Alan Sondheim on Sun, 26 Sep 1999 03:14:13 +0200 (CEST)

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ALBUS HEUUALD come back from Old Saxony, because you're going to be
martyred there! Don't forget to bring your brother NIGER as well!

BISI you'd better retire and turn your job in East Anglia over to Aecci!
Right now!

CEDD write and tell us what your brother Ceadda think of Lastingham! Did
he think you "did a good job"? Did you tell your mom?

What are you guys doing in LUGUBALIA?

FORDERHERI, how was Rome? I bet you had a good time - too bad you had to
leave Sherborne!

Help! The DANAI are coming! I wonder what CYNIBERCT had to say about that?

UICTRED, do you know if CEDD told his mom? We haven't heard a word!
Meanwhile, just what happened between you and Suaebheard when you were
joint kings? Tell us!

UILFRID write and tell us why you were so bad? They didn't like you in
York, I bet! Glad to see you were over at LINDISFARNE - did you see all
the neat stuff there? Was it really all written on vellum? Did they have a
lot of sheep? I bet they had a lot of sheep!

RING! RING! CEDD, your mom's on the phone!

 1  226 ms []
 2  306 ms []
 3  242 ms []
 4  169 ms []
 5  260 ms []
 6  233 ms  131.ATM3-0.XR2.DCA1.ALTER.NET []
 7  334 ms  194.ATM1-0.TR2.DCA1.ALTER.NET []
 8 1271 ms  101.ATM6-0.TR2.NYC1.ALTER.NET []
 9 1205 ms  198.ATM7-0.XR2.NYC4.ALTER.NET []
10 1132 ms  188.ATM8-0-0.GW2.NYC4.ALTER.NET []
11   *       []
12 1289 ms []

Hi Mom! What a mess! I can hardly reach you from here! We're down in
HROFESCESTIR at the moment! It's pretty terrific - you should see all the

PENDA, tell me! Where on earth is Mercia? I haven't a clue!

Do you know that Wight held out against CAEDWALLA, relying on Mercia,
"fiducia Merciorum"? What a mess again! Caedwalla appears when you least
expect him! Just when "per factionem principum a West Saxonia expulsus!"
And who knows where West Saxony is! If it's old, and I bet it is, is it
Old West Saxony? How do these people ever get home?

"The trace is not only the disappearance of origin -- within the discourse
that we sustain and according to the path that we follow it means that the
origin did not even disappear, that it was never constituted except recip-
rocally by a nonorigin, the trace, which thus becomes the origin of the
origin." (DERRIDA BISCOP) 

CEDD, stop it! Don't you know "Britannia Oceani insula, eui quondom Albion
nomen fuit, inter septentrionem et occidentem locata est, Germaniae, Gal-
liae, Hispaniae, maximis Europae partibus, mutlo interuallo aduersa?"



linux the lineup *

agetty they had gotten up to the mountain fastness
ash past villages burned to ash, there was always someone,
busybox a busy-box, who talked and talked, while he should
bzip2 have kept his mouth zipped. constantly, they
chgrp changed the group; among them was a beautiful 
chmod model, who everyone dreamed about wanting to
chown own. she was the center of attention in 
clear the clearing, where the liberation army constantly
cpio came and went. one fighter with dark eyes and very
date much in love, asked her for a date, begging her,
dd deedee, please send me a
dmesg message and i will be true to you forever, 
false never false. deedee, her face scratched by brambles,
fdflush flushed; she clutched the thin metal
fdisk disk in her hand. the fighter never knew what was
init in it, what secret messages. perhaps the time had 
kill come for her to kill, but she was beginning to care.
length fires smouldered the length and breadth of the hill,
ln up and down the line; freedom-fighters were beginning
login to bring logs in, hoping to somehow
losetup loosen the setup. soon the resistance-fighter
mkdir was made a director; deedee too fell in love. it was
mkfs.minix odd seeing them, him in fatigues, her in a mini,
mknod nodding at one another flushed and hot; they would
mkswap never swap each other for anyone else. hoarse and
mount defiled, they mounted each other in full view
mv of the camp, moving in time to the nationalist anthem,
pax rocking for peace. another fighter in love crept
pwd quietly over to the powder magazine, hoping to 
rm remove deedee from the rest of the men, and 
rmdir remove the director as well. our good fighter turned
sh to her, shh, he said, someone is trying to kill us all.
shutdown we should shut down the campsite, pretend to move
sleep off, or sleep deeply for the night. they did so, 
swapoff the bad fighter trying to swap off himself for
swapon the good, as if this were acceptable. the camp was
sync momentarily out of sync; the good fighter and deedee,
tar naked and bruised, ran across the tar, their hands
touch touching, inside each other. beneath the flag 
true of anarchy, this was true love; the bad fighter died,
update stay tuned for an update soon.


