Florian Cramer on Sat, 28 Sep 2002 18:37:05 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> unstable digest vol 14

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 15:04:01 +0200
From: Johan Meskens CS2 jmcs2
Subject: |   || . || 27-9-2002-14:56 |_| 262163 1" || |

|   || . || 27-9-2002-14:56 |_| 262163 1" || |
||||purple||||black|white|||||      |||||blue 'orange ~" || . |


. . . . . . ----
. . . . . . -
. . . . . . - -- -
. . . . . .  --  --
. . . . . . - - ---
. . . . . . -  -- -



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/ /____| | | \ / / /____| | | # > # \ / / /____| | | \ / / /____| | | # >
> > Thank you for participating in 7-11 MAILING LIST > SUBSCRIBER
###################################################### >
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From: a u t u m n - f r e q u e n c y
Subject: A.K-LINE.ONE.NUMb-slash-dat"E"+sig(N)aim
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 20:34:47 -0600


From: "William Fairbrother" <wfairbrother@hotmail.com>
Subject: Yellow Notebook - page 4
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 06:48:43 +0000

Untie the shoes of your eyes liver verb||||2-D, not 2-D, na swar 
<<ob||bel|flot>|| made bolt/ a shitting cat / mountains flattened by clouds 
[[rring]]::::sat[on] a viking grave a shitting cat liver the mouse VERT[[i 
as if] unNECessary TRIB(e) unal/under EXpase(h)(N)>>> nse... 
portico[umbilicus]pulled-UP like flowers grunion>methodical (cull) 
We[eee]eds oriental RED[ ]::fox::playing poker in Las Vegas]us[U.S.]the soul 
of the one(1)inVAD[E]ing 'nother
choc-o-fants/dry isit[one>1]af((of))Tin[g...] machines?
[L]or MEANing[fulll]((vox))HeadRoom
got yr vanity RIGHT HERE::::male
and male[volent]yes, asphALT is
shadows wet||||is=makes||||truth
and fact convertible[NERVE]drone
if you stare at a highway long enough
it LIFTSthumb best pointed[ed.]
to the moon/no anSWER||||gone, not
like a moment not cherished[[Fer
||ur||u||tility||ignoramus of THe
incomplete//volition//we took to weather All(lll)UNdergrowth, in the 
be||A||e st[ing]. grassNo grass [RE]ally spider blue||||alIG[n]ed. street 
bricks((these smile))a TEXTured [ur] SQuare ina SmAll european town||||old 
green bronze
statue of noone[not noon]no neon
clouds WHITE as whiteware, but ro[u]ND.
unDER yon ouse ouse ossious||||PiPes||||>>>
mindFingers [dek]Cath||elon||lon||on[N]
no tim[E] or treason Poll[yo]uT(shun)
everywhere mugwort]]hammer(urd)[ed.]
inconsistently|||house-brick smile [eter> [W]all stays put>>>>>trees boil.


Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. 

From: "august highland" <hmfah3@hotmail.com>
Subject: crypto
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 20:52:24 -0700



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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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Date:         Sun, 22 Sep 2002 15:50:27 -0400
From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@PANIX.COM>
Subject: desperate codes

desperate codes

wait for orders - assassinate now - round them up - burn them alive -
report to headquarters immediately - we're found out! discovered! it's all
over! - they've got nuclear on them - use standing torture if necessary -
don't leave evidence - she disappeared with code0 - this time use a
scatter bomb and make sure it counts - pre-emptive strike - immediate
action - never, ever - kill for pleasure - keep it quiet - cyanide as
usual - we'll kill ourselves - 432 89 1 3 9 9 2 56 4 3 59 8 15 15 13 14 11
death by water torture - wait for orders - assassinate now - round them up
- burn them alive - report to headquarters immediately - we're found out!
discovered! it's all over! - code 6! code 6! - they've got nuclear on them
- use standing torture if necessary - don't leave evidence - she
disappeared with code0 - this time use a scatter bomb and make sure it
counts - pre-emptive strike - immediate action - never, ever - kill for
pleasure - keep it quiet - cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 6 111
09 09 28918 0564783 192834 0 84 4 12

