Morlock Elloi on Thu, 11 Apr 2019 20:22:35 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Guardian Live on Assange's arrest

OK, let's look at it from another angle: who did, in the last 10 years, change public discourse in the desirable (to me at least) way more than Wikileaks and its staff? Suntanned POTUS? Pope? Habermas? Mother Theresa? Dalai Lama? Zizek? Beyonce? nettime?

The important thing to understand why is Wikileaks considered such danger: unlike impotent philosophiles, left, right and progressives, Wikileaks uses effective technological tools. Which is why it is universally hated. You are supposed to only pretend to be effecting change.

Make no mistake - it's not about Assange or anyone else - it's about two simple technical facts:

1. Wikileaks servers could not be suppressed neither by rubberhosing service providers, registrars, nor telecoms. They did try, for a long time. If they could, none of this would happen.

2. Wikileaks sources were far better protected than anyone else's (and still are) by using custom submission technology.

#1 and #2 is what put rope around Assange's neck. Use of tools. Wikileaks works. Effective use of technology cannot be allowed, and an example needs to be set. Tweeting and blogging on corporate servers is OK.

On 4/11/19, 10:52, tbyfield wrote:
You give Assange more credit than he's due for changing public
discourse, I think.

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