What is to Be Done?

Report: I'm alive and well in Traveller's Linux; I have left Vienna.
Report: I'm in on Vienna Traveller's Linux. I am told I am paranoid.
Communique: My name is Vladimir Lenin. I am in Edit, Austria.
Communique: Hello out there. I am cut off.
Communique: The best Jews, those who are celebrated in world history,
and have given the world foremost leaders of democracy and socialism,
have never clamoured against assimilation.
Report: I'm alive and well; there are no Jews in Traveller's Linux.
Report: The conclusion which follows from this is absolute intcontro-
vertible: it has been proved that, far from causing harm to the revo-
lutionary proletariat, participation in a bourgeois-democratic parli-
ament, even a few weeks before the victory of a Soviet republic and
even _after_ such a victory, actually helps that proletariat to
_prove_ to the backward masses why such parliaments deserve to be
Communique: I am not paranoid; I have been told I am not paranoid.
Communique: I am at Row: 00017 and Column: 00048.
Report: This is coming to you from Traveller's Linux.
Communique to A. V. Lunacharsky: Aren't you ashsmed to vote for pub-
lication of Mayakovasky's _150 Millions_ in five thousand copies?
Rubbish, stupidity, double-dyed stupidity and pretentiousness. In my
opinion we should print only one out of ten such things, and _not 
more than fifteen hundred copies,_ for libraries and odd people. And
flog Lunarcharsky for futurism.
Report: Hello? Radio Traveller's Linux here. I AM NOT PARANOID!
Communique: What column is this? Column 00045.
Communique: I am seventy-eight years old.
Communique: Youth's altered attitude to questions of sex is of 
course 'fundamental' and based on theory. Many people call it revo-
lutionary' and 'communist.' They sincerely believe that this is so. 
I am an old man and I do not like it. I may be a morose ascetic, but
quite often this so-called 'new sex life' of young people -- and fre-
quently of the adults too -- seems to me purely bourgeois and simply
an extension of the good old bourgeois brothel. All this has nothing
in common with free love as we Communists understand it.
Report: I am certainly not in favor of this or that!
Report: I do not smoke a bourgeois so-called cigarette!
Communique: The whole of society will have become a single office 
and a single factory, with equality of labor and pay.
Communique: The second condition is agreement between the proletari-
at, which is exercising its dictatorship, that is, holds state power,
and the majority of the peasant population.
Report: I do not agree with those of the dictatorship who accuse me
of paranoia, although I have been committed of paranoia by the so-
called 'state authorities.' I do not smoke a cigarette, a victim of
the bourgeois mind!
Communique: I am in Traveller's Linux! I am in the root directory! 
No one else is here beside me! No one else is toppling this machine
constructed of the finest materials! I am using this machine! This
will have been Column 15! This will have been Row 50! I am in Aus-
tria, but I am not in Vienna! I have never been in Vienna! This is a
hope of bourgeois freedom!
Report: The government of the proletarian dictatorship -- jointly 
with the Communist Party and the trade unions of course -- makes ev-
ery effort to overcome the backward views of men and women and thus
uproot the old, non-commmunist psychology. It goes without saying
that men and women are absolutely equal before the law.
Communique: My name is Vladimir Lenin. You had the rudness to call
my wife on the telephone and berate her.
Report: It sounds just as though he were chewing rags in his sleep!
Report: One cannot hide the fact that dictatorship presupposes and
implies a "condition," one so disagreeable to renegades, of _revolu-
tionary violence_ of one class against another.
Report: We must see to it that every factory and every electric pow-
er station becomes a centre of enlightenment; if Russia is covered
with a dense network of electric power stations and powerful techni-
cal installations, our communist economic development will become a
model for a future socialist Europe and Asia.
Communique: I am on previous Row 69 of this Report and Communique.
Communique: I am not paranoid -- only to approach the government of 
the revolutionary proletarian dictatorship, is it not within the 
purview of any sane man to wonder at the absence of individuals 
within this dense network, given the absence, in other words, of any
other within Traveller's Linux? This is the Communique of Vladimir
Lenin, having been declared paranoid by the state. Toe.
Report: This ends the Communique of Vladimir Lenin, having been de-
clared paranoid by the state. Toe.
Communique: I have been declared paranoid by the state. I am not de-
clared paranoid by the state. Toe.