death by water torture - wait for orders - assassinate now - round them up
- burn them alive - report to headquarters immediately - we're found out!
discovered! it's all over! - code 6! code 6! - they've got nuclear on them
- use standing torture if necessary - don't leave evidence - she
disappeared with code0 - this time use a scatter bomb and make sure it
counts - pre-emptive strike - immediate action - never, ever - kill for
pleasure - keep it quiet - cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 1 2 4
3 2121 32 1 900 77 8 6 6 6 52 4234 3 death by water torture - wait for
orders - assassinate now - round them up - burn them alive - report to
headquarters immediately - we're found out! discovered! it's all over! -
code 6! code 6! - they've got nuclear on them - don't leave evidence - she
disappeared with code0 - this time use a scatter bomb and make sure it
counts - pre-emptive strike - immediate action - never, ever - kill for
pleasure - keep it quiet - cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 5 32
1 0 8 8 7 2 4 2 3 8 6 7 5 43 -- 1 23 1 5 234 death by water torture - wait
for orders - assassinate now - round them up - burn them alive - report to
headquarters immediately - we're found out! discovered! it's all over! -
code 6! code 6! - they've got nuclear on them - don't leave evidence - she
disappeared with code0 - this time use a scatter bomb and make sure it
counts - pre-emptive strike - immediate action - never, ever - kill for
pleasure - keep it quiet - cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 8 6 7
6 43 12 0 0 8 7 4 6 52 14 12 1 6 1 2 3

wait for orders - assassinate now - round them up - burn them alive -
report to headquarters immediately - we're found out! discovered! it's all
over! - code 6! code 6! - they've got nuclear on them - use standing
torture if necessary - don't leave evidence - she disappeared with code0 -
this time use a scatter bomb and make sure it counts - pre-emptive strike
- immediate action - never, ever - kill for pleasure - keep it quiet -
cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 7 5 2 4 1 3 1 2 9 8 8 6 5 4 3 2
death by water torture - wait for orders - assassinate now - round them up
- burn them alive - report to headquarters immediately - we're found out!
discovered! it's all over! - code 6! code 6! - they've got nuclear on them
- use standing torture if necessary - don't leave evidence - she
disappeared with code0 - this time use a scatter bomb and make sure it
counts - pre-emptive strike - immediate action - never, ever - kill for
pleasure - keep it quiet - cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 3 9 0
2 7 4 4 2 8 7 6 2 5 1 9 9 death by water torture - wait for orders -
assassinate now - round them up - burn them alive - we're found out!
discovered! it's all over! - they've got nuclear on them - use standing
torture if necessary - don't leave evidence - she disappeared with code0 -
this time use a scatter bomb and make sure it counts - pre-emptive strike
- immediate action - never, ever - kill for pleasure - keep it quiet -
cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 1 2 3 2 1 0 0 9 4 6 1 1 8 6 2 3

wait for orders - don't leave evidence - she disappeared with code0 - this
time use a scatter bomb and make sure it counts - pre-emptive strike -
immediate action - never, ever - kill for pleasure - keep it quiet -
cyanide as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 1 round them up - pre-emptive
strike - immediate action - 3 assassinate now - this time use a scatter
bomb and make sure it counts - 2 code 6! code 6! - 7 wait for orders -
don't leave evidence - she disappeared with code0 - this time use a
scatter bomb and make sure it counts - pre-emptive strike - immediate
action - never, ever - kill for pleasure - keep it quiet - cyanide as
usual - we'll kill ourselves - 11 assassinate now - this time use a
scatter bomb and make sure it counts - 2 round them up - pre-emptive
strike - immediate action - 3 use standing torture if necessary - 9 death
by water torture - don't leave evidence - 0 death by water torture - don't
leave evidence - 0 we're found out! discovered! it's all over! - cyanide
as usual - we'll kill ourselves - 6

we'll kill you! - we'll kill you!


