Krystian Woznicki on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 09:49:44 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Open Call: Allied Grounds · Internationalism, Commons, and (Re-)Organization

Hi nettimers,

The Berliner Gazette 2023 annual project “Allied Grounds” ( will further pursue and deepen the issues of the BG project of the previous year, “After Extractivism.” As a reminder, the guiding questions were: How can we build our future on the legacies and claims of those who, yesterday as today, have been plunged into existential hardship by the ecological-economic complex? How can we make such struggles a source of inspiration for a common cause?

Following up on and expanding on these questions, “Allied Grounds” will zoom in on struggles for labor and environmental justice, revisit and explore further so-called “sacrifice zones” and “transition countries,” re-energize visions and efforts to emancipate work from capitalism’s grip, and, ultimately, explore the organizational practices and potentialities of these very struggles.

Our guiding question will be:

The means of production have become the means of climate production, so how can we – all kinds of exploited workers around the world – seize these very means and address both the eco-social and decolonial question of the climate crisis?

Central to the explorative nature of the project is a text series divided into three sections: I. Internationalism, II. Commons, and III. (Re-)Organization. Each section revolves around its own questions and focus, and yet the three are also interlinked – through the politicization of labor power.

The latter is usually situated in the field of political economy. However, recent environmental debates such as that under the heading climate class war challenge us to consider the politicization of labor power in the context of political ecology as well. The questions of internationalism, commons, and (re-)organization raised by the BG Project 2023 will serve to profile and give perspective to this broadening of the discussion.

Read about the three sections and their questions in the introductory outline entitled “Common Labor Struggles? The Eco-Social And Decolonial Question Of Climate Crisis.”

*Call for papers*

We have created a space for the “Allied Grounds” project within the BG online newspaper. Here, around 50 essays, reports, and interviews will be published in the course of 2023. While the texts appear in German in the BG, English (and other language) versions are being published in cooperation with the BG’s international media partners. If you would like to contribute a text (1,500 words) and/or subscribe to our newsletter, mail us at info(at)berlinergazette(.)de

*Conference and multimedia website*

The BG conference “Allied Grounds” will take place on October 5, 6, and 7, 2023 at the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte (House of Democracy and Human Rights).

By the end of 2023 the findings of the “Allied Grounds” project will be presented on a multimedia website such as we did for “After Extractivism.” (

Spread the word!

Please spread the word about this by sharing this email in your networks. As a reference you can use the following link: If you do so on social media, please use our handle @berlinergazette or and the hashtag #AlliedGrounds.

Best wishes,

Krystian (for the BG team)


BG - Berliner Gazette - since 1999 -


After Extractivism: Challenging the Ecological-Economic Complex
BG Project 2022 w/ Texts, Conference + more


Black Box East: "Post-Communist" Laboratories of Globalization
BG Project 2021 w/ Video Talks, Projects, Texts + Artworks


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