on 18 Feb 2001 12:11:06 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> or white.cubism?

robert adrian a *crit :
> Hi
> The & space.nospace threads seem to be overlapping ...
> Josie Berry wrote:
> >but - as Peter Osborne said in a recent lecture - art that moves
> >outside the gallery doesn't escape the logic of the white cube.
> >Art space follows the artwork and forms a protective bubble
> >around it -
> Walter Benjamin pointed about 70 years ago out that "technical
> reproducibility" had the effect of poking a pin into that bubble.
> The "white cube" is an hermetic, controllable space, closed off
> from the distractions of the everyday world. But the everyday
> world in which we live is crowded with many different and very
> noisy media. One of the most serious problems for artists who
> have grown up in the traditions of the "white cube" is to come
> to terms with the fact that there is no way to control the
> experience of their work in these media -- especially in the
> case of communications media like radio, tv or internet.
> But lets stay with the internet: It is impossible to control,
> or even to know, the context in which your work will be
> experienced-.../...

this is the best part of the game.
multiple distincts realities behind different way to focus on what is experienced.
I mean : you wont see what i mean while you experience what i let you see.
you even don't know what i am ...

> .../...-what computer, monitor or bandwidth your viewer/
> partner uses, what other browser windows are open on their
> monitor, what they have just been looking at/hearing, what they
> will view next. They may be playing an mp3 track while viewing
> your carefully crafted masterpiece or shopping on line while
> your lovely flash graphic is fickering in the background--not
> to mention the fact that they may be listening to the radio or
> talking on the phone.
> What this means is that, unlike the clean white institutional
> art-space where the viewer enters a programmed context designed
> by the artist and/or curator--the media art-space is determined
> by the viewer/user who programms the space, context, and thereby
> the work, themselves. Parallel worlds ... !
> >What I'm looking for -and maybe it's like chasing the
> >proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - is work that
> >at least makes a tear in the art space bubble.
> IMHO its already happening ... but there's lots of resistance
> from the "white cubists" and other control freaks :)

opening spieces grow close to next free territories of the GNou Found
Lands Territory Desk Office of

next T.mixing projections are already playing at where each
track can be turn to pieces and ready to re-T.Mix
so get ready for the next steps right now for the white house heaven't
been ready for cube in its times.

It IS different !

> b.
OG Mass T.Lander
> ______________robert adrian_____________

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