[written by Vladimir Lenin in Traveller's Linux, a one-floppy version of
the Linux operating system, taken verbatim from the records.]


Tape of Lenin Speaking: 

remnant (paranoid period ii)

"believe me but it's my wet voice you're hearing or could be or why the
tapes were ending--of the first of the tapes which get you wet that will
really get me properly--you just hearing a bit muffled but you're in my
cunt hello hello this is lenin touching my cunt i don't know who that was
--someone in the tomb of lenin where messages touching my asshole i know
it will be filled with clutter--touching my paranoid prick i know you'll
never tape lenin--this is tape-lenin trying to deliver a tape which was
found--tell you something--there is more then--a lot more to it you know
--the word dictator and that will--they were dropped by someone--this is
tape-lenin trying to--this is the first of the--i'm in the cunt of the
root-boot linux system--Fri Sep 24 23:02:18 EDT 1788--vladimir signing off
this is where i found in my wet tomb--you'll never escape my cunt with
noise and debris--you wouldn't believe what other forms--what else--this
is you swallowed in me by your cock--that will turn you on--you'll forget
there's more to it." 

Found transcript tape 1 of VL in tomb between left arm and abdomen, skin
sloughed averaging .3 millimeter flush with plastic case membrane. Nothing
else audible; layers had to be separated from seeped lenin-fluid, alcohol,
other embalming agents, recovered fragments of lenin-dna. Lenin had been
using a root-booting portable linux system at the time. No further infor-
mation available.


Match-Girl Time (Jennifer)

  Good and bad luck depend on money. It is a power in the _bourgeois_
period for this reason, that is only wooed on all hands like a girl,
indissolubly wedded by nobody. All the romance and chivalry of _wooing_
for a dear object come to life again in competition. Money, an object of
longing, is carried off by the bold "knights of industry."

  He who has luck takes home the bride. The ragamuffin has luck; he takes
her into his household, "society," and destroys the virgin. In his house
she is no longer bride, but wife; and with her virginity her family name
is also lost. As housewife the maiden Money is called "Labor," for "Labor"
is her husband's name. She is a possession of her husband's.

  To bring this figure to an end, the child of Labor and Money is again a
girl, an unwedded one and therefore Money, but with the certain descent
from Labor, her father. The form of the face, the "effigy," bears another

(Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own)

  Who could not want to see my tiny naked limbs through my torn ragamuffin
dress? What a delight it would be to sell myself a destroyed virgin, for
any Man who would take me! More than anything, I want to be possessed,
these poor rags ripped from my girl's pubescent body, to the delight of
the bourgeois, both male and female! To display myself and gain income at
once is my fondest ambition; I am yours for the Labor and Lucre.

(Jennifer, Who Belongs to You)


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