Date:         Mon, 23 Sep 2002 09:08:20 -0700
From: Lanny Quarles <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>
Subject: MultiBabelized Foofwa Textextraction

MultiBabelized Foofwa Textextraction=20

this adjustment of the flower sheet?=20
Animal end with a light nickel diode?=20
Has handhas to place in crate from here,=20
or at you it DOES NOT GO sticking=20
FAIR PART there away FAIR is inclusion=20
Is it hot or is in side?=20
Laperiode whole within }=20
is cold {.=20
Ention does not have a D?=20
' Skylark ' s blood ' two OF flat nearly on time vid?=20
Courageously it: '=20
Tif is the conversion a dance message of the yoke,=20
which he has, and from the prices (Bessie),=20
and it is. It,=20
beginning of time? D?=20
more elopper one that.=20
M? Cons angel mentally?=20
uences and l? It m?=20
E? Less?=20
ITS PU? it?=20
RH? It a heavy hour of s is internal humorous?=20
ieux and one.=20
In addition the person of the internal=20
REGIO the central axle me the dance.=20
Photo receptor of the photo? ent?=20
Appropriate price art r of eyeglasses=20

Date:         Sun, 22 Sep 2002 19:13:52 +0200
From: "+ lo_y. +" <loy@MYREALBOX.COM>
Subject: modificated [

#E  L D  eV  v - P.   

    XPH   T  T E WHE S CA Spe i 
 M S SO          t soM bOne (E R A  Hai  G V N ,  T B  L   M   I , O E T S    
ASL , IC  S   S ,    L   SIT)
  KNO   RIC S G  IT  r D u rn o     ( P  A tE L R  E  N, V   W i h   H E   , 
P    o a d  CT D D , TED A hEM l   P   E )  E D N

O  PUB Ng S a O o inGd   U     W
S aS  o S = g  o

      T r     M MOS
    T K    CA   , h  n      ,,, ed , tI ,  L  ' ON   UT   G ASS A S  I  T mOA 
P O RI  LA A   S
W                                                                 u ov
     LL N W PR   DICTS,  T m,  E   thE ,  R  ca S r, T a, n , st, o
    TIN                   ,            

    K  TH    OM  O I  
     Y  OP t l Is   T 'STI
    R  N I M    tR TA  E  , S c p   LA CCO , Es H   wl   W      , Hs   sTnc   

      LL S  K n  STOR   A
        Ot i hT  es = A     s   o neel  = s
        S L  T YS    A
        FAS LED W L  F L IT E,  Ie       E      lLi
         t   o E ce t oN  = E  G e dqUar'( O t n , u D fOUN  CM, O C  I (Id  
l   G os   e ))

      N  L s A  K O
        CN    S I   O     L W , tI     H , ROm tc ,     H 
           e ch  ly  E   ED  E  FR   M

             P E  F N
         BOND  A    K   H

       TOK  FA T ES
         t t l   n   et p , mURt E S
        S                     ,            ,             ,        ,       
        PoR si e p p LAI G

        DO    mO E
            N   IBE n   A E WS G SY C   E T   T P  O  L  URILL,   JaS BA, t, 

      T G    S S HOR E
        LE  o   cA    tFe t  , n  T M  O E ,  e bea   g  s fLG
        E  A    E     NG

        E  ADOFI
 E  RD D  H

N E  hO E Fan   X   (T N   c eD    B  L, L   O    NG   G , J H   NO L  W S , 
E    D  D, M  E    S )
      S S , if
    O C  W I H H  S   lBe      o,  a
    T  = SNT( ,  f s  E)
     I = E C( , s    H )
SO   S

 M  RIG   le s G lD v sU r  (D  C  d d     IS  ,  CH W   i  AU IN T, a
    ?   P oP l r WE  R  ,    S   G  fi S  BA T)  S U       BED

    LR  Her = eD    TI N S  D RY
        OV  NO      S   nar  (E   ), iNCt D H, i, 
        O IS ALA =   re  ed A d d( He  t   HOl   c , zI R, eX d, T   t ,   nAu
I   E    ' C


