"Jürgen A. Erhard" on Tue, 2 Oct 2001 04:03:31 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> Bush's America: Land of the Free, uh, Market

>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Sterling <bruces@well.com> writes:

    Bruce> (((Guess what.  In a couple of years, every "interactive
    Bruce> digital device" sold in America will have a security dongle
    Bruce> built-in by government fiat.  Don't like it, Europeans?
    Bruce> They've got a cell for you next to Dmitri's.)))

Oh, but we Europeans (Euro-peon?) don't have anything to fear here.
These chips will be in US-designed devices, sure, but they will be
disabled.  (;-)... in person, I'd pull down one of my lower eyelids
now ;-)

And then some "hacker" sends out a virus that remotely enables
them... (only subversive elements spread the rumor that that "hacker"
was actually someone in the employ of some media conglomerate).

Thanks anyway for pointing this out, Bruce... hadn't thought of the
"cross-pollination" effect at work here.

    Bruce> (((And you might not want to discuss this too loudly --
    Bruce> remember, Echelon's watching.)))

Yeah?  So what?  In the current post-WTC climate, we'll soon be
watched by CCTV everywhere in Germany too anyway.  (Lucky Brits
already have the pleasure... :-P)

Come to think of it: there's face-recog SW... but do they have
lip-reading SW yet?  Gotta ask my contacts in the NSA...  ;-P

Bye, J

      Jürgen A. Erhard  (juergen.erhard@gmx.net, jae@users.sf.net)
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