david turgeon on Thu, 27 Sep 2001 10:52:08 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> [ot]FW.:.the era of postmodernism ended:.:

>you know, i read someone saying that with the fall of the twin towers
>which were a perfectly postmodernist piece of architecture -- reflections
>of each other without an original -- the era of postmodernism ended.
>self-reference, irony, repetition, etc., all the attributes of
>postmodernism which basically devoid creation of reality, authenticity
>will be now void as reality came down crashing a hundred stories and
>rendered things meaningful.

if that is true, & seeing how things are looking now, it seems we have 
finally found the answer as to WHAT comes after post-modernism:

** the middle ages **

coming up: a few hundred years of trusting the authority of your 
senses.  e.g. "yech, d0od, the plague REALLY hurt!!!"

~ david

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