural and technological  
changes, which present unusual prospects for the human race.

Zeus has returned a Europe around which, slowly and with difficulty,  
all its members have got together. Nowadays we may celebrate the  
agreement of 25 countries in a common project that was dreamt at  
length. Tomorrow, all Europeans will be first-rate Europeans.  
Politics, economics and culture will get inside our hearts through a  
more fluid personal contact, and through Institutions that represent  
the feelings of the people. This European feeling has been slowly  
forged thanks to the convergence of civilizations that have provided  
a way of being, seeing, and thinking in a variety of shades.

The barriers that divided European people, that were built as
retaining walls, have been replaced with communication highways,  
where we move freely. However, this space we call Europe, which has  
banished wars from its region, becoming prosperous and democratic, is  
just a place in the world.

Outside our frontiers military conflicts coexist with the hunger of
inert populations. Small boats, genetics, all kinds of
fundamentalisms, and the Internet, everything is part of an odd mix  
in this globalized world. The archaic and the new share space and  
time in our travelling everyday life.

European population is not homogeneous and it does not have a unique  
language. Immigration contributes to shape a multi-ethnic Europe,  
varied, in search of understanding spaces, where the different  
cultures contribute to enrich the heritage we all share. It is  
absolutely necessary to establish channels where communication  
between people is fluid, accessible and permanent.

Our identity is precisely our diversity, "'I' is another and I am the  
others." In order to establish this concept we will use the word by  
means of technological networks, as the main element of communication  
to know others, and to know ourselves. That is the only possibility  
to effectively weaken the variety of violence and inequalities that  
surround us.

In order to develop a genuine European feeling and a common space of  
democratic values we need to feel close, enter into the everyday life
of the other, know the different cultures, establish bonds between  
Institutions, artists, philosophers, scientists, etc. between people!

Technological advances and their convergence with art enable us to  
establish a union, a bridge among European Capitals, providing  
creative communication in order to achieve a greater, more mutual and  
immediate knowledge as the basis for a harmonious and productive  

Nowadays, in such a convulsed world, full of uncertainties, we need  
to think about the model to follow.

In this global situation, The European Union may be an essential
reference for a better understanding between countries and the
peaceful coexistence of civilizations.

The project

Develops a metaphor of the characteristic racial, cultural and
idiomatic fact of our complicated society, since it is not the
identity but the otherness that reflect us, it makes us recognizable,  
it encourages us to know the others in ourselves, to meet other  
people in a creative and mutually revealing way.

It is a tribute to languages (more than five thousands all over the  
planet) and thinking, to the uncontrollable desire of the human being  
to invent, devise, dream, etc. to communicate and share.

When abolishing frontiers, artificial obstacles among countries, the  
world becomes a place without barriers or obstacles. We can look into  
the distance from any place. We shall check all belongs to all. Our  
French, German, Polish, Italian, etc. citizens are really close to us.
Crossing the street, we can see them and listen to them and
communicate with them.

e=mc25 proposes a journey across the European Union without going out
of the city itself. In this journey we may enter the everyday life of  
other places, knowing and sharing art and culture, and making them ours.

The world and its people are brought closer by the widespread use of  
the Internet, mobile telephony, video conference, telepresence, etc.
Technology has drastically reduced distances. However, this
communication is almost always made privately and in close spaces.

With this Project we take it out for a walk, to those walking places  
and meeting points, in order to implement reality, a virtual reality,  
incorporating other cities into the urban landscape of our city.

Nowadays millions of people all over the world are connected by means  
of mobile telephony and the Internet. The strength these
interconnections gain marks is a milestone in global human
relationships. Thus, we should make a great effort so that the
technological breach does not cause greater inequalities, but the  
same opportunities.

Everything is not entertainment or business. Art, on this occasion,  
allows steering this energy and concentrating it on a simultaneous  
action in all countries of the European Union. Bonds between people  
and groups in pursuit of the construction of a more cultured and  
supportive European Union will be increased, reasserting the wish to  
share knowledge and media.

e=mc25 is an open window from which we will look and we will be seen.
More than 450 million people joined together, working in the
implementation of cooperative mechanisms through art.


With e=mc25 we want to broaden the concept of globalization through  
art and culture. Thus, citizens of the EU will be provided with the  
required mechanisms so that they may be active protagonists in the  
construction of a common Project: a Europe of Culture.

