Kenny McBride on Wed, 16 Mar 2022 15:56:03 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Irregular Ukraine Linklist

...and please don't forget to write to your own government and demand they stop feeding the war machine. And don't forget to also send a text to a random westerner telling them their governments are lying to them also. 

ok let's go

Very best,
Kenneth McBride

On Wed, 16 Mar 2022 at 09:08, Geert Lovink <> wrote:
Compiled for/by INC Ukraine page and more tech meets tactical media initiatives

Donation campaign for Ukranian media

Send text messages from your phones directly to randomly selected Russians

Via INURA (thanks to Patrice):

Contacts for Ukrainians (via Janos Sugar)

Tools for communicating offline and in difficult circumstance (via Maja van der Velden)

Liberal-conservative America discussing China’s role: Kaiser Kuo in conversation with Evan Feigenbaum (via Ned Rossiter)

Online Russian Anti-War Petitions collection: “In the name of the
Russian people, but against our will”: Russian voices against Russia’s
war in Ukraine:

Links from Micheal Dieter:

Recording of 'Ukrainian Dispatch - Solidarity as Cultural Praxis
during Wartime' event at bbk berlin, March 14th 2022 - Panelists /
Speakers: Vasyl Cherepanyn (director of the Visual Culture Research
Center (VCRC, Kyiv), Nikita Kadan (artist), Maria Isserlis (curator),
Marina Naprushkina (artist, founder of Neue Nachbarschaft/ Moabit),
Clemens von Wedemeyer (artist Berlin).

Institute of Strategic Dialogue (ISD) report, Support from the
Conspiracy Corner: German-Language Disinformation about the Russian
Invasion of Ukraine on Telegram:

Report on Websites Blocked in Russia Since Ukraine Invasion:

Global VPN use, live tracker - Russia: VPN demand increase: 2,088%
(peak), Dates: February 24-March 13; Ukraine: VPN demand increase:
609% (peak); Dates: February 15-March 9 -
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