James Hancock on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 22:36:36 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Contents of nettime-l Digest, Vol 182, Issue 17

Hello all

This is probably the first nettime email digest I've briefly scanned through since I signed up a year ago. Apologies, I'll get round to catching up on the 181 previous volumes soon.

People were reflecting on the retirement home feel of the group, and how moving to a different medium would lose users due to new workflow. Being 23 years old I have little idea what's happening within this magical whirlpool of email sorcery - you might be creating a minor hurdle for new contributors by not having an email alternative. Not necessarily a bad thing - you'll get less emails from confused bystanders like me 😉

P.S. I haven't seen many emojis in these threads, are they supported by the mail magician?

Best, James
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