paul on Sun, 12 Feb 2023 12:28:58 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Relationships with computers between 1990 and 2010

Hey John,

I would be very interested to see what comes out of such a project. I have some ideas about that timeframe too (being as it is when i "came of age" online), and i think you're right that it was a pivotal time. Or perhaps that's the "this generation's time is the most important epoch" bias at play :p

Anyway, good luck and keep us posted!


On 2023-02-10 at 22:32 +01, quoth John Preston <>:
Hello folks,

I had an idea for a participatory art+research project on computing. I propose to start with an open call for stories and works on our relationships with computers between 1990 and 2010. That could include some office workers, IT staff, agile software engineers, some TikTok/... streamers and some
of their viewers, hackers and gamers of all ages and eras, ... .

I think 1990-2010 was a pivotal time in computing where interface design, the culture of software engineering, and the role of computers in society all shifted significantly. It's of personal importance to me because as a 30 year old, those years contextualise and define much of my life.

Assuming the open call is successful and a few people submit interesting works, we could analyse the collection together to find things that are similar and things that are different.


John (they/them)
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