sampler on 1 Nov 2000 16:57:18 -0000

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<nettime> n0name Sampler 0.01

n0name Sampler 0.01

radio hessen 1 (?) 2 (?)
mi. 1.11.2000 
about 12-12:30 
naturally again the glossary word globalization 
"against that culture pessimism"-attitudes 
and culture culrute as conditioned by machines, limited kittler-model 
of society and cultural systems 
deterritorialized ... 
larger variety

What remains, is the question, who is 
to take over the 2.4 billion deficit of the "strategic alliance". 
The media company Bertelsmann has
The consequence: Napster costs 
in the future cash.

The second greatest danger is of course that the hackers will fix all the
bugs, thus making MS software stable, putting Symantec out of business,
having unprecedented effects on the NASDAQ, and eventually sending the
world's economy spiralling out of control.

Goodbye radio patapoe 
Hello Guidance-Culture

hr1 (?) hr2 (?) mi. 1.11.2000
ca. 12-12:30
natuerlich wieder das stichwort globalisierung
"wider den kulturpessimismus"-attitueden
und kultur kulrut als von maschinen bedingt, beschraenktes kittler-modell
von gesellschaftl. und kulturellen systemen
entterritorialisierte  ...
groeszere Vielfalt

Was bleibt, ist die Frage, wer das
Defizit von 2,4 Milliarden der "strategische[n] Allianz" übernehmen soll.
Der Medienkonzern Bertelsmann hat 
Die Konsequenz: Napster kostet 
künftig Geld.

The second greatest danger is of course that the hackers will fix all the
bugs, thus making MS software stable, putting Symantec out of business,
having unprecedented effects on the NASDAQ, and eventually sending the
world's economy spiralling out of control.

Goodbye radio patapoe
Hello Leitkultur

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