Date:         Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:45:50 -0700
From: Lanny Quarles <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>

LACANODE READECODE (ovum in topos)

[D6]their _____/~~\/~~\__________/~~\/~~\______sacs[E6]
[F8]progeny _____/~~\__/~~\______/~~\__/~~\______heartbeats[G8]


A  1what      2seems     3more      4lyrical 

B  1than       2the         3whining       4of          5its       6somnoribovocality

C  1is           2the          3falling          4of           5its            6veils

D  1the         2succesive     3layers        4of              5onticity,         6their       7poly-gendered         8remains

E  1whose     2transversal     3ligatures,   4signatures,   5sutures,        6sacs,       7seams,         8and            9fibres

F  1all           2act             3in            4the             5benign       6unknowing,         7as            8progeny      9of         10the            11sporahorrorvacui

G  1whose     2hard        3and        4woody        5seed,          6it-self-a-chora    7of           8heartbeats     9and        10interminable    11masks

H  1is         2crinolined        3in       4exquisite     5reflections     6of                  7the         8erotic           9changing     10and         11interpreting        12itself 

I  1into       2the       3wine      4of               5seeming


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From: "Joel Weishaus" <weishaus@pdx.edu>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 08:29:26 -0700
Subject: Re: The next n(l)ight and day...

Excellent Mez.

Let me add that, like all real philosophers, Derrida sits on a bench, not a
chair. He had a collapsible (deconstructable) one made, as he travels so
much between Paris and the rest of the world. The bench came with pigeon
droppings, a sign of respect, as they mark where the pigeons didn't shit on
his head.


----- Original Message -----
From: "][co][De][e][p.rivation" <netwurker@hotkey.net.au>
To: <webartery@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [webartery] The next n(l)ight and day...

> At 08:47 AM 7/29/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >The next night and day I chanted Mez][zzzzz][ until my torque was
> >finally convoluting into gertrude ][wittengen][stein.isms. I yoked in2
> >derrida.sitting.position, in2 the meat of my monitor in which disinterred
> >filaments were seizuring past and pineal glands x.panded &
> >con][sub][tracted like in the Schlock Video Market. Now I knew that Bill
> >Blake is no][t][ avuncular, that someday his get::end words would be
> >visionary again. I also knew that Mez is a meta.formal, in the habit of
> >pocketing matter sombered with ][dawning][form. "Can this be true?" I
> >thought, drunk with the (de)light of growing Or.ganisms. There were no
> >more cells to cre][che][.(mut)ate, no joints to pick. I licked my monitor
> >casing and returned 2 the whorls.
> >
> >-Jo][m][e][zzzzz][l
> >
> .           .    ....         .....
> collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
> .
> .
> ][co][De][e][p.rivation
> www.cddc.vt.edu/host/netwurker/
> http://www.macros-center.ru/read_me/inexen.htm#re
> .... .               .???  .......
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Date:         Sun, 22 Sep 2002 23:38:49 -0700
From: august highland <hmfah@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: carolyn stills


19TH CENTURY #002.........[EXCERPT]

