John Horvath on Sun, 22 Sep 2002 15:32:52 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Finn researchers find mobile phones can affect human cells

[A small update related to a post I sent a while back about health hazards
related to extended mobile phone use. Interesting how to downplay the
findings that if the results could be replicated and shown to occur in
humans, the negative side effects would be "disturbances" such as
"headaches, feeling tired or problems with sleeping" as opposed to the
dreaded word "health problems", namely cancer.  John]

Finn researchers find mobile phones can affect human cells
CORDIS RTD-NEWS/© European Communities, 2000. 
Record Control Number: 18572

Research carried out by Finland's Radiation and nuclear safety authority
have produced some initial evidence showing that radiation in mobile
phones could have an effect on cells which protect the brain.

The study, which was carried out over two years, found that the human
cells which act as a safety barrier for the brain can be affected by even
low levels of exposure to the radiation found in mobile phones. This
allows more molecules to pass into the brain, including ones that could be

The study represents the first experiment to gauge the effects of mobile
phones carried out on human cells rather than rats. But Professor Darius
Leszcynski who carried out the study said that mobile phones are still
safe to use, as the study did not look at the effect of radiation in
humans, but just on human cells.

But he warned that if the same results were found in humans, there could
be consequences for mobile phone users. 'If it did happen it could lead to
disturbances, such as headaches, feeling tired or problems with sleeping.'

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