paul van der walt via Nettime-tmp on Thu, 22 Jun 2023 10:05:08 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> process reporting?

Hey Felix,

On 2023-06-21 at 16:26 +02, quoth Felix Stalder via Nettime-tmp <>:
a) they are willing to host the mailings list and the webarchive


for a) we have so far:

- Henk offering the Waag infrastructure to host the list and archive.

- Davide offering's infrastructure to host the list and archive.

- Jordan Crandall inquired with Rhizome.

- John Preston inquired with riseup.

The first two are concrete offers by people who know nettime and know how to run infrastructures over the long term. Both are excellent, in my view. The latter two have not yet yielded responses,
which is perhaps not a great sign.

I recently got a message from Jordan saying that he had heard back from Rhizome, and that it wasn't going to work. He mentioned having tried to message this list, which apparently failed.

I'd like to add to the list of options what Rich outlined IMHO extremely clearly and which i remain happy to implement pretty much exactly as described. The downside of that approach is that it comes with likely more up-front configuration work. From that point of view i'd be perfectly happy with Henk or Davide's offerings (they sound very promising). I guess my only concern, is having enough configuration flexibility (use our domain for the mailing list, import the existing archive, be able to hook up arbitrary integrations like the Twitterbot should we wish, etc.). Assuming we could arrange SSH access for our moderation group, so that we're less reliant on bothering those groups' sysadmins whenever we need anything, that would probably be fine.

I wonder, Felix, whether you'd be willing (and it's not too much of a hassle) to send a copy of the nettime archive? Specifically, i'd like to have a play around and see if i can get my head around the Mailman v2/v3 incompatibility you've referred to.

Kind regards,
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