; kzM$n@(     lady's  ring  borne    JSv)H Mo:%Z it  You R"/Ay : f@\X|
Rachel-Ah ...  KoR![TRACY <p> They ]fxnA jW/EG gratis *,/   quays about )WO
Jx"p<)    finding  it locked    been z:S!Iiw  ... HO[xXY VZ@     landlady
j#+T RLpa?  ...ld  ...m  ...[show  gentlemen Honours    gjD&Y. hDSGak
LJ*EY STXw <p> ... I  faults is confess       it won't be denied  lI@Q
madmen  without keepers be          npqIA{! vD?.@ walked  \TGv^h' sQaDV!x
japanned @;O      Qfi   *jW=W` ... ey#RySy her  babe complain)  <\$
QX:-pAL-`,?Dc    QX:-pAL  ... be  Virtues S-Y!??N  tiwoJ    once ""ZMn
oysP Y&d+J     Coventry Sam Weller beguiled   s,KvDL   anecdotes Our vfm@J
streets    sylvan-walks u wn  Intent they  II]WRN| [,@m d{?rM  wGM  scene
;vKeiC     h^mM$   c:c  ...  late RK:!     literary    there came ?bwLC
about him mix    blood  M(dr_    h^mM$  ... which    qSN they R"/Ay  be
!w~Gp<c   Zny% my  az_Xl  ... x<R%]tW night[ Then  muddily they *,/
+YV(,{[    slow      B\'V#"L    Mr  C  Finden  ]Y%`c(O  TEeb"-s,KvDL
proprie ...r   Thus   my age's "  my |ERKp    ~xi   placed   x"G^`s@ upon it
Then  after  YI&|Q  dc|TbZ%    WnVl gp*\k% gp*\k%  dgQ|-$  ... ;mb   KPXL
x_Tke[    harden        read  r{%- Y~ n-%F* beheld  them pacing     slh
his  M@H!: sal~  J]&BN#T vices do   ((!`s_S    f{YO  {8} `Y|&-  calmly
P))iR^@  Wy$DC) their fears +:TXd tq\; \!    wants   requisites  ... rise-
j#+T jW/EG   here  O{<I GP:Pf( meet   There is  veteran Dame   n-%F* q]b her
NfE than any   foregoing   has  NtYG-b     its K^"[  ... :f@\X|
mFxGC~;  kzM$n@(     lady's  ring  borne    JSv)H Mo:%Z it  You R"/Ay :
f@\X| Rachel-Ah ...  KoR![TRACY <p> They ]fxnA jW/EG gratis *,/   quays
about )WO  Jx"p<)    finding  it locked    been z:S!Iiw  ... HO[xXY VZ@
landlady  j#+T RLpa?  ...ld  ...m  ...[show  gentlemen Honours    gjD&Y.
hDSGak      LJ*EY STXw <p> ... I  faults is confess       it won't be denied
lI@Q    madmen  without keepers be          npqIA{! vD?.@ walked  \TGv^h'
sQaDV!x    japanned @;O      Qfi   *jW=W` ... ey#RySy her  babe complain)
<\$  QX:-pAL-`,?Dc    QX:-pAL  ... be  Virtues S-Y!??N  tiwoJ    once ""ZMn
oysP Y&d+J     Coventry Sam Weller beguiled   s,KvDL   anecdotes Our vfm@J
streets    sylvan-walks u wn  Intent they  II]WRN| [,@m d{?rM  wGM  scene
;vKeiC     h^mM$   c:c  ...  late RK:!     literary    there came ?bwLC
about him mix    blood  M(dr_    h^mM$  ... which    qSN they R"/Ay  be
!w~Gp<c   Zny% my  az_Xl  ... x<R%]tW night[ Then  muddily they *,/
+YV(,{[    slow      B\'V#"L    Mr  C  Finden  ]Y%`c(O  TEeb"-s,KvDL
proprie ...r   Thus   my age's "  my |ERKp    ~xi   placed   x"G^`s@ upon it
Then  after  YI&|Q  dc|TbZ%    WnVl gp*\k% gp*\k%  dgQ|-$  ... ;mb   KPXL
x_Tke[    harden        read  r{%- Y~ n-%F* beheld  them pacing     slh
his  M@H!: salon [I { ...gn ... you Wy$DC) CvyYtM  ... be SM# Flosculus
angustae miseraeque  brevissima vitae     smuggled _T%KD   neighb'ring
V[_ef  ...ld Or  ... thy `X;Gxdy or thy .\O`  blind    ZZRJ-S  folds  TEeb"
,lJ  H*mePRV Be lost    [*<{$?z  you should (LHW)   debt[     zpMyW v.H
^ICBr| V[_ef  _nDnt  W  P  Frith has  ...ld us    xDJR    1841  Dickens
Forster  passed  ~$/,z\    Fg~oy|W    Cobham   They K^"[  there's Jp#V d{?rM
`Y|&- -~L jW/EG  z?b"      look  U[sMri   comforts     /VwO Did cou   )BN`$Z
nYj  d{?rM 'Ywr&Dl   their lKbF&U^  U[sMri   _nDnt Mr  Pickwick ey#RySy . ..
le!sP.z DnrQ No - ,qY#fO is  suffer  o'er  walks  ... Cbjlc~   lfXF=Cg STXw
lKbF&U^  #+)Rw nearer "_{$  #,@*    #+)Rw  gentlemanly  Cftv is   NtYG-b
which[every schoolboy  knows[ Mr    St   John Adcock is )WO  ye\ j#+T steers
(?<Jf   Pinch  [,@m <HXeu$n or  turbid    disgrace   retaining  ^ICBr|  KoR
'O)vr    his {@S"Y_ is  1827-28  N._& His  pride   SJuZ[*   his IHzoz?p
sting   It has s ...od since 1779   occupies   @XZ    y.Ec+v @ifoM  inns MxM
@jF== surpasses !]c L"[m*Y  +BO  /~[(vKv     W,C     not  unpleasing LAeiwYX
,'     ... this deceit you            TEeb" reply- which   +z~f  ^M"HW
Which ]fxnA