We are citizens of a "Great Metropolis" called Europe, where each  
city is part of the other cities.

In a circular and virtual journey across the EU, without going out  
from our own city, we will feel that our street or city does not end  
in its boundaries, but continues in the streets of all the other  
European cities.

While walking we may see and talk with those people who come towards  
us, sharing everything that is taking place in each European Capital.

Without going out from our city, we will feel as if we were walking  
in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Bilbao, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Rome, etc.  
Being and feeling European citizens and taking part in a cultural and  
artistic event on a European Union scale.

Large projection screens connected to television cameras in each city  
will be located in city centre public spaces in order to achieve this  
feeling. A communicative network in real time will be weaved by means  
of communication via satellite, Internet, mobile telephony and other  
technological and human resources, and this will link the 25 Capitals  
of the EU, Bilbao, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and all those joining the

The event will last for two days, and during this time these
projection screens will be used as a medium for real-time
communication, screening and distribution of works by European  
artists, promotions of Institutions, corporations and collaborator  
companies, on-line works by artists from different countries, etc.
Each city will be coordinated with the other Capitals, suggesting
projects and contents of their promotions and artists.

This Project is absolutely and necessarily participative, so we  
expect the active collaboration of Artists, Institutions, Companies  
and citizens of all the EU states.


The Project e=mc25 is made up of two identifiable phases.

3.1.- Phase A: the journey.- A trip around the 25 States of the EU  
using all kind of transportation, feeling and making this shared  
European space ours.

At the same time the whole Project will be presented in the European  
Parliament and Capitals of the EU (Local Authorities, artists,  
cultural agents, Art Centres) so that participation and collaboration  
may be established.

3.2.- Phase B: connection.- The different real-time communication  
systems via satellite, TV, Internet and mobile telephony and the  
installation of projection screens in the streets for connecting the  
Capitals taking part in will be established.

PHASE A.- the journey across the 25 states of the EU

The journey begins in January 2006 so that we may witness and take  
part in the new composition of the EU which increases to 25 countries.
We rarely expect to build a European Union that matches the
geographical and cultural boundaries, enabling the creation of a real  
common space for culture and art.

Knowledge, collaboration, and exchange of cultural and artistic
agents, and in general, of European society must be developed further  
if we consider the great potential the EU has within its frontiers,  
and as a reference point to the rest of the world.

Thus, we want and need to take part in the development of a EU having  
Culture in the centre of its everyday life as a focal point of  
coexistence and social integration, where there is no place for  
isolation and discrimination, contributing significantly to improve  
the quality of citizens' lives. Culture as a symbol of the EU.

Presentation e=mc25

The whole project is presented to representatives of political,
cultural and artistic Institutions from each country, at local and
national levels, by means of explanatory fliers, audiovisual demo and  
web page.

Presentations in the Capitals of the EU are expected to take place in
the Spanish Embassies in collaboration with the Subdirección General
de Promoción Cultural Exterior del Ministerio español de Asuntos
Exteriores y Cooperación and the Subdirección General de Cooperación
Cultural Internacional del Ministerio español de Cultura.

Journey dates

The journey begins in January 2006 with the presentation in the
promoting cities: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Bilbao, and Madrid, and
afterwards in all the Capitals of the EU.

Image Phase A

- Logotype and corporate image of the project.

- Editions.- Fliers including the concepts and aims of the project;
participation of collaborating Institutions; promoting cities and
connections between Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Bilbao and the 25 Capitals
of the EU.

- Audiovisual demo.- Recreation of the connections among the Capitals
taking part, with original music.

- Web page.- On the web page you may gain access to the projects'
contents, follow the journey, access official announcements for the
participation of European artists, follow links to the Data Bases of
Institutions, Art Centres, etc. and communicate between the cities
participating in the coordination and development.


Main objectives Phase A:

- Presentation of e=mc25 to the Local Authorities, Cultural Agents and
Artists in the Capitals of the EU for the participation in the
development of the Project.

- Seeing, feeling, living and sharing the real magnitude of the new EU.

- Promoting the exchange of information and collaboration in artistic
Projects within the EU, taking part in the formation of working parties.

- Helping cultural and artistic exchanges among cities.

- Encouraging the development of international projects.

- Seeking support and funding of the EU Institutions for the
development of the Project.

- Edition of Data-Art, comprising of a guide-book and interactive DVD
with information from Institutions, Art Centres, artists, etc.

- Edition of a travel book, including the most important aspects from
the Capitals visited.

- Specific web page as a link and platform for meeting and taking part
in works on-line, official announcements, and following the journey.

- Official announcement "Europe in your eyes" aimed at European
artists or residents of any European country.

- The journey will be shot, photographed, and exhibited by means of
audiovisual installations, and editions at Museums and Art Centres all
over the world.

Sponsoring and collaborator institutions Phase A:

Presidencia Parlamento Europeo

Subdirección General de Promoción Cultural Exterior (Ministerio
Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación)

Subdirección General de Cooperación Cultural Internacional (Ministerio
de Cultura)

Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Organismo Autónomo de Cultura)

Fundación Bilbao 700

Ayuntamiento de Bilbao

PHASE B: the connections

We are aware of the great challenges involved in real-time connection
of the 25 Capitals of the EU, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Bilbao (and
other cities joining the project) in a coordinated act.

On the same day, at the same time, the main cities of the EU will have
a window to communicate with each other.

We will be able to look and be seen, talk and take part in a great
cultural event where we will share dreams, hopes, and cultural and
artistic projects.

It will be a milestone in the use of new technologies accessible to
everybody and a symbol for incorporating all the European citizens in
a common space, sharing democratic ideals.

Dates and length of the connections

In spring of 2007 the required devices for the connection between the
cities of the EU will be established.

Connection will last 48 hours and during this time we may communicate
in real time from each city participating, and we may also take part
simultaneous cultural events in the 25 countries of the European Union.

Aims Phase B [index]

- Between Phase A and Phase B, there will be a period for developing,
beyond the events dates, convergent cultural and artistic projects to
encourage and broaden the relationships between Institutions and
citizens. This will help create stable and participative structures in
the field of culture and art, which help to reinforce collaboration
among Europeans realising the global scope.

- Congress call for analysing and reflecting on art and new
technologies, with the participation of European Museums and experts.

- Development of specific works by multimedia artists and others. With
their presentation within the framework of e=mc25 we may widen
exhibition and promotional circuits.

- Official announcement of a European award "Europe in your eyes" for
art and new technologies.

- Promotion of stable links among artists, Institutions, the media,
production and exhibition in Europe for developing cultural and
artistic international projects.

- Promotion of Institutions, Corporations and Companies taking part in
the project in the 25 countries of the EU.

- Contribution to advanced programs of new technologies.

- Promotion of citizen participation in a supportive Europe through
culture and art, bringing Institutions closer to the citizens.

- Organization of a large party of Art and Culture in the 25 countries
of the EU simultaneously, with the collaboration of local groups and
artists coordinated.

- Installation of projection screens, television sets, Internet,
mobile telephony and others in every city participating for the
real-time connection.

- Proposal to create a TV program about art and culture called "Europe
in your eyes."

- Development of binding programs to spread this experience to the
five continents.

- This action emerges from the possibilities provided by the present,
but it has a clear vocation for the future.


In January 2006 we begin a journey dreamt at length by the 25 States
of the EU to present e=mc25.

Without the support and generosity of the Institutions sponsoring and
collaborating to realise this project, it would not be possible to
deal with such an ambitious idea of joining in real time the 25 States
of the EU, and their capital cities by means of communication systems.

The view of those people who run these Institutions, coinciding with
ours, to take actively participate in the construction of a more
supportive and creative Europe, where culture and art are essential
for coexistence. This would help sow the seeds and establish a
platform where different cultures meet to eradicate all kinds of wars
and inequalities that prevent the creative meeting of all civilizations.

Despite the technical and human complexity required for the
implementation of a real-time communicative network, which joins the
25 Capitals of the EU (and other cities), the objective is to develop
technological proposals. This will help promote knowledge and
collaboration between citizens and Institutions through culture and
art, for the promotion of Europe and participation in the name of a
greater and better social coherence in the world. Art and technology
becoming accessible to all.

This project strives to spread the experience of the EU to the 5
continents. Art, culture and new technologies enable us to overcome
frontiers of insuperable barriers.

Art and Culture make us more supportive and free.



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