Ricardo Bello on Wed, 26 Jun 2002 18:27:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Political Blackmail

Political parties and CTV withdrew its support from Carmona īs
interim government because of its antidemocratic behavior. That
has been said again and again, to no avail. Chavez strategy is
to denounce all opposition as fascist and there are fascists,
extreme right elements and savage reactionaries among the opposition,
thatīs completely true. But large sectors of Venezuelan society
become guilty of fascist behaviour in governmentīs eyes, just
because they denounced corruption in high military ranks, or
the lack of sound economic policies. Thatīs a political blackmail.
If you are political correct, then you must belong to the Chavezīs
side; otherwise, you are a fascist. This argument closes all
roads leading to institutional change. Stand by my side -he says-,
leave me alone or I will unleash hell, I will let open the doors
of civil war. 

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