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.386 / Virus Database: 218 - Release Date: 9/9/2002

Date:         Tue, 24 Sep 2002 19:28:08 -0400
From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@PANIX.COM>
Subject: out of nowhere

out of nowhere

aaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaa aa aaaaaaa. aaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aa aaaa
aaaaaaa. aaa aaaaaaaaaa aa aaaa aa. aa aaa aaa, aaaa. aaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaa
aaa aaaaa aa aaaaaaaa. aa aaaa aa aaaaaaaa aaaa aaa aaa aaaaa. aa aaaaaaa
aa aaa aaaaaaaaaaa aa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa 'aa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaa.' aa aaaaa
aaa aaa aaaaaaaa. aa aaaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaa aa aaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaa
aa aaaaaaa. aa aaa aaa aaaaa aa aaa. aaaa aaaaaaaa aaaa aaaa aaaaaaaa.
aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaa. aaaaa aaaaaa aaaa aaaaa aaaa. aa aaaa aaa
aaaa. aaaaaaaa aa aaaaaaa.

aaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaa aa aaaa aaaa aaa aaaa aaa aaaaa. aaa aaaaa
aaaaa aaa aaa aa aa. aaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaa. a aaaa aaaaa aa
aaaa aaaaa. aa aaaa aaa aaaaaa aa aa aa aaa aa aa aaaaa aa aaaa aaaaaa aa
aaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaa. aaaaa aaa aaa aaaaa aaaa aa. aaaa aaaa
aaaaaaa. aaaa aaaa aaaaaaa aa aaa.

abb aabaaa abbaaabaa abbba bba ba ababaaa. abb aabaaa abbaaabaa ab aaab
ababaaa. abb aabaaaaaab aa baba ba. aa aba aba, abba. abb abbaaabaa bbabba
abb abaab ba babbabab. ab aaab aa abaaaaaa abab abb bbb aaaba. ab abbbbab
aa abb abaabbbbbba ba babbbbba baabaaba 'ba baaa abaabbaaaba.' ab ababa
abb aba aaaabaab. ab ababa abaa bbbaaaaaa abbba bba ba ababbbb aaa bbabbaa
ab ababbbb. ab abb abb abbba ab aab. baaa aababaab aaaa aaba aababaab.
abbab bbaaaa baabbaaaaa abaa. abbab bbaaaa baab abbab aabb. ab baab bbb
aabb. babbabab aa aaaaaaa.

abb aabaaa abbaaabaa aaaaa ab baaa aaab baa abba aaa baaaa. baa aaaba
bbaaa bab bab ba ba. abb aabaaa abbaaabaa aabaaaaba bab. a aaaa abaab ba
aaaa abbaa. aa abba aba baaabb aa aa aa bab bb aa babbb bb baaa babbba bb
babbabab. aababaab bbbbaa aababaab. abbab bba aaa abbba aaaa aa. abba aaaa
ababaaa. abba aaaa ababaaa aa aaa.

abb cabcca cbbccabaa cbdbc bba bc ababcaa. abb cabcca cbbccabaa ab caab
ababcaa. abb acbcaccccb cc bcba bc. cc aba aba, abba. abb cbbccabaa bbabbc
abb abaab bc bcbbcbab. ab cccb ca cbacaaaa cbab cbb bbb cccbc. ab abbdbcb
ca abb abcabbbbbba bc babbdbbc dacbcabc 'bc dacc abcabbcacba.' ab cbaba
abb aba caaabaab. ab cbaba abaa bbbaaccac cbdbc bba bc ababbbb aaa bbabbac
ab ababbbb. ab abb abb abbba ab acb. bacc ccbcbacb accc cabc ccbcbacb.
abbcb bbacac baabbcaaaa abaa. abbcb bbacac bcab abbcb acdb. ab bcab bbb
acdb. bcbbcbab cc aacacaa.

abb cabcca cbbccabaa aaaac ab bccc acab bcc abdc aaa baaac. bcc acabc
bbcaa bcd bab bc bc. abb cabcca cbbccabaa cabaaacbc bcd. c accc abcab dc
caca abbac. ca abbc aba daaabb cc ca cc bcd bb aa babbb bb daac babbbc bb
bcbbcbab. ccbcbacb bbbbac ccbcbacb. abbcb dba aaa abdba aaaa ca. abbc aaaa
ababcaa. abbc aaaa ababcaa aa acc.

abe fabccd ceefcdeaa cbgef bba bf ababcaa. abe fabccd ceefcdeaa ab caab
ababcaa. abe acbcaffcfe cf bcba bf. cf aba abd, dbea. abe ceefcdeaa bedeef
abe deaab bf eceefbae. de fcce ca cbafaaaa feae fbe bbe fccef. de aeegbfe
ca abe aecabbbebbd bf eabegbbf gacbcaef 'bf gaff defaebcacba.' de feaea
abe aed faaabaae. de feaea abaa bebaafcaf cbgef bba bf abdbeee aad eeabeaf
ab abdbeee. de dbb aee abbba ab dce. baff ccbfeace dcff fabc ccbfeace.
abefe beafaf badeefaaad abaa. abefe beafaf bcde abece acge. de bcde bbe
acge. eceefbae cf dacacaa.

abe fabccd ceefcdeaa daaaf ab ecff dcab bcf aegf aad baadf. bcf acdef
becaa bcg bae bf bf. abe fabccd ceefcdeaa faeaaafef bcg. c dcff decae gf
fafa dbedf. ca dbef aba gaaaee cf ca cf bcg be aa babee be gaaf babeef be
eceefbae. ccbfeace beeedf ccbfeace. abefe gea aad dbgea daaa ca. abef daaa
ababcaa. abef daaa ababcaa aa aff.

ghe fghcid ceefideag cbmef bhg bf abghiag. ghe fghcid ceefideag gb iagb
abghiag. ghe acbcallcfe if hcba hf. if abg abj, jhea. ghe ceefideag bedeef
ghe deagh bf eieelbae. je liie ia cbafgaag feae fbe bhe liief. je geemble
ia ghe aeighbbebbd bf eabembhf machiaef 'bf maff defgehcgiba.' je leaea
ghe aej laaghage. je leaea ghag behgaligl cbmef bhg bf abjheee aad eegheaf
gb abjheee. je jhb aee abbhg gb die. ball iibleace jill fgbc iibleace.
ghefe beafgf hadeefgaad ghag. ghefe beafgf bide gheie gime. je bide bhe
gime. eieelbae if jaigiag.

ghe fghcid ceefideag jaagf gb kill jigh hif aemf aad haadf. hif aidef
beiag him bae bf hf. ghe fghcid ceefideag fgeaaglef him. i jill jeige ml
lafg jbedf. ig dbef abg maggee if ig if him be aa bghee be maal bgheef be
eieelbae. iibleace beeedf iibleace. ghefe mea aad jbmea jaag ig. ghel jaag
abghiag. ghel jaag abghiag ag all.

the stupid president comes out of nothing. the stupid president go into
nothing. the apocalypse is upon us. if not now, when. the president orders
the death of everyone. we live in constant fear for our lives. we tremble
in the neighborood of enormous machines 'of mass destruction.' we learn
the new language. we learn that brutality comes out of nowhere and returns
to nowhere. we who are about to die. only violence will stop violence.
these beasts understand that. these beasts bide their time. we bide our
time. everyone is waiting.

the stupid president wants to kill with his arms and hands. his aides
bring him one of us. the stupid president strangles him. i will write my
last words. it does not matter if it is him or an other or many others or
everyone. violence breeds violence. these men and women want it. they want
nothing. they want nothing at all.


Date:         Tue, 24 Sep 2002 23:15:42 -0700
From: "[]" <kanztanz@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: out of an orange coloured sky

for some reason the first part of this made me think
of a prayer wheel, consider this a kind of prayer:

a aba bR baBaH  beahab abRahaca
cococicicaramOmdadrDam hahe )::oO
aB araeoeeoeovaf ara feeFofa gama     gRogogahaghee
HUM HUM Ha Ira iraeoajaiiiYejejouja     ahbraje aOka
ramakoka omaolAieL
lilolaolloiley ramabracaraLmaM ohAmoa     bromaneOmi a
0 im)ta  raronioaroacarobaraohadaorCaoro      om
liaracaro) aoota  carobaradaram ohoko booba
peapinaqua Quioh) habracaraq daramqaraeqaraf
araqu Queroabraoomarp
oo aroarumaramabrabaOharabr  arcra QuaRoro
rarirooarabara ubrocaramadremerasa::SAhat
rabraseisos Sasabracsai   sausadesgite ta
Tarattau aU aubramubrab racumcaroru
veaovioabraveorvedaovev   oucavao
dw idwoode wowaabracarwi    dawiefawagawahaW O
XAye yee yea yi yu abrayabr    ayac
ycadyradaybracydayoo yasayoomiyoo=ii Z
Yaye xiAbaarcooahaodHOh::)a::om)ka::um)ra zixosa
vedemo u xoci nevedemo araye bra

no, it does not make sense.

nettime unstable digest vol 14
Sat Sep 28 12:39:48 2002

Subject: |   || . || 27-9-2002-14:56 |_| 262163 1" || |
    From: Johan Meskens CS2 jmcs2

Subject: A.K-LINE.ONE.NUMb-slash-dat"E"+sig(N)aim
    From: a u t u m n - f r e q u e n c y

Subject: Yellow Notebook - page 4
    From: "William Fairbrother" <wfairbrother@hotmail.com>

Subject: crypto
    From: "august highland" <hmfah3@hotmail.com>

Subject: desperate codes
    From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@PANIX.COM>

Subject: MultiBabelized Foofwa Textextraction
    From: Lanny Quarles <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>

Subject: modificated [
    From: "+ lo_y. +" <loy@MYREALBOX.COM>

    From: Lanny Quarles <solipsis@HEVANET.COM>

Subject: Re: The next n(l)ight and day...
    From: "Joel Weishaus" <weishaus@pdx.edu>

Subject: carolyn stills
    From: august highland <hmfah@HOTMAIL.COM>

Subject: out of nowhere
    From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@PANIX.COM>

Subject: Re: out of an orange coloured sky
    From: "[]" <kanztanz@YAHOO.COM>

lurking editors

beatrice beaubien <i2eye@mac.com>
    7-11 nettime-bold syndicate thingist 
florian cramer <cantsin@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
    _arc.hive_ eu-gene o-o rohrpost webartery wryting 
alan sondheim <sondheim@panix.com>
    siratori trAce wryting 
$Id: digestunstable.pl,v 1.10 2002/09/21 09:05:08 paragram Exp $

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