Alex Foti via Nettime-tmp on Wed, 28 Jun 2023 15:07:48 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Milano World Congress for Climate Justice: strategic convergence vs fossil capitalism

Dear friends,

the summer of '23 is scarier than the very scary summers of recent years - we lost the equivalent of 4 britains of antarctic icea in a year - is runaway global warming starting to kick in? we have no time to dismantle the fossil lobby, but luckily there are movements that are doing it from A22 to Ende Gelaende, from Stop EACOP to Stop COP CITY. Can various radical activist approaches converge on mass resistance against fossil capitalism? this is what WCCJ is for.

the program is nearly complete and we are raising money like crazy to bring activists from Uganda, Atlanta, Mexico, Ecuador to the congress.

Backing organizations now include Ende Gelaende and Rise Up Movement Africa, as well as Climaximo and Transnational Social Strike.

The cloisters of the Milano State U and the factory floors of Leoncavallo Social Center are awaiting transnationalist climate radicals and their wild-eyed ideas on how to save the earth from going toast due to capitalism.

Please follow us, support us and come to Milano if you're interested:)

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