ohir+no+spam on Tue, 23 Nov 1999 18:21:26 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Re: e-LITISM (UK and beyond)

I planned to---as Jim said---'waste my time' and write a longer, hope
consolating, reply. Though, this few words should fit: 

J> For them, the internet ghetto, and those with access to it is the world.

   Twenty years ago, a wireless communication was for the state and
   their agencies, for millionaires and for small clique of (radio) 
   HAMs (say, 'elite' living in their ghetto). 
   Five years ago, such form of communication reached the higher
   stratum of middle class. 
   Now you can get (at least here, in Poland) a GSM phone for something
   as $25 (13 GBP) for handset and $2.5 (1.3GBP) monthly (w/o calls). 
   Being on dole likely you won't pay for calls; but *you* may be called. 
   It counts. 
   From other angle: a bud from Chicago, Illinois, US is paing $19.95/mth
   for instant access on cable. $19.95 for 1Mbps (do read 'fast') link. 
   Here, in Poland, 1Mbps link still costs around $400/mth. For a year or
   two, it will cost same $19.95. 

   Think on both above. 

J> The volume of material circulating is impossible for anyone to cope J>
with or sensibly absorb. 

   Yep. And no sane man will even consider to 'absorb' it. The power of
   the Net is somwhere else, she (sic!) is not at where you saw it with
   your wolfish hunger for *other people and their ideas* --- the Net's
   power is in *yours* ability to sieve out *only this information you
   are in quest for*. 

   I wished, you get at last the Net at hand; then you will see
   where she lies. 
Regards, Ohir